Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cultural Relativism and Whistleblowing Essay
Explain using the ethics of cultural relativism the advantages and disadvantages of whistle blowing Cultural relativism is the principle regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself ( 2012). It is the concept that the importance of a particular cultural idea varies from one society or societal subgroup to another and that ethical and moral standards are relative to what a particular society or culture believes to be good or bad, right or wrong. In other words, â€Å"right†and â€Å"wrong†are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another society’s customs. According to Philosophy All (2012) the view that the varied moral or ethical systems are all equally valid is based on the idea that there is no ultimate standard of good or evil; so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural perspective of each person. Ultimately, this means that no moral or ethical system can be considered the â€Å"best,†or â€Å"worst,†and no particular moral or ethical position can actually be considered â€Å"right†or â€Å"wrong.†Cultural perspective therefore can help us understand why certain actions are considered right or wrong by a particular culture. The actions being referred to include the act of whistle blowing. Boatwright (2009: 90) defines the act whistle blowing as the release of information by a member or former member of an organisation that is evidence of illegal and/or immoral conduct in the organisation or conduct in the organisation that is not in the public interest. Nadler and Schulman (2006) assert that whistle blowing is intricately linked to ethics in that it represents a person’s understanding, at a deep level, that an action his or her organisation is taking is taking is harmful and that it interferes with people’s rights or is unfair or detracts from the common good. The question therefore from a cultural relativism perspective is, through which culture’s lens is the â€Å"common good†being viewed. If in the prevailing culture whistle blowing is a common and acceptable practice an atmosphere where the advantages of whistle blowing has been cultivated. According to Trimborn (2012) the most important of the advantages is that whistle-blowing often ends long-standing wrongdoing that would have otherwise continued. Organisations who encourage a whistle blowing culture, promote transparent structure and effective, clear communication. More importantly, whistle blowing can protect the organization’s clients. Trimborn (2012) cites the example of a hospital employing a number of negligent staff members. Other, more ethically inclined, employees would need to bring such issues to the hospital’s attention, protecting the organization from possible lawsuits or severe mishaps resulting in a patient’s demise. In the case of clear workplace violations of health and safety regulations, or breach of employment laws, workers are protected and their rights upheld. With regard to research or technical issues, whistle-blowers may cite internal memos and other documentation to prove doubts existed about a product (such as a cover- up of certain medication dangers) or that false research results were knowingly published. Whistle-blowers often highlight safety concerns regarding cars or other products, thus protecting an unsuspecting public. Whistle-blowing upholds the law, protects many from the impact of wrongdoing, reveals the truth and prevents further wrongdoing. In cultures where whistle-blowing is frowned upon devastating consequences can be visited upon the whistle blower. Trimborn (2012) reveals some of whistle blowing’s negative repercussions. Firstly, it can bring termination of the whistle-blower’s services by the organization. It would be difficult to remain, no matter how justifiable the decision to reveal illegalities and no matter how much the revelations would actually benefit others. Secondly, big-time revelations could bring down the organization causing everyone to lose their jobs. Thirdly, the whistle-blower can get stigmatized as â€Å"disloyal†and be discredited in some way. Fourthly, the organization and sometimes colleagues may exact some form of revenge on the whistle-blower in retribution. Thus, the whistle-blower is somehow blamed for the wrongdoing and fired without an opportunity for vindication. In communities, the whistle-blower and family may be subject to hostile treatment, viewed as acting out of self-interest with a view to gaining advancement at others’ expense. In conclusion, unless culture, practice and the law indicate that it is safe and accepted for whistle-blowers to raise a genuine concern about corruption or illegality, workers will assume that they risk victimisation, losing their job or damaging their career. They even risk being cast out or ostracised by the communities they emanate from. In cultures where a safety net for whistle-blowers exists the whistle-blower is marked as a person of integrity who has the backbone to do what is right no matter what. It lets others know the whistle-blower can be trusted to deal with others honestly. It also limits the effects of intimidation tactics designed to sway whistle-blowers from taking appropriate action where necessary (Young: 2007).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Class Participation Rate And Improving Students Knowledge Education Essay
Abstraction: The Task-based Teaching and Learning manner has been enjoyed a batch in nowadays English instruction procedure. Not merely because it has specified the purposes of both instruction and pupils ‘ acquisition, but besides during the procedure of making the ends, it will assist excite instructors ‘ inspiring abilities and pupils ‘ creativenesss, therefore to develop the involvement in larning and the province of analyzing to their best. However, there are assorted jobs happening in category instruction, of which standout and influential are the low category engagement rate and pupils ‘ low efficiency in geting the needed cognition. To happen out solutions to these jobs, the writer has studied different stuffs every bit good reflected from the learning experience ( instance analyze method ) , proposing that using concerted survey, or teamwork spirit into category instruction will be the most effectual. Cardinal words: co-op survey, Task-based English Teaching, engagement1. IntroductionIt is non easy to make better instruction ends when a category has encountered jobs like low engagement rate, intending that non all the pupils are interested in inquiring or replying inquiries and take parting in activities, merely because the activities are non fascinating at all. And the other job is pupils ‘ low efficiency in geting the needed cognition. There are many factors act uponing the quality of a category instruction. Owning better buildings of learning installations, like advanced multimedia, is far from adequate to do a category acquire its expected ends. As for this, many instructors and experts have been seeking to work out ways to advance pupils ‘ desire to cognize and willingness to make, for illustration, holding more out-of-classroom activities and puting up more advanced subjects to speak and research. But how to do the best of these is still left to research. By anal yzing old researches and making learning pattern in Deyang Foreign Language School, the writer believes concerted survey, which is besides