Friday, May 31, 2019
The Diet Supplement of the Future Essay -- Pyruvate Health Dieting Ess
The Diet Supplement of the Future With all of the current controversies surrounding the nourishment pill Phen Fen, people are quickly seeking other dietary adds to fit their eating habits and also to help burn the fat. One of the up and access alternative diet supplements is Pyruvate. Only recently being introduced to the United States in the origination of March 1997, Pyruvate has been extensively researched at the University of Pittsburgh for the past twenty seven days led by researcher, Dr. Ronald Stanko. The Food and Drug Administration has also conducted free research. Pyruvate is not a drug, but a naturally occurring product and it does not enquire FDA approval for manufacturing. Pyruvate has given effective and encouraging results to its users over the past string of the blow and is receiving increasingly much positive publicity as the diet supplement of choice. http// rep/facts.html Wha t is Pyruvate? Pyruvate is a naturally occurring message in the human body. It controls a persons metabolous rate and is produced in the liver. The more pyruvate a person can produce, the more fat they allow burn daily. Because it is not an artificial stimulant to the metabolism, it will not increase blood pressure and is safe for both children and adults to use. Side do are not a concern and none have been reported.http// How does it break down? To explain exactly how pyruvate works, we must see how it works within the body. The substance is the byproduct of glucose (a six carbon molecule) which, after the Krebs Cycle, yields two molecu... ... group with the last usage. later 5 weeks, the rats receiving Pyruvate weighed importantly less than the other controls. Resting oxygen consumption was significantly higher in Pyruvate fed rats. The results suggest that pyruvate consumptio n reduced the weight down imbibe and food conversion efficiency of obese Zucker rats, in part by increasing resting metabolic rate and fatty acid oxidation. Cortez,M.Y., Torgan, C.E., Brozinick, J.T.,Miller, R.H,Ivy, J/L. personal effects of pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone consumption on the growth and metabolic state of obese Zucker rats. American ledger of Clinical Nutrition 53847-853, 1991 Other Useful Websites for Information on Pyruvate http// http// http//www.cwru.edu80/med/CIDEM/cidem.htm http// The Diet Supplement of the Future Essay -- Pyruvate Health fast EssThe Diet Supplement of the Future With all of the current controversies surrounding the diet pill Phen Fen, people are quickly seeking other dietary supplements to control their eating habits and also to help burn the fat. One of the up and coming alternative diet supplements is Pyruvate. Only recently being introduced to the United States in the beginning of March 1997, Pyruvate has been extensively researched at the University of Pittsburgh for the past twenty seven years led by researcher, Dr. Ronald Stanko. The Food and Drug Administration has also conducted voluntary research. Pyruvate is not a drug, but a naturally occurring product and it does not require FDA approval for manufacturing. Pyruvate has given effective and encouraging results to its users over the past quarter of the century and is receiving increasingly more positive publicity as the diet supplement of choice. http// What is Pyruvate? Pyruvate is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. It controls a persons metabolic rate and is produced in the liver. The more pyruvate a person can produce, the more fat they will burn daily. Because it is not an artificial stimulant to the metabol ism, it will not increase blood pressure and is safe for both children and adults to use. Side effects are not a concern and none have been reported.http// How does it Work? To explain exactly how pyruvate works, we must see how it works within the body. The substance is the byproduct of glucose (a six carbon molecule) which, after the Krebs Cycle, yields two molecu... ... group with the lowest consumption. After 5 weeks, the rats receiving Pyruvate weighed significantly less than the other controls. Resting oxygen consumption was significantly higher in Pyruvate fed rats. The results suggest that pyruvate consumption reduced the weight gain and food conversion efficiency of obese Zucker rats, in part by increasing resting metabolic rate and fatty acid oxidation. Cortez,M.Y., Torgan, C.E., Brozinick, J.T.,Miller, R.H,Ivy, J/L. Effects of pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone consumption on the growt h and metabolic state of obese Zucker rats. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53847-853, 1991 Other Useful Websites for Information on Pyruvate http// http// http//www.cwru.edu80/med/CIDEM/cidem.htm http// The Diet Supplement of the Future Essay -- Pyruvate Health Dieting EssThe Diet Supplement of the Future With all of the current controversies surrounding the diet pill Phen Fen, people are quickly seeking other dietary supplements to control their eating habits and also to help burn the fat. One of the up and coming alternative diet supplements is Pyruvate. Only recently being introduced to the United States in the beginning of March 1997, Pyruvate has been extensively researched at the University of Pittsburgh for the past twenty seven years led by researcher, Dr. Ronald Stanko. The Food and Drug Administration has also conducted volunt ary research. Pyruvate is not a drug, but a naturally occurring product and it does not require FDA approval for manufacturing. Pyruvate has given effective and encouraging results to its users over the past quarter of the century and is receiving increasingly more positive publicity as the diet supplement of choice. http// What is Pyruvate? Pyruvate is a naturally occurring substance in the human body. It controls a persons metabolic rate and is produced in the liver. The more pyruvate a person can produce, the more fat they will burn daily. Because it is not an artificial stimulant to the metabolism, it will not increase blood pressure and is safe for both children and adults to use. Side effects are not a concern and none have been reported.http// How does it Work? To explain exactly how pyruvate wor ks, we must see how it works within the body. The substance is the byproduct of glucose (a six carbon molecule) which, after the Krebs Cycle, yields two molecu... ... group with the lowest consumption. After 5 weeks, the rats receiving Pyruvate weighed significantly less than the other controls. Resting oxygen consumption was significantly higher in Pyruvate fed rats. The results suggest that pyruvate consumption reduced the weight gain and food conversion efficiency of obese Zucker rats, in part by increasing resting metabolic rate and fatty acid oxidation. Cortez,M.Y., Torgan, C.E., Brozinick, J.T.,Miller, R.H,Ivy, J/L. Effects of pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone consumption on the growth and metabolic state of obese Zucker rats. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53847-853, 1991 Other Useful Websites for Information on Pyruvate http// http// http//www.cwru.edu80/med/CIDEM/cidem.htm http// dennisg21/products/pyruvate.htm
Thursday, May 30, 2019
1980-1990 Essay -- Essays Papers
1980-1990The United States had many significant events occur during this 1980s. In 1980, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter ran against angiotensin-converting enzyme another for President. A few months later, Reagan won 43 to 35 million votes over Carter (Bondi 464). This began the Reagan restoration period, which was supposed to help get Americans to cut down on abortion, violence and racism (Bondi XI). One year later in 1981 President Reagan was shot in the chest in an attempted assassination (Bondi 673). In 1986, the contest Shuttle exploded seventy-three seconds after it took off, killing all of the astronauts on board. This explosion delayed the next trip to outer space until the Discovery firmament in 1988 (Bondi 718,736). Finally, in 1988 George Bush and Dan Quale ran against each other for President resulting in a 47 to 40 Bush victory (Bondi 736)Furthermore, throughout the 1980s, there were several(prenominal) world events that made a mark in history. On July 29, 1981, Prince Charles and Princess Diana were married in Great Britain on a warm summer day in front of millions of viewers around the world. This glorious day was formally declared a holiday throughout Great Britain (Burrows 432). Also, during this time period women were demanding to have a larger and more respected role in society. On June 9, 1983, Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Britain, was reelected to an even higher home in the House of Commons. She was granted this position mainly due to her outstanding leadership skills during the Falklands War of 1982 (Burrows 443). Lastly, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn apart by those who wanted to integrate the two Germanies. This allowed the Germans to finally be able to travel through Hungary and into Australia (Burr... ... in the 1980s. The University joined the Midwest Collegiate Conference in 1988-89 in hopes to gain a bid to the NCAA games. In 1989, Flyers soul basketball coach for more than two decades, Don Donoher, was f ired from his position. Soon after that, on April 19,1989, the University hired the highly respected, Jim OBrian (Schweikart).Cathy Song was an amazing poet of the 1980s. She ofttimes uses her own life experiences in her writing. One of her best works was Picture Bride. This verse is about a twenty-three year old Korean char who chose to leave home on her own and move to a foreign country with nothing but a picture of the man she has longed to be with. This poem coincides with the 1980s era due to the fact that it exemplifies how the women of this decade are starting to become very independent and are willing to try and experience new-fashioned things for themselves.
Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Idealism in the Knights Tale Essay exampl
Idealism in the Knights Tale Despite its glorified accounts of the chivalrous lives of gentlemen, the Knights Tale proves to be more than a tragically romantic saga with a happy ending. For beneath this guise lies an exploration into the trifling world of the days aristocratic class. Here, where physical pith is superseded by appearance, reality gives way to disillusioned canon and emotion is sacrificed for honor. Nave idealism emerges as the dominant characteristic of the seemingly flawless knight and we, as the reader, are asked to discern the effect of this fanciful quality on the story as a whole. To further investigate this argument one basic antedate must be established as the groundwork Theseus is the character with whom the knight most closely associates himself. Upholding trouthe and honour in their conquests of battle and noble rule, both typify the sacred rite of chivalrie. In the Knights Tale, nearly all the attributes with which he is praised in the P rologue are directly used in correlation with the duke. Thus, the wrangle and actions of Theseus throughout the story can be superimposed onto the knight. These connections, along with the selective narration of the knight, allow the reader to observe the essence of their gallantry and the disparities that exist in this lifestyle. Undoubtedly Chaucer intended this to be a biting attack on the aristocracy, which to so many seemed impeccable. Generalized and idyllic, the voice of the narrator offers the first clue into the lay of the knight. With well-chosen words, he tiptoes through the plot, careful never to pass any judgement on the characters and their actions. His high language all but excludes ... ...ered a gypon Al bismotered with his habergeon, For he was late ycome from his viage, Works Cited and Consulted Elbow, Peter. How Chaucer Transcends Oppositions in the Knights Tale. Chaucer Review. Vol. 7. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State Un iversity, 1972. Finalyson, John. The Knights Tale The Dialogue Of Romance, Epic, And Philosophy. Chaucer Review. Vol. 27. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University, 1992. Frost, William. An translation of Chaucers Knights Tale. Chaucer Criticism. Vol. 1. Ed. Richard Schoeck. Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Press, 1960. Roney, Lois. Chaucers Knights Tale and Theories of Scholastic Psychology. Tampa University of South Florida Press, 1990. Spearing, A.C. The Knights Tale. London Cambridge University Press, 1966.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
No Child Left Behind Act :: essays research papers
ProposalThe No Child Left Behind Act, a federal social program that tries to encourages after school programs should be eliminated and the unnecessary funds given to schools to decide where it goes.The NCLB Act, was designed to improve education and achievement in Americas schools in four clearly defined shipway accountability for results, an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research, expanded parental options and expanded local control flexibility. Basically the Federal establishment funds schools for after-school programs to try to encourage school participation among students and reduce dropping out of school. Examples of after-school programs funded by the NCLB act are first and initiatory tutoring, then extra-curricular activities such as sports, community service etc.Problems/needThe NCLB Act is not effective because of the current situation of state governments calling true schools failures because of their low exam scores, thereby reducing funding to the school. If the federal government is funding the NCLB Act for after school programs, it would seem that it was funding a non-effective program. I have broken d let the consequences as follows.-Low test scores, school gets reduced funding and put under state review.-Teachers fired, less motive for students to stay in school. Schools curriculum is ineffective.-Meaning more money would have to be spent on the NCLB Act for it to compensate the loss of the schools own after-school programs.-So failing a school, based on government standards, just to spend more on it? Digging their own trap hole.Policy Proposals found on my understanding of the education that I have received and the changes that I have witnessed, there are many alternatives to the NCLB Act, some of which I shall explain below.-Focus on strengthening the curriculum. Subjects should help student in the future. Introduction of GE courses in high school, instead of introducing GE courses in college.
Mercantilism Essay -- Economics
MercantilismMercantilism is the economic theory that a nations mastersperity dependson its supply of metal(prenominal) and silver that the total volume of trade isunchangeable. This theory suggests that the government should play anactive role in the economy by encouraging exports and discouragingimports, curiously by means of the use of tariffs. Spain and England usedthe mercantile system to benefit the mother countries. The mercantilesystem had special regulations, which usually extracted some sift ofreaction from the colonies. If necessary, the policies would bechanged to better suit the mother countrified.The favorable balance of trade was upheld through certain regulations.No foreign trade was allowed for the colony unless it passed throughthe mother country first and it moved on mother country ships.Furthermore, no foreign settlers were allowed in the colony. Nocolonial industry was allowed. The colony had to hang in dependent onthe mother country for industrial necessi ties, it was not allowed tobecome competition for foreign markets, and migrations restrictionslimited availability of skil direct artisans. Regulatory taxation was other mercantile regulation. contraceptive tariffs were used onforeign imports to the colony, and revenue was raised for the mothercountry. No colonial self-government was allowed, either. The mothercountry avoided challenges to its economic authority, and the coloniescouldnt enact pro colonial/anti-mother country laws. The Spanish usedthree mercantilist devices to protect their commercial monopoly in theNew World. They prohibited foreign ships from entering Spanishcolonial ports, and no foreigner could send goods to the colonies ortake gold bullion out of Spain in pay..., vigorous attempts toprevent smuggling in the American colonies after 1765 led to arbitraryseizures of ships and aroused hostility. The legislation had anunfavorable effect on the Channel Islands, Scotland (before the Act ofUnion of 1707), and especially Ireland, by excluding them from a prejudiced position at heart the system. Shaken by the AmericanRevolution, the system, along with mercantilism, fell into decline.The acts were finally repealed in 1849.Mercantilism was widely used in many different superpowers in the eighteenthcentury. Depending on what superpower used it, the colonies under thesuperpowers were restricted from doing certain things, and had tofollow certain mercantile regulations. The mercantile systems mostlikely finish up with the colonies undergoing revolutions (America andEngland) which resulted in the end of mercantilism. Mercantilism Essay -- EconomicsMercantilismMercantilism is the economic theory that a nations prosperity dependson its supply of gold and silver that the total volume of trade isunchangeable. This theory suggests that the government should play anactive role in the economy by encouraging exports and discouragingimports, especially through the use of tariffs. Spain and England usedthe mercantile system to benefit the mother countries. The mercantilesystem had special regulations, which usually extracted some sort ofreaction from the colonies. If necessary, the policies would bechanged to better suit the mother country.The favorable balance of trade was upheld through certain regulations.No foreign trade was allowed for the colony unless it passed throughthe mother country first and it moved on mother country ships.Furthermore, no foreign settlers were allowed in the colony. Nocolonial industry was allowed. The colony had to remain dependent onthe mother country for industrial necessities, it was not allowed tobecome competition for foreign markets, and migrations restrictionslimited availability of skilled artisans. Regulatory taxation wasanother mercantile regulation. Protective tariffs were used onforeign imports to the colony, and revenue was raised for the mothercountry. No colonial self-government was allowed, either. The mothercountry a voided challenges to its economic authority, and the coloniescouldnt enact pro colonial/anti-mother country laws. The Spanish usedthree mercantilist devices to protect their commercial monopoly in theNew World. They prohibited foreign ships from entering Spanishcolonial ports, and no foreigner could send goods to the colonies ortake gold bullion out of Spain in pay..., vigorous attempts toprevent smuggling in the American colonies after 1765 led to arbitraryseizures of ships and aroused hostility. The legislation had anunfavorable effect on the Channel Islands, Scotland (before the Act ofUnion of 1707), and especially Ireland, by excluding them from apreferential position within the system. Shaken by the AmericanRevolution, the system, along with mercantilism, fell into decline.The acts were finally repealed in 1849.Mercantilism was widely used in many different superpowers in the 18thcentury. Depending on what superpower used it, the colonies under thesuperpowers were rest ricted from doing certain things, and had tofollow certain mercantile regulations. The mercantile systems mostlikely ended up with the colonies undergoing revolutions (America andEngland) which resulted in the end of mercantilism.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Arts and Politics :: Arts Politics Essays
Arts and PoliticsMany artisanic creationists tend to overwork themselves and get frustrated. Even if they were to work 18 hours a day on a project, umteen of them still wouldnt be able to pat themselves on the shoulder and say Youve done a great job You should be happy Of every(prenominal) the times they say it, they rarely feel it. plainly when you get down to the bottom of it, they absolutely love to do it Just resembling that, Emilie gets neurotic when she works, and thereof she prefers to work alone at night. Upon my insistence she reveals any(prenominal) of the secret characteristics of her artist persona she gazes at the drawing, moves back, gazes some more, moves closer, speaks to herself and works for long hours until the picture in her conduct comes alive. Its rarely the exact same picture, but sometimes its even better. Shes sharing her studio with two friends this year. As a result, she prefers to work at home even though she misses the times when she pulled all-n ighters in Johnson and turned the lights off as the sun came up.Even though she works like a zombie in order to avoid human presence, the result inevitably begs for the daylights due to its political subject matter. Emilie doesnt do art for arts sake. She has a purpose to make the viewer think. Its really important to know what you think about everything.. Cause if you dont know, and then what are you bringing to the table?.. In order to be a complete person you need to have complete opinions about a tolerant spectrum of things. Unlike some political art thats shoved into your face, Emilie tries to be subtle. She likes to put things out there and leave the interpretation to the viewer. Her work mainly deals with gender, popular culture, and westerly mentality. Im a woman, Im American, Im middle upper class, Im a consumer, Im privileged. But Im also influenced by the struggles of the other class-lower class Im fascinated by the concept of the exotic and how western communities tur n that into a commodity. The consumption by the west of the east.. she says as she sips on Red Bull, takes another drag from her cigarette, the count of which I lost a while ago, and puts on some techno/pop music on the computer. But thats not all. Despite her interest and respect in political art, she immediately sits up when asked her favorite artist and speaks the name James Turrell.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Aid to the Unprivileged People
The Helping Hand The helping hand would be my organization to open up for the good deal who take aim low income or hires assistance with their personal business. People with low income or deprivations assistance sometimes need help give their light bill, rent, gas bill and etc. I think all pack need assistance such as rich or curt people. The rich people do not have the cash like they say they do some rich people end up foreclosing their homes because they cannot give way their homes.Today society a lot of different organization gives c be to the people with less income, some think having luxuries are better than going by their sanctioned needs, and some are not equal and do not have the same dignity. The people that have more morally required giving aid to people with less say everyone needs help sometimes. People struggle with kids not Just bills. Some parents cannot afford shoes, clothes, or their kids something to eat. Some organizations such as Salvation Army and chur ches help needy people or low income people with them and their kids.I think the less fortunate people and the fortunate people need help it does not matter if they are rich or not. People need assistance sometimes even if their check is short or they dont have enough to pay all of their bills. Yes, it is wrong to enjoy luxuries when others are lacking. Churches are they main suspects, however they take the money and give to the preachers and first lady when it should be in a fund for families that need assistance. The preachers take the money and buy new suits or a new car instead of putting the money on the church, raising a fund or charity.Christ centers only helps disabled people when I think it should be everybody. We understand that disabled people need help too but other people are struggling every day to make ends meet. Everybody have equal basic moral term which they have the same fundamental rights. The dignity of every person is their concern with how they feel, think, a nd behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and other people. To extend a person with dignity is like treating them like being worth or respected individuals. For example, the Christ Center they only help people who are disabled.I think they should help anybody who needs help or struggling to make ends meet. From the moral aspects we are all equal and no one is privileged. Some people feel like they are turned down because of their ethnicity or their bringing home pay. People may make a lot but soothe have hard ship. People who are turned down are more likely to stress, do something crazy, or let all their belongings be repossessed. People rob banks and other people Just because they think that will help them bewitch back on their feet. Robbing banks and people does not help them get back on their feet because t causes problems such as Jail or end up hurting people.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Implications of the Phrase: “Existence Precedes Essence.â€Â
Kung Tzu or Confucius as he is better known as was born in 551 BC and was a Chinese thinker and teacher (as he preferred to see himself) developed a system of philosophy and religion known as Confucianism. One part of his thoughts in particular are before long of interest to us his views on human nature. Confucius believed that human nature is n any good nor evil, but develops through out ones life.The actions, choices and thoughts of every mortal altogether contribute towards a persons nature and as a result of this thought he justified that there is no corporal human nature and that human nature varies from person to person. This may be summed up into one phrase existence precedes essence. The statement in this field of study would mean that people are born without any nature as such, and are neither good nor evil to begin with quite an simply theyre like a hollow husk with no character, soul or substance (mental and emotional) that would make them human.The character develo ps and grows as a person experiences live and each the challenges and rewards that accompany life and is reflected through the actions and decisions of each person. This would imply that every individual is born with a clean sate and are thus free to run across the direction of their existence weather for good or evil as a culmination of their lives thus far. It also means that all human beings are born equal (at least on a moral plain) because every individual at birth has no essence or soul quite simply, they may be compared to animals.It is their lives and experiences that shape who they are in essence and their actions and choices that reflect who they are. Further more as a result of the equality implications is could be deduced that all people regardless of their economic or social class are equally capable of committing good and evil and no individual is incapable of committing either good or evil regardless of their social or economic class.
Friday, May 24, 2019
American Art Project Essay
Declaration of Independence, John TrumbullArtist John Trumbull (1756-1843) of Lebanon, Connecticut painted the Declaration of Independence, which was hung in 1826. The painting is of a moment on June 28, 1776 when the initial draft of the Declaration was presented to the Second Continental Congress, less than a week beforehand the document was officially adopted (Architect of the Capitol website). The elegance of the room, the importance of the event, and the displayed captured British flags seemingly portray a moment of triumphant victory and success. I believe Trumbull was successful in portraying this in his effort to capture a legendary moment in American history.Part of Trumbulls success possibly stems from the fact that he did not attempt to recreate accuracy of the guesswork painted. He instead thrived to attain preservation of the images of the Nations founders. There are men in the painting who were not present in the positive event, but were signers of the document. For this reason, I believe the message of the painting is the importance of the event to American history. Adopting the Declaration of Independence as an official document was a study step towards American independence. An different clue is that the painting is often mistaken for the actual signing of the Declaration, which didnt take blank until over a month later. The artists intentions shown in the painting seems to affect the interpretation gained today, which shows that the artist was able to clearly depict the paintings victory and triumph.embarkment of the Pilgrims, Robert WeirThe painting, Embarkation of the Pilgrims (1843) is considered to be Robert Weirs (1803-1889) most famous work. It depicts the Pilgrims on the deck of the ship Speedwell on July 22, 1620 before they departed from Delfs Haven, Hol bring in for North America, where they sought religious freedom(Architect of the Capitol website). This journey must have been one of the many that populated the in the altog ether land in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The message in the painting portrays fear, hope, and new showtimes. In the painting, the people are in prayer and looking upward. This makes me believe that they were entrusting God with whatever was next for them, or wherever their path was taking them. The expression paired with the painting points out the city on the right side that the Pilgrims are leaving.This city is the Pilgrims home it was all they knew. The fact that is included in the enactment could show that the Pilgrims feared the change, or represent the significance of the change. The fear of such a big move could explain the armor that was included in the painting. The Pilgrims had a destiny for protection from the unknown in the New World they were journeying to. The rainbow in the picture depicts their faith in God and His promise. They were leaving everything slow in attend of religious freedom. Though they were in never ending prayer with a strong need of protection, their faith needed to be strong in tramp to actually go through with the journey.Landing of Columbus, John VanderlynThe Landing of Columbus was painted by John Vanderlyn (1775-1852). The painting shows Christopher Columbus and members of his crew at the first landfall of their expedition to find a westward route from Europe to China, Japan, and other uncharted countries. The landing on the beach shown, in the West Indies, marks the beginning of the adventure that Columbus would be known of for the rest of all time. He is standing with his hat at his feet, sword towards the ground, flag in his hand and well held high as if he is declaring the land as Spain territory with much optimism about the future. The hat on the ground and flag mostly point towards claiming the land with the idea that wherever you lay your hat is home. His crew members do not seem to share the same optimism as Columbus, and appear sick and discouraged.The man behind him seems to have a look of disapproval on his face, bandage others seem fairly unhappy. In the undercoat, there are more people who look to be in a state of rejoicing at the feel of land, an understandable gesture after being on the ship for so long. The Indians on the further right are standing behind trees as if they are hiding from the newcomers. I believe this may be out of fear, as they are unacquainted with(predicate) withthe crew who, pictured in the painting, sport weapons. Commissioned in June 1836 and installed in January 1847, this painting leaves an unclear message full of mixed emotions among a hopeful sailor, his not so optimistic crew, and territorial Native Americans.Surrender of General Burgoyne, John TrumbullJohn Trumbull (1756-1843) of Lebanon, Connecticut also painted the Surrender of General Burgoyne, an event that took place at Saratoga, New York on October 17, 1777. It was a turning point in the American Revolution that prevented the British from dividing New England from the rest o f the colonies. It was also the deciding constituent in bringing active French support to the American cause. The painting, hung in 1826, pictures General Burgoyne handing over his sword in surrender with only one other member of the British Army among countless men of the American militia. To me, this shows Americas strength and victory compared to Britains weakness and loss.Despite their victory, General supply declines the sword and is pictured directing Burgoyne to the tent, displaying Americas humble hospitality and good sportsmanship. Americas flag is flown high, blowing in the wind among a background of receding gloomy clouds and clear blue skies. This can be interpreted as a mark of hope in new beginnings for America collectible to their victory in the war against the throne. The content of this picture leads me to believe that the message is something similar to this Despite Britains numerous efforts, including taxation and war, America still stands while maintaining her bearing as a humble, yet free nation.William Allen OhioWilliam Allen was born in North Carolina on December 27, 1803. He moved to Ohio at the age of cardinal after his parents death in hopes of making a future for himself. His life from that point portrays ambition, determination, and success, which makes him a great choice for representation of Ohio. He studied at the Chillicothe Academy for two years before studying law with Colonel Edward King. He was admitted to the bar in Ohio at the age of 21. The Jackson democrats of Allens district propose him as a congressional candidate in a Republican district, which he won. He served one term in the House of Representatives, lost the reelection, andwas official by the governor to finish out a term as a joined States Senator for Thomas Ewing. He was reelected to this position for a second term. In 1873, William Allen was elected governor of Ohio. He died in his estate on July 11, 1879 after only serving one term. Throughout his caree r, Allen was a strong supporter of the United States territorial rights in Oregon, favored the incorporation of Texas, was not shy about his point of view towards Abraham Lincoln, and was an anti-war Democrat.James A. Garfield, OhioJames A. Garfield was the twentieth President of the United States before dying within six months. Born November 1831 as the youngest of five children, Garfield was the last president to have been born in a log cabin. He grew up influenced by religion, and finished his studies just under the age of 30. He was elected to the Ohio Senate in 1859, and was admitted to the bar in 1860. During the Civil War, Garfield fought tooth and nail for his officer commission and worked his room through the ranks to major general. From 1863 to 1880, he was a representative in the House for nine consecutive terms, and served on the Military Affairs Committee, as well as the Ways and Means committee.Although he was elected to Senate in 1880, he never served due to his pres idential election. Garfields presidency was short lived after he was ginger nut July 1881 on his way to Williams College to deliver a speech. Over the next few weeks, Garfield became extremely sick due to infection. On September 19, 1881, President James A. Garfield was enunciate dead after suffering a massive heart attack, a ruptured splenic artery aneurysm, blood poisoning and bronchial pneumonia. Reviewing his career and achievements, one finds that he became someone major despite his childhood shortcomings and setbacks. He is also a great candidate for Ohio, as his determination increased his ability to go far. Although he finished school later than others, he continued his studies well into his career.ReferencesNiehaus, C. (1886). James A. Garfield. Retrieved 25 Apr 14, from http// Niehaus, C. (1887). William Allen. Retrieved 25 Apr 14, from http// on/william-all
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Pointed Arch (Architecture)
Ride Alias Mr.. Invaded Sheikh Materials and Construction 2nd Semester, Architecture April 16th, An prankish is an architectural structure which helps put forward a structure and the weight above that structure. Arches appe bed as early as the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamia brick architecture. The systematic enjoyment of Arches started with ancient Romans. They were the first to have applied the techniques of arch too wide range of structures. Pointed arch is one of the most all-important(a) types of Arches. It is an arch with a pointed apex. another(prenominal) name for pointed arch is jovial arch. Give meaner a pointed curve.Today, the pointed arch remains a common feature in the European churches. It is a very important feature of European Gothic architecture and Islamic Architecture. The question is where did the pointed arch originate from? Early historians of architecture such as Have (1913) and Riviera (1914) thought that the pointed arch occurred in India carved out of a solid block of some seventh century temples. However, this information has been dismissed by a famous historian, hummock (1993). Hill believed the Muslim origin of the invention of the pointed arch, which is today, believed to be the truth.Before the discovery of Pointed arches, round arches and barrel vaults were used to make ceilings. These arches had a great weight. Another problem confront with the use of round arches in the churches was, the issues with the material body and weight distribution. For making round arches over a church bay, the bay had to be square in shape because if two sides of a bay measured one width and tow of the other sides measure another width, the tops of the arches across these widths would not be at the same height. Rounded arches could not support the increased height, width and weight of new building designs.Similarly, problems were raised with the use of vaults. Pointed Arches solved these problems. Pointed arches were used to help support the weight of vaulted ceilings. The concept of the pointed arch operates in a similar manner as two leading objects. Two sides off pointed arch lean against each other for support and the increased force and loads placed on the arches from the ceiling is displaced onto the flying buttresses, which are supported by the ground. The increased hood support provided by the pointed arches allowed building walls to be thinner. Decorative details seen on arches were a natural consequence of Gothic sign.They also made it easier to make more than windows and taller heights. -A pointed Arch The first appearance of the pointed arch in the Muslim World was traced to the Al- Ass Mosque (780), however the first building where the pointed arch was used constructively and consistently is the Palace of Shadier in Iraq. Bin Tulle Mosque was a source for the transfer of the pointed arch to Europe. It was built by Mad bin Tulle the semi-independent ruler of Egypt in 870. Due to its frank state of preser vation the Bin Tulle Mosque provides an excellent example of ninth-century decoration and structural techniques.The central courtyard fade consists of slightly pointed arches resting on rectangular piers with engaged collocates. This was an peculiar arrangement for Cairo where marble columns were usually considered for use. There are rectangular arches with engaged collocates between the arches. A band of sunken rosettes divided into eight lobes on either side of each niche forms a cornice running around four faces of the courtyard. Carved stucco work decorates the interior of the mosque. Coffins of the arches of the sanctuary are the best examples where geometric interlace patterns are filled with stylized leaf armament like Samara stucco style.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Human Resources Management †Downsizing Essay
I. IntroductionIn this era of globalisation, where the competition in the market has capture drastic, human capital is deemed to be the most important factor to the integration as well as strategy of enterprises among any other factors (Waddel, Cummings, & Worley, 2007). Since retaining and sustaining workforce is undeniably crucial to corporate integration, learning the trend and comprehending the will of employees is crucial to any enterprises survival. Taking scenario in Australia, the authors objective in this clause is to punctuate the importance of older workers contributions to workplaces and employers are suggested unbiasedly re-adjusting their attitude and policies in order to effectively utilise the productivity of older workers.II. Article Analysisa. Researches MethodologyIn this name, petty(a) researches e.g. surveys, researches from others studies were utilise primarily. In terms of quantitative researches, the article mainly gathered data from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and make-up for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Its data validity can be strongly substantiated as both ABS and DEEWR are under the management of Australian government and OECD is in like manner a renowned international economic organisation which promotes economy and social well-being of people globally. Hence, its information validity is besides confirmed. Noticeably, authors also use their byg wiz studies as references, for example, their paper Retaining and Sustaining the Competence of Older Workers An Australian Perspective, written in 2009. This raises the question about the credibility of such reference. Moreover, several references seem to be out-dated, for example, Sociology by Giddens in 1997, or the surveys data of McIntoshs paper in 2001.b. Significance of the FindingsThe findings in the article are relatively low-cal and straightforward, yet what they truly provide t o readers are beyond mere facts. It is the broad knowledge that is provided allowing readers to come up with their own judgement about the issue. The article commencement presents the idea to readers that an increasing wave of older workers will be coming up in the future due to the shortage of young worker and the consequences of the fiscal crisis in the early 2008. It is true that because of such crisis, peoples superannuation is heavily affected and therefore even elders will very likely render to go back to the labour market and look for works (Bekaert & Hodrick, 2009). Nevertheless, what the authors aim to achieve is not only to present the trend to the readers, but to raise the employers sense so that they do not look down to older workers as last resorts as they will very likely become a case workforce in the future.The authors claimed that older workers undoubtedly will become crucial to the Australia economy in the near future. Yet there is proof presented in the artic le that indicates the existence of the negativity of employers attitude toward older workers. This claim is also valid as according to a HR report from Thompson Reuters, a research was conducted and realize that only 25% of the number of employers being asked tried to convince Baby Boomers to stay back when they resigned, compared to 40% for Generation X and Generation Y (HR Report, 2008). On the other hand, the article also provides to readers a completely opposite proof which shows that employers hold no grudge against older workers. Such claim is also substantiated by an article by Forbes, in which, a survey of 500 hiring managers was conducted and resulted that 60% of hiring managers would likely to hire older workers, compared to 20% of those would hire Millenials, who were born just earlier the millennium, from 1981 through 2000 (Adams, 2012).III. Strength and Weakness/Limitation of the articlec. The strength of the articleBasically, the article targets readers who are worki ng in Human Resources field. It has done its part by successfully conveying the idea to readers by using sets of well organised evidences and firm surmisees. The article also proposed a rational strategy that, according to the authors, would not only help employers to not waste human capital, but also support the older employees employability by changing the attitude of employers in the workplace. The data and references used in the article were relevant to the discussed area. Each and all statement in the article is backed with credible sources therefore it makes readers feel confident and safe when they occupy the knowledge from the article. On top of that, not only it provides evidences which support only its hypothesis, but also it provides evidences that are completely contradictory to its hypothesis, for example, the case in the study of McIntosh in 2001 where the attitude of employers toward older workers was not negative at all. This helps readers to have broader view and shows that the authors were unbiased when writing this article. d. Weakness and Limitation of the articleSince the article was victorious the scenario happening in Australia, its world-wide applicability is questionable. Although the article also uses some foreign data, for example, McIntoshs research which was conducted with the U.Ss labour forces, it is still very limited. As mentioned, authors also used their part studies as references hence, this raises questions about such sources credibility. Furthermore, the year which the article was written was 2011, yet there are a few references that were written a long time ago, Sociology written by Giddens in 1997 is an example. This also raises the question about the sources up-to-date applicability. One of its strong points turns out to be its weakness. Each and every statement in the article is backed up with a study therefore it somewhat gives readers a feeling that very few ideas in the article were original.IV. ConclusionAccordi ng to (Waddel, Cummings, & Worley, 2007), in the process of globalisation, it requires enterprises to constantly adapt and develop in the way that would maximize their intrinsic value. The article has shown readers the proof that older workers is one promising and valuable source of high-quality workforce, yet evidences show that a lot of employers are still age-biased. On that ground, it is recommended that employers should not take this matter lightly anymore. Instead, they are suggested starting to change their attitude toward the older worker, re-adjust the workplaces policies in order to maximize and sustain the productivity of older workers.Based on the hypothesis and findings of the article above, linking to the case study High Flyers, even though Silvertail is trying to build a newer and younger image, it should not get rid of older confine crew by persecuting and being harsh on them. Rather than that, Silvertail should approach more positively by looking at their actual pe rformance, including their motivation, and then re-allocate the capriole for them so that the integration and strategy of the company would be aligned. According to (Adams, 2012), older workers are superior in many fields e.g. positive work ethic, conundrum solving, leadership, reliability, professionalism, etc Rather than wasting a good source of human capital, using it wisely is always optimal.Bibliography(n.d.). Retrieved celestial latitude 20, 2012, from http// (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2012, from http// Australian Bureau of Statistics About Us. (2012, November 13). Retrieved December 14, 2012, from Australian Bureau of Statistics http// Adams, S. (2012, September 9). Older Workers, Theres Hope Study Finds Employers Like You Better Than Millennials. Retrieved December 13, 2012, from Forbes http// ds-employers-like-you-better-than-millennials/ Bekaert, G., & Hodrick, R. (2009). Internation Financial Management. Boston Peason. HR Report. (2008, September 17). Employers ignoring older workers. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from Thompson Reuters http// Manpower Research and Statistics Department. (2007). A Statistical Profile of Older Workers. capital of Singapore Ministry of Manpower. Waddel, D., Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2007). Organisation Development and Change. Asia Pacific. (3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Cengage Learning Australia.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Photo Radar Technology Essay
Speeding vehicles passing through school zones and neighborhoods compromises the safety and livability of an individual. Most of the time it poses threat to children playing outdoor, it makes bicycling, walking, and even parkway dangerous to all. Through the years recreate enforcement was implemented to regulate speeding vehicles. One of the oldest methods was the time distance method wherein three police officers were posted in three dummy tree trunks at a one mile interval and used stop watch to monitor the speed of a vehicle.But through the advent of technology the use of cameras such as speed, red-light, bus lane, toll- booth, level crossing, and congestion charge cameras a vehicle detection agreement such as piezo-electric strips, laser, optical character recognition, and Doppler radar, and integrated with the process of implementing state rules and regulations in regulating speed limit provides a more effective style of implementing speed enforcement.The photo radar is an automated photographic speed enforcement technology that has the capability of identifying vehicles above a speed limit using a camera and detector equipment. The unit is a combination of a high speed camera with a flash unit and a low powered designate beam Doppler antenna which is aimed across the road together with electronic controls and computers to detect, photograph, and record the time, date, speed, and attitude of the vehicles exceeding a determined speed limit.It fuck photograph the plaque of the driver and the license plate at the front side if the unit is intended or deployed at the oncoming traffic and the license plate at the rear side if deployed at the receding flow. The license number will be extracted from the photograph and the registered owner will receive a citation normally by mail within six working days and the violator has to respond within 30 days upon receiving. The recipient has three courses of actions to consider, either net profit the fine, attend a court hearing, or file a certificate of innocence.The system starts to work due to the triggering of the radar sensor which causes the high speed cameras to transport photographs. In a simple explanation, radar is considered a device that utilizes electromagnetic quivers to be able to identify the direction, location, and speed of both in motion or a fixed object. Radio waves argon being emitted at the transmitter part and will be reflected by the take aim. It will then be standard by a receiver commonly being located together with the transmitter.The received or the returned radio signal is amplified due to its weak signal olibanum enabling the radar to detect item objects at ranges where sound or visible light are too weak to be detected. If a upstanding object exists in air or vacuum, electromagnetic waves reflect or scatter between the surrounding and the object since this wave reflects in a precise large change in the dielectric or diamagnetic constant and also in a change in the atomic density. This phenomenon applies to metal and carbon paper fiber wherein its electrical conductivity makes radar well suited for the detection of ships, aircrafts, and vehicles.The Doppler radar is one type of radar that operates in-line with the principle of Doppler Effect wherein it is the change in the wavelength or in the oftenness of a wave being perceived or observed relative to the motion of the source of the wave. The equipment measures accurately the targets radial velocity through the shifting of the received frequency up and down by means of the directional beam of the antenna. For instance the moving target is a car and as it recedes from the source, the speed of the car can be metrical by firing a beam towards it.The beam is in the determine of a radio frequency signal and each wave has to travel in succession to be able to reach the car before it can be reflected and re-detected by the source. As the wavelength increases, the gap between each w ave also increases due to the waves moving further. Consequently if the car is approaching, the wavelength will be lesser and also the gap. In either way, computations from the Doppler Effect will determine accurately the velocity of the car.Put it analogously if a person catches a baseball any second with constant velocity, the balls will be received frequently if the thrower is moving towards and less frequent if the thrower is moving away from the catcher. Therefore the bear upon part is the wavelength and the perceived frequency. Doppler Effect is only capable of determining the speed of the target relative along the line of sight of the target and the radar what is more any velocity perpendicular to this line sight will not be determined. Doppler radars may be classified as of a continuous wave type, coherent pulse type, and frequency modulated.Continuous wave radar operates by sending out a known frequency of very pure signal. though it cannot determine the range of the tar get, it is ideal in determining the target velocitys radial component. It is commonly used in traffic enforcement wherein the range is not considered and a quick and accurate amount of the speed of the vehicle is important. Coherent pulsed or phase synchronized is another way of measuring the speed of an object. payable to Doppler Effect, the returned signal emanating from the target are being shifted away from the base frequency thus enabling the speed of the target relative to the radar be calculated.The frequence modulated- Continuous wave Doppler radar is capable of sweeping the frequency of the transmitter to determine and encode the range. The range rate is a velocity accurately measured by the combination of the Doppler processing to pulse radars. A target cannot be detected if the range rate reflects a frequency almost near to the frequency of the transmitter and if the target is moving tangentially to the radar beam. Pulse Doppler radar is a combination of a high velocit y and long range measurement capabilities.It uses a medium to high pulse repetition frequency usually in a 30 KHz interval. This allows the precise measurement of velocity in high resolution and detection of speeding targets. Speed Cameras consists of a flash unit and is capable of taking photographs of speeding vehicles once triggered by the radar sensor. The time, date, speed, and location are also recorded together with the photo. Compared to other methods of traffic enforcement, it does not require motorists to pull over once the violation is committed. Most of the time speed cameras are installed or deployed either mobile or fixed.If deployed mobile, it is usually attached to the police officers vehicle and roams around various places. Fixed cameras are installed along specific roadway places. Photo radar differs slightly from conventional radar due to the beam width. The width of the beam of a photo radar across a roadway is narrower compared to the width of the conventional r adar. This enables the detection to be more specific one vehicle at a time. In the case if there are more vehicles in the beam, the camera will not be triggered to take photographs as seen on the diagram below.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Moral dilemma essay Essay
A moral dilemma entails a choice mingled with two highly conflicting values, where the decision made whitethorn result in guilt and remorse. As responders we are able to assess our own values in regards to the characters actions. These characteristics are present in the texts Montana 1948 by Larry Watson 1993, The Returning by Daniel De Paola 1964 and Clint Eastwoods Million whiz dollar bill Baby 2004. I personally have been influenced to assess my own values towards family ties, justice and the balance between indemnify and wrong.When faced with a moral dilemma, evasion and denial often result in greater consequences. In Montana 1948 the sheriff Wes has conflicting values of family loyalty and justice leading to an immense moral dilemma whether to convict his own brother even though this may have an adverse effect on familial ties. Wes instead resorts to denial of the situation.This denial is highlighted shortly after Franks exploitation of Indian women was brought to light b y Gail. Wes attempts to ref commit Maries accusations. For gods sake, you know how she (Marie) likes to make up stories. Despite knowing his brothers capability to commit such actions his aggressive tone shows his resistance to Gails argument, instinctively protecting his value of family over the law and similarly his loyalty to Marie. After coming to terms with the facts of Franks perversity Wes attempts to solve the problem, although half heartedly, by confronting Frank. I return the problems been taken care of. Frank said hell cut it out, In this context the colloquial vocabulary cut it out, referring to the molestation and raping of women, undermining the situation, reducing its severity and allowing Wes to not only justify his own avoidance unless to pacify Gail. The relevant consequence to his lack of action is Franks murder of Marie the following day, in an attempt to dispose of evidence against him, a much graver fate than if Wes had convicted Frank initially. defence m echanism of a moral dilemma is also manifest in the film Million Dollar Baby. The mental picture in which Maggie asks Frankie to end her life, Frankie is faced with an unfathomable decision that contradicts his love for her as a daughter save also his faith in God. Repetition of I cant demonstrates Frankies affliction towards the situation. The diegetic operose of Maggiesbreathing paired with a close up shot addresses Maggies constant wretched supporting her reason to beg Frankie for the favour. Frankie chose to avoid maggies request until she attempts to take the problem into her own hands. The use of dark lighting in the final hospital scene, emits an eerie feeling to symbolise Frankies frighten off and pressing task. He realises he must end her suffering.These texts demonstrate that doing what is morally correct may be difficult. Nonetheless I have learnt that the outcome of ignoring an issue may become an even bigger burden. If presented with a moral dilemma, I would work t o solve the problem as quickly as possible but also to take the while to do it correctly. The perception different individuals hold for one another influences the set about taken in a moral dilemma, highlighting values of family, race and social status. In watsons novel Wes is aware of the racial division, upon autochthonous American Indians of the time. This prejudice plays a large role in the encompassment of Marie. The prejudice of the native indian women is evident in Julians comparison of native american women to red meat The derogatory metaphor red meat conveys his perception of the native American Indian females as lowly animals, merely alive for amusement value.However Wes has a moral dilemma between the prejudice and his personal beliefs. This is demonstrated in the scene prior to Marie falling ill. David describes Wes as He simply held them (Indians) in low regardhe could treat indians with generosity and respect (as he could treat every other human being) The use of t he pronoun them is intended to inflict primitiveness and inferiority on American indians by stereotyping them, meanwhile the words generosity and respect holding positive connotations, show Wes broader perspective. The conflict between his personal and family values pose a moral dilemma. Wes valuable perception of all individuals lives, override the views held by his brother and father, compelling him to seek justice.In Daniel De Paolas short story The Returning we are presented with an central conflict between the whites and the natives. Although not spoken between one another, each character has been influenced by monastic order to hold certain views. Negative connotations from disconsolate cat expressed in At anothertime and place, he wouldnt have wanted to linger in a room alone with a white woman. Contrasting with But here and now there was only friendliness between them. Conveys Dark cats prejudice towards whites. Meanwhile, high modality present in never felt shows that Da rk cat may be turning a new leaf with the whites. This example demonstrates that moral dilemmas can make one rethink their bias.As discussed each character has conflicting predetermined values and beliefs that directly affect their decision. I have come to a conclusion that although mentally testing, the way in which I would handle a difficult situation would be to try to be aware and disregard irrational prejudices.Through my paper of moral dilemmas, in particular in the texts Montana 1948, The Returning and Million Dollar Baby I have come to question values such as family, justice and the balance between what is right or wrong. I would act immediately to resolve the dilemma and overcome any prejudice that conflicts with my decision.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
How Barbaric were the Barbarians Really? Essay
The books discombobulate claimed the Mongolians to be uncivilised, but how barbaric were they? The barbarians catch earned the title barbaric. The barbarians were people who didnt belong to a certain culture or ag root of people, and pretty much did what they pleased. The Mongols were barbaric with their laws, punishments, and the amount of battles and deaths caused in their presence. The barbarians were barbaric in some an(prenominal) variant ways. The Mongol Empire was vastger than the continental U.S., being 4,860,000 square miles of conquered ground (Doc 1). The Mongol Empire was more that three times bigger that the amount of land Adolf Hitler conquered during his time (Doc 1). With the pudding stone being this big, in that respect would need to be laws. There were laws on hospitality, adultery, drinking, and marriage. With these laws came punishments. For example, if you committed adultery, you would be executed, even if there were no earlier convictions (Doc 10). There were also laws made by Genghis Khan that were enforced during battle situations. If you were a soldier and you got scared and ran away from battle, if you were found, the rest of your pigeonholing of 10, including you, would be executed. If your whole group of 10 flees, the group of a hundred you were in would all be executed along with you.You were expected to stay with your group through come in battle, or your consequence would be death (Doc 2). In battle, if you were a prisoner or war, that was not desired to be a slave, or were an artisan, the law was to put you to death with the axe (Doc 3). The issue of deaths caused by the barbarians, is not countable. Many people were killed and or captured by the Mongols. Along with the people, their towns were also demolished. Through the years 1220-1258, there were 5,107,000 plus deaths alone (Doc 4). In 1221 in Nishapur, Persia, there were 1,747,000 deaths according to a Persian chronicler (Doc 4). The Mongols tore the city apa rt and in the process, severed the heads of the slain from their bodies and heaped them up in piles (Doc 4). There werent many options for punishments, not that the people got to choose their punishment, and people who were punished were probably a big part of the number of deaths caused the barbarians. Punishment and death was very(prenominal) common in the Mongol Empire. The Mongol leaders might have this punishment to make clear that they are in charge and to intimidate others. There was always a punishment for rule breaking. Most often, the punishment was death.There were distinguishable ways ofkilling people, or to adept nicer, putting them into a deep sleep in the Mongol Empire. In the Empire there were different forms of being killed, or put to death. You could just be executed, you could have you head chopped off, you could be chilliness multiple times with arrows, you could even be buried alive upside down (Doc 5,4,3,2). Killing was very common with these peoples. The M ongols overall were very violent. They could be organized at times, but they were more barbaric by following the rules that were organized by the emperor. The Mongols conquered many lands, but killed and lost others they knew in the process. The laws were partially barbaric because of the different parts involved in them. If you committed a crime, there wasnt anyone to help you get out of your punishment. The most barbaric thing is that mostly everything resulted in death. If you committed a horrible crime, such as adultery, the way you are killed might be worse, but if you got drunk more that three times a month, you could possibly be put to death (Doc 10).The barbarians were a barbaric people. As you can tell, they did what the pleased. The laws made by Genghis Khan that were used for battle situations were barbaric because if one person or a small group of soldiers left because they were scared, everyone else and them included, were killed (Doc 2). There was pretty much only one punishment in the whole Mongol Empire, and that was death. This punishment is barbaric for the people who didnt commit huge and serious crimes. Death was a big part in the success of the Mongol Empire. If they, the barbarians, hadnt killed the people from the cities they captured, there could have been revolts against the Mongols. The Mongols were barbaric because of many things, but mostly for the amount of death they caused. The Mongol Empire set the example for the other empires to follow. once again I ask, how barbaric were the barbarians really? The Mongols were barbaric enough for them to be called barbarians and with the number of deaths caused by them, it would be caoutchouc to say that the barbarians were pretty barbaric.
Online Shopping: Risks and Benefits
on that point has spacious been a need for the consumer to leveraging goods with out ever having to allow their home. The industry started with mail battle array catalogs such as Sears Roebuck that vortexed consumers the convenience to order goods without having to travel a long distance to compute what was available. The catalog offered everything from clothing to toys, and even farming equipment that made it easier for early Ameri nookie families to purchase goods without having to travel to a city possibly hundreds of miles a focussing. The industry has come a long way since the booming years of the Sears catalog.When the personal figurer was invented in 1976 people were astonished at its power. After later tuition and the PC went on the market for all Ameri rear ends to purchase, it couldnt do much more than word bear on and simplified record keeping, however when the PC was tieed to the World Wide Web in 1989, the personal computer began to become a household compas s point. The World Wide Web or better have it off simply as the internet, allowed users to access files, information, pictures, video, shop online, and much more.The internet connects a personal computer to servers which connect computers from all close to the world. Despite danger, the benefits of online shopping can outweigh the risks. Ever since the invention of the personal computer and the World Wide Web, consumers have become more and more eager to shop online. Shopping online can give a great advantage to many people. Shopping online also has many risks and disadvantages that could arguably be or outweigh the benefits. When parents spoke of overtaking shopping 20 years ago, it meant break down ready and get in the car.Today, it can mean either to get ready to go somewhere or go to the computer and get your credit card ready. Most people shop online for the convenience. Customers neer have to repudiate their home and can do all of their shopping from the living room co uch, which eliminates crowds, stress and the forsaken checkout line. other convenience is that a website cannot turn out its lights and lock the door. Online hive aways in the US and Canada are also eternally open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The customer never has to worry about getting to a stick in before it closes, or waiting for it to open.This makes online shopping, to roughly people, the most accessible form of shopping (Hobbs). Another advantage of shopping online is that it allows customers to shop or browse with many different categories of items. The internet also allows people to shop from places located hundreds of miles away and even around the world. If someone needs something from across the country that is not available in their area, it is more efficient to order online rather than traveling a great distance to purchase the item (Hobbs).Shopping online is also prompt and simpler than using a mail order catalog. It is easy to find just abo ut anything you want to bribe online versus getting in a car and driving to numerous stores while having to worry about things a give care finding a parking spot, burning fuel, and navigating through traffic only to look at items you may or may not be interested in at a brick and mortar store (Fabiola). Online shoppers are also less susceptible to impulse items. Every item found in a retail store is strategically placed to maximize sales in that particular store (Romeo).For example, at home watching television and all of the sudden the screen goes black because the dog just chewed the descent to the TV. A trip to the nearest retail store is required just to purchase a reserve cable. Retailers often strategically place items with enticing prices which could easily lead to the customer coming home with a new TV and not a replacement cable that would have fixed your old one. This is a good example of impulse shopping. This is what retail stores want customers to do.They fill end c aps and stack-bases with products they know customers get out purchase if they are visible but are not a planned purchase. Shopping online takes most of that away. There arent shelves to place impulse items on for customers to see on their way in or way out of the door. The customer can click on what they need, purchase it, and be finished. When customers shop online, it is far easier to correspond prices at different online stores than it is to compare prices of retail stores. When shopping online one can browse seamlessly site subsequently site and even tab between different online stores with just the press of a button.When comparing prices from retail and outlet stores, it means looking at sales papers and going from store to store to hightail it down that great deal which can consume a great deal of time (Hobbs). galore(postnominal) people have been skeptical about shopping online. With its benefits, also come great risks and disadvantages. One of the most common problems with shopping online is security. When purchasing an item off the internet, it is important to know that the site is secure (Snowdon). individualised information such as credit card numbers, addresses, and even personal computers need to be saved from any type of threat.There are sites that are built specifically just to phish information like email addresses, usernames, and passwords therefore, when consumers want to make a purchase online, they really have to trust the site and know it is secure and that their information is not at risk. Another disadvantage of shopping online is that it is not a active purchase. Customers like to see and hold what they are buying in person. When shopping online, there is an image of the product, but the box cannot be opened to be veritable it isnt damaged.When there is a picture of the item, its more than likely not the exact one you will receive (Jessica). For example, when purchasing a sugared candle or even a bottle of perfume online, it is impossible to test the scent. Some sites offer sample scent cards that can be sent through the mail to be sure you like what you are ordering, but they dont usually offer that unless you are making a large purchase. Frequent online shoppers know all about expedited shipping. This is one of the most dreaded downfalls of online shopping. When purchasing an item at a retail store, it goes with the customer when the transaction is complete.The clerk puts the purchase in a stunner and the customer walks out the door and goes home. When shopping online, there is almost never an instance where one can get the purchase the same day unless there is in-store pickup from a major retail store thats nearby with the item already in stock. Prices are usually cheaper online, but shipping court always has to be factored in to the total. Sometimes online merchants offer free shipping on items over a certain amount, but most likely the customer will have to impart some ramify of shipping cost. Then, there is always the wait.Depending on shipping specifications, delivery could be the next day if you pay extra, but usually shipping takes one to four weeks depending on the size of the item and the company who delivers it (Chits). I believe that online shopping will grow for years to come. It is getting safer and harder for hackers to break into online sites. Shopping online is more convenient for some items like electronics, car parts, office supplies, and other items that may just inconvenience someone to go out for or for and item that may not be available in your area, but I also believe that shopping online will never replace the old fashioned retail store.Customers will always want to try on their jeans to make sure they fit before they purchase them, and see what is new on the market every time they go out. People love to go out and shop. They love the experience, even though some people would disagree. But, how would you feel if you did all of your shopping online? Ne ver going to a store and never and seeing the actual item they are buying. You would get tired of displace things back and not getting what you thought you were buying. Online shopping is definitely a great shopping ray but all that glitters is not gold.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Developing management skills Essay
By reading the Southfield Case, one can quickly realize that at that place is definitely lack of direct communication and goal expectations surrounded by both Mark Sanders, Vp of account service and heart-to-heart Belby, Reginald manager. I believe, there was a lack of supportive communication between Mark and impolite since in the case it was mentioned that Belby viewed professional guidance from Sanders as threatening and it usually caused Belby to distance himself from Frank, which it negatively resulted production. found on the reading of chapter four of Developing Management Skills, there is a fine line between coaching and counseling and it is extremely challenging for managers to effectively perform both and in the same metre make sure that they are not directly ignoring the other persons feelings and confidence. When Frank needed professional advice or when professional criticism was required, instead he mostly got coaching instead of counseling, which resulted in the di stance kindred between them, which dog-iron interpreted as a criticism attack on his character.Furthermore, we also hold in that in one incident Mark had intervened in a problematic situation between Frank and one of his customers and was able to save that clients contract. By not allowing Frank to resolve the situation, Mark is stretching his duties faraway too thin and does not allow other employees to delegate effectively, which results in low productivity everywhere all.Based on chapter four readings, the best relationships are based on congruence, which one cannot really risk between Mark and Franks relationship. Frank is not being clear about his expectations from Mark. It was mentioned in the case that Frank didnt get the promotion partially because he never directly communicated to frank that he wanted the promotion.
Friday, May 17, 2019
10 Rules For Managing Global Innovation
This is a review of the HBR bind 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation for the rootages Keeley Wilson and Yves L. Doz . Keeley Wilson is a senior research fellow at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France .Yves L. Doz is the Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation at INSEAD. INSEAD is rank the 5th best business schools for an average of three years period by the Financial cartridge clip ranking. 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation is written by the authors to pin point ten rules that the authors see significant for a multinational company to manage its globally dispersed business units and still keep the advanced(a) process going smoothly and efficiently.The authors list of the 10 rules is as follows,1. Start small invlolving all aggroup members in a short term spues and easy to achieve in order to build it and to reconstruct all members ready for the big challenging project 2. Provide a stable organizational scene and thus avoiding employees feeling insecure an d lose focus on the innovative process. 3. Assign Oversight and embolden Responsibility to a Senior Manager to avoid miscommunication, conflict, and stalemates oer crucial decisions 4. Use Rigorous range Management and Seasoned Project Leaders to impose discipline, structure, and a shared sense of purpose across the locations.5. Appoint a Lead Site ensured prompt decision making and a project successfully delivered on cadence and on budget 6. Invest Time Defining The Innovation so that everyone work on the project has the same understanding of the goals and their individual contributions to them. 7. Allocate Resources On the Basis of Capability, Not accessibility Teams are selected not because they are the best qualified but because they are available at the time , when resources became available elsewhere, this module was moved to a team that had the necessary capabilities , but by then, morale had been dented, time wasted, and costs increased.8. BuildEnough Knowledge Overlap for Collaboration in order to ensure critical interdependencies between modules. 9. Limit the Number of Subcontractors and Partners to limit the additional complexity and time trying to manage diverse partners. 10. Dont Rely Solely on Technology for Communication regular face-to-face communication theory are important in order to drive projects forward, share knowledge, and reinforce trust between teams and project leaders.Article CritiqueThe article clearly states 10 rules that are important for managing global innovations in the authors perspective. As they have done researches on companies that known for their high innovation spend for more(prenominal) than a decade in order to present a set of guidelines for successfully managing global innovation projects. The Authors place the problems that MNCs face clearly in the article and their uses include big MNCs like Citibank, HP, Hitachi, Infosys, Intel, LG Electronics, Novartis, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Vodafone, and Xerox in the article which gives great credibility to their guidelines for managing global innovations.However, the article could be seen as being very generic and separately rule in the article should be more elaborately explained and a guide for implementing those rules. And this should have been intercommunicate as the limitation of the article. On the another(prenominal) hand, this overview provided by the authors gives the readers a good point to start from, specially if they are to know what managing innovation in an MNC means. Furthermore other external references are confirming the authors perspective. Concerning the second rule, other business schools profs are confirming the same idea like Rita Gunther McGrath professor at Columbia Business School.In her book How the Growth Outliers Do It. Stability is what enables these companies to innovate and to maintain tranquillise growth. Coupled with transparent values, it allows employees to feel confident virtually taking the ris ks that experimentation requires. Google Co-founder, Larry Page, had the idea of Google Books for a longsighted time. People thought it was too crazy even to try, but he went ahead and bought a digital scanner and hooked it up in his office. He began scanning pages, timed how long it took, ran the numbers and realized it would be possible to bring the worldsbooks online. Today, Google Books Search index contains over 10 million books.This example shows how important it is to start small for big projects to succeed as the authors clearly stated in the beginning(a) rule in the article. Other literature was found to be supporting the role of management discussed in several rules in the article. The findings reveal that management involvement has a positive and significant impact on all dimensions of innovation featured. It is also found that organizational innovation has a mediating effect on the railroad tie between management involvement and technical innovation. (The role of man agement involvement in innovation by Stanley Kam Sing Wong published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited)Concerning the authors last rule about communication, the case of Toyota The Americanization of a Japanese Icon clearly explains the importance of not relying on technology totally for communication. The Fact is That Toyota and its U.S subsidiaries dont always see eye to eye, especially when it comes to making excogitation choices for the American market. Sometimes their conflicts are over small issues, other times there are clashes over crucial product-strategy decisions.ConclusionThe Authors successfully managed to give the reader an overview of how to manage innovation in a MNC. Moreover, other literature and examples was found to be supporting the authors point of view. However, it would have been of more benefit if there were more specific examples to elaborate how this rules could be implemented successfully each of these rules were stated and a guidelines
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Security System in Reference to Immigration Essay
Security System in Reference to Immigration - Essay Examplethe INS for a park Card or any other adjustment of status). Yet, after considerablereview of the existing literature, reference point with scholars, insurance policy makers, and securityexperts alike this author has come to the conclusion that because virtually every sort ofimmigration, i.e., refugee and asylum policy, the issuance of non-immigrant visas, andother temporary-stay provisions can potentially be exploited by terrorists, immigrationpolicy in general should be framed in terms of security. Therefore, focusing on just unmatchedcategory such as student visas, or even temporary visas in general would be shortsighted.Rather, in light of September 11th all aspects of the immigration system, including theway visas are processed in overseas consulates, the handling of foreign citizens at portsof entry, policing the nations borders, and enforcement of immigration laws within theEuropean wedding and the United States quest to be transformed and strengthened in orderto reduce the terrorist threat. No doubt, this presents a formidable contend to the menand women who supply on the front-line such as border police, asylum and visa officers,immigration decide and national militaries. All these actors are forced to leaveadministrative decisions with limited information and often mustiness be made in moments ofcrisis, involving highly charged national debates.This paper examines the contemporary (and newly emerging) dispute facing themember states of the European Union and the United States in protecting their bordersagainst international terrorism man at the similar time acknowledging the veracity of large-scale immigration to these societies and protecting the rights of non-citizens. Closeadministrative cooperation at an... Atlanta, GA. When James Hollifield delivered this paper at the 1989 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association however three months before the descend of t he Berlin Wall he seemed to foretell the crisis situation which the member states of the European Union (at that time the European Community) and the United States would visage when coming to terms with the unprecedented international migration flows they experienced in the early 1990s. With the collapse of communism in Europe and the subsequent rise of irredentist and nationalist tendencies on a global scale, two Western Europe and the United States were faced with the challenge of sustained wide-scale migration flows into their dominion throughout the early half of the decade. Accompanying these flows were highly charged national debates surrounding colonization which as Hollifield noted laid 7 bare and revealed in pristine form the innermost workings of the policy-making system and the key philosophical assumptions upon which the systems are based. it is surprising, however, is that despite the restrictionist climate of public opinion in both Western Europe and the United Stat es, the 1990s has been the decade of immigration and one, which recast the racial and national penningnow co
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Commanding Heights video series Reaction Paper Movie Review
Commanding Heights video series Reaction wallpaper - Movie Review ExampleMoreover, free trade has threatened emerging firm as a result of competition. This has raised concern in the United States because most of the companies are near closure modify to increased unemployment. Nevertheless, globalization have made it possible for an increased global market place and areduction in inefficiency in the production of goods and services.The story also covers the new challenges of terrorism and it effect in the developing world. For example, the attack on Ameri asshole on September 11 ignited a debate about how safe our jacket world economies are and the best way to counter the threat to investors confident (Yergin, 2012). The movie also discusses the trespass of globalization and free trade to the developing world. The poor nations ought non to be a market draw a bead on for the developed world, but should be incorporated into web of financial and capital flow so they can feel they are part of the system.The prosperity of the rich continues while the poor get worse off. The tornado between the rich and the poor widens more as globalization takes root throughits eminent challenges. The free market has become unpredictable leading to thefinancial crisis. For this reason, a new debate has arisen in the opposition to globalization. Scholarsdoubtwho leave alone change the rule of the game to tame the spread of thefinancial meltdown (Yergin, 2012).The world has abandoned the old pronounce for its failures. Communism was disillusioned, and it did not encourage or contribute to trade, commerce or the growth of capital. On the otherwise hand, capitalism proved to motivate people to trade due to high returns. However, United States and other capitalistic countries grappled with boom and burst. Moreover, the growth of democracy has been a challenge to free trade as political parties pretend political turmoil.To address some of these challenges, the U.S. government h as embraced Keynesian theories. Keynes suggested that a free market economy was not
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Cell Phones The Impact of their Inappropriate Use Essay
Cell Phones The Impact of their Inappropriate Use - testify ExampleRecently, in the library trying to write some notes, four carrell phones were being employ in my vicinity. It was impossible to concentrate, as the noise was too much, but added to this, was the distraction from the different conversations going on. totally of these were non-urgent, totally inane, things like what time to meet after class, who said what to whom, and even the best new mouth gloss to buy I felt as if my space was invaded and that there was no respect for new(prenominal) peoples needs, or indeed for the place itself. The library after all, is meant to be a quiet public space, designed to suspensor us study and learn. In a way, I felt my rights were being violated. I had to move away(p) so did two other students. We all looked resigned to this course of action, but what else could we doA few weeks back, at an intersection in town, I witnessed a guy in his car, shouting into a hand-held cell phone, go through a red light. By good luck, nothing was crossing in face up of him, or the results of his actions could have been fatal. He was angry, not paying attention to the road, the people, the dangers. I felt a half-size sick, as I imagined what could have happened, and also angry at such disregard for others. A copulate of mothers with babies in strollers just looked at each other,The worst, personal experience, which happen
Monday, May 13, 2019
The Ultimate Helmet ( H Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Ultimate Helmet ( H - Assignment ExampleThe effectiveness of this would head mostly by the willingness of distributors to store and sell this new helmet. The occupation would also take care of eliminating spear carrier costs in getting new distributors. The channel would also ensure direct competition amid the honest-to-god helmet and the ultimate helmet. The old mode of distribution involved stocking the product at some online stores and merchandiser stores countrywide. This would ensure a global availability of our product. Another channel of distribution was identified to improve on the availability of the product. This channel was to identify new overseas sales stack from different countries. This mode was realised to make sure the ultimate helmet reached those countries that the old helmet was not able to get to due to poor channel of distribution. This would eliminate the need of the company having to first study the tax low in those countries to establish branches. determine of the product The pricing of the product is supposititious to play a major role in sales made of the ultimate helmet. Taking into consideration the cost incurred in designing and making improvements the ultimate helmet is supposed to be high. A strategy to gain approval of the product had to be identified so that thickenings would weigh they were paying the right price for the product. Different pricing strategies were identified by first dividing the mart into devil. These two markets are the new market identified and needed to be tapped while the second market was the market where people were using the old helmet. The new market, a penetration price had to be established which had to be lower than the old market price. This price required to be lower because most of these clients were seen as people who owned motorbikes but did not see the need of the helmet. It was established if the helmet was priced so high they would not anaesthetise even buying it. The marke t was seen to exist mostly in developing countries where motor bike self-command is taking toll in the 21st century. The old market was seen to exist in developed countries worry the USA. People who owned motorbikes in these regions were more concerned with their comfort ability due to their high buy power. A factor that had to be put in consideration while also setting up the price is that these region stiff competition would be faced due to the existence of the old helmet. The old helmet producer had already established control over the market. It was established the main driver of the marketing would be first draw the attention of the client to the extra capabilities of the ultimate helmet and show them the benefit. This would then make the client buy the new helmet even if the price is higher than the old helmet. Promotion The helmet is supposed to be use mostly by people riding motorbikes and those people who like motorbike sporting. An appropriate channel of advert had to be identified with some weighted reason to make sure the product reached the intended client. The Medias of advertisement that were identified are as follow Social media The helmet due to its capability in GPRS location and pick out phone is so attractive to the generation. This group of people can be found on brotherly media which includes face book, MySpace and Twitter. Most of these companies allow companies to advertise their product with them for a certain fee. We analyzed the different brotherly media to identify which had many
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The Fashionistas Guide to Japanese Fashion Tribes Essay
The Fashionistas Guide to Nipponese Fashion Tribes - Essay ExampleThe essay The Fashionistas Guide to Japanese Fashion Tribes analyzes the Fashion Tribes in Japan. During 19th century Japan started to emulate Western work. The fashion market placeplace of Japan maintains its position as one f the largest across the globe and has incessantly been changing its trends which has steady given birth to street fashion by Japanese girls that indicates mixing e genuinely fashion bolt possible so as to give a customized look. The aspect of sales and promotion has been always a primary concern for the fashion industry of Japan. May that be through fashion parades, street fashion style, Fashionistas magazine or any other form of promotional technique Japanese teenagers have always been associated with the fashion statement of Japan. Japan in the present scenario comprises of wide array of styles of dresses that includes both the foreign as well as local labels. In certain regions that of Tokyo the hip hop style was very strongly imitated by the youth of Tokyo and they preferred to wear hip hop style dresses to the over sized clothes. One of the major styles that atomic number 18 still prevalent in the Japan fashion market is that of street fashion that can advertised by many young generation girls on magazines or even on fashion parades as it denotes to be more trendy and fashionable (Kaser, 2012). There are versatile fashion theories however the acceptance of a fashion by a market portion can be well depicted through a fashion cycle. There are various phases of the fashion cycle such as introduction.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
What issues of discrimination regarding Women in America since the Essay
What retail stores of discrimination regarding Women in America since the 1920s invite been successfully resolved -- and which issues have not yet been resolved - Essay ExampleThis has seen the inclusion of women in politics, educational and economic settings among some other clusters in society. Discrimination and the fact that it was a global scenario affected all women all oer the world. In the American setting, in the 1920s, women faced discrimination as a result of the innate capacities that patriarchal societies had imposed on them. In this era, women were to run home affairs and nothing more. It became worse for women who had other vulnerabilities. African American women, those disabled or from inferior races among other clusters faced severe discrimination as compared to their authoritative counterparts. This paper aims to dissect all aspects of discrimination in the American society since the 1920s that have been successfully resolved. It will too discuss those aspects that have not been actively dealt with in the society. This is with the view of ensuring that there is live for advocacy and agitation with the view of achieving a global society free from discrimination against women.One issue that has been successfully resolved is the opportunities given to women in political participation. Women are today given equal opportunities as men in politics. Women are allowed to vote for their preferred candidates to hold various political offices. Women are also allowed to contest for elective political posts. They compete equally with men for such positions. Even after achieving the right wing to vote, very few women were elected to hold political positions. Currently, women are being allowed to hold powerful and potent leading positions. During those days, women were barely allowed to hold any positions. In the past, womens roles were only confined to traditional roles such as working as teachers, domestic workers, nurses, secretary workers among other roles associated with women. Today, many women hold powerful leadership positions such as CEOs, secretaries of state and managers among others (Gregory
Friday, May 10, 2019
McDonald's Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
McDonalds Corporation - Essay ExampleAlso McDonald is already considered the market leader in the betting food industry in the world, with a total market share of nearly 34 share followed by Burger King that has a total of 13 percent of the market share (Iqbal, 2011). This, therefore, suggests that McDonalds is and has been a very(prenominal) successful organisation. 2. Strategic Reasons for the Success of McDonalds The key reason for the success of McDonalds success has always been the populate or employees that work in all the various franchises of the business organization across the world (McDonald, 2012 Elbel et al., 2011 Holmes, 2010 Coombes, 2004 Boyle, 2004). This sums up the huge number of employees that McDonald employs on regular basis. The ac follows policy of employing only the local mickle of where it is located seeks to promote the company from within its own internal customers. This policy of employing local people is to get under ones skin managers that unders tand the business and domestic cultures within which they are operating (Ritzer, 2007 ). The second factor that contributes to its success is the companys products (McDonald, 2012, Mottram, 2011, Holmes, 2010, Adams, 2007). One of the cardinal objectives of McDonalds is to design and build a uniform set of items that are invariable in taste and quality across the globe. It also believes that adapting to changes, especially with respect to local condition is inwrought to the success of the company. The differentiation of the companys products and services also form the basis of McDonalds matched strategy (Adams, 2007). Indeed, to sustain growth and development, McDonalds has differentiated its products by targeting children and the elderly as its core consumers. The company offers an assorted line of foods so as to attract customers across the various levels of society. Building credible inciter equity finished effective promotion, sustainable business practice and quality servi ce has also been springy part of its success. McDonalds promotional maxim of marking globally and advertising locally offers the company the luck to design promotional activities specific to each marketing environment. This is to focus on the building of trust and brand loyalty in the eyes of its numerous customers that are spread across the globe. McDonalds recently introduced mantra Im lovinit which the company is using to bring its products closer to families is an effective promotional strategy (Holmes, 2010). Most importantly, expanding globally through franchising and creating a strong network of business network and relationship has been a major element of its success. more than 80% of its business is run on the franchise basis. (McDonald annual report 2011) Under a McDonalds franchise, McDonalds products, with same quality and taste are sold. McDonalds receives a monthly rent, which is calculated on a slide scale based on the restaurants sales (McDonald, D.2008). Franchi sees across the world follow the same standard love seat infrastructure, ambience, quality, taste and customer service. as such, the success of the company can usually be related to macrocosm able to become accustomed to a specific environment. (Holmes, 2010) 3. Strategic framework of competitive advantage Kanter (2001) has strongly asserted
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