called team-work should be more used in learning and educating. In the undermentioned portion of the thesis, the causes for these jobs mentioned supra will be explained. Following that, the construct of Cooperative Study and its positive relationship with Task-based Class Teaching will be introduced every bit good as how we can really use it into existent instruction. The research the writer has done in Deyang Foreign Language School will be discussed in the last portion.2. Review of Literature2.1 Theory of task-based English Class TeachingTask-based instruction is to get the hang the linguistic communication by utilizing linguistic communication in the activities instead than merely developing for linguistic communication accomplishments and cognition of the linguistic communication larning results. In learning activities, instructors should con centrate on specific communications and linguistic communication undertakings, design of specific and practical undertakings. Students are to finish the acquisition undertakings through look, communicating, dialogue, reading and other linguistic communication in the signifier of enquiry. Task-based instruction method is to absorb the advantages of the past formed of a assortment of learning methods, while it does non except other learning methods. It was first put frontward in the 1980s, emphasizing on â€Å" acquisition by making †in the linguistic communication learning method and communicative attack is the development of linguistic communication instruction in the universe. This has provided learning theoretical footing for the gradual debut of English instruction in China, foreign linguistic communication learning reform in China as a tendency. The characteristics of Task-based Teaching Method include concentrating on completing the undertakings alternatively of pull stringsing some kind of nonmeaningful linguistic communication signifier, and taking at raising pupils ‘ resounding and involvements by supplying interactions which are closely related to existent life and experience.2.2 Theory of Cooperative StudyConcerted survey ( or cooperative acquisition ) is an attack to forming schoolroom activities into academic and societal acquisition experiences. Students work in groups to finish undertakings jointly. Everyone succeeds when the group succeeds. There are 5 basic elements of concerted survey. They are Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Face to Face Interactions, Social Skills, and Benefits. First, Positive Interdependence requires that group members feel connected to each other in the procedure of carry throughing the end. Second, Individual Accountability means that every group member is responsible for being able to show apprehension and comprehension of the erudite academic outlooks and societal ends. Third, Face to Face Interactions suggest that the group must take part by pass oning and discoursing the end. Fourth, Social Skills include listening, organic structure linguistic communication, sharing, accepting thoughts and differences, etc. These are the accomplishments needed prior to or being developed during the group work. And 5th, Benefits include higher ego esteem, achievement and keeping of academic information2.3 Co-relationships between task-based instruction and co-op surveyFrom a chart, we ca n see the co-relation between concerted survey and task-based instruction: ( chart 2.1 ) Undertakings Proper activities instructors Team ends Group activities pupils When all the instruction ends are assigned as group work, those proper activities are needed to be fulfilled by all the pupils with concerted spirit applied into the procedure and with the counsel of the instructors. The characteristics of concerted survey fit the steps taken to complete task-based instruction.3. Causes for jobsBefore really acquiring to cognize how Concerted Survey can be to the full applied into instruction, it is necessary to acquire to cognize the causes for those jobs ( low engagement rate and low efficiency in larning ) mentioned above. Why non all the pupils are willing to take part, and what are the obstructions for leveling up pupils ‘ efficiency in geting cognition? Bing non interested in the category is the ground why they do n't desire positively believing and speaking, which straight influence their quality of geting cognition. Maybe it is because of the stuffs are deadening, the manner the instructor Teachs is deadening, or it is their ain jobs. Students in in-between school are in the adolescent ages, during which many physical and psychological jobs will go on to them. Based on the instruction pattern done in Deyang Foreign Language, the writer has found out that there are chiefly three facets of influential factors listed out as follows: on the facet of pupils, on the facet of instructors, and on the facet of school.3.1 On the facet of pupilsY?ee?â„ ¢i [ Chai Lujing ] ( 2006 ) , who has wrote about how to using concerted spirit into proficient schools, says that, on the one manus, in-between school pupils are during their adolescent period clip, in which they are fighting for psychological independency. The incarnation of which is they tend to cut away the attaching emotions from parents and instructors. And therefore they need to construct other relationships as permutations either with the outside universe, such as societal relationship, or with their adolescent couples, like childhood buddies or schoolmates. Since a batch of in-between school pupils are populating on campus, it is an chance for them to set up new relationships with more people out of known relationships and recognize their life value through their ain attempts and enterprises. On the other manus, all those activities to be carried out in categories need the spirit of willingness to portion and header with others, but this is what the pupils presents are missing. What besides should be responsible for is the â€Å" one kid policy †. Bing the lone kid and the centre at place, they have been spoiled by their households. And their uneasiness has ever made them proud of themselves, lending to the turning unsighted recognition of themselves. This is why they are missing the consciousness and motives to get by with others. She has besides stated that the â€Å" merely kid †has a strong desire to assail, doing them violative and critic, more earnestly, doing them take no joy in doing friends with people they do n't wish but to avenge them therefore to protect themselves. All these indicate that these childs lack concerted spirit, doing them bear no apprehension, compassion and regard towards others. So it is non difficult to reason that this will be obstructions for them to set to the society and have a self-acceptance of one ego. Therefore, even there are activities and undertakings set in a Task-based Class, without pupils ‘ willingness and openness to offer to make, nil can be achieved. Consequently, the category engagement rate will non be every bit high as expected.3.2 On the facet of instructorsNot all the instructors are doing an lineation of a category intricately, for missing of clip or idea of nec essity. As we all know â€Å" jaming instruction and acquisition †has improbably existed in history and influenced our instruction for decennaries. The accent of consequence and classs has made instructors concentrate more on the consequences, whatever the procedure is. Making more exercising and flexing their caputs among the books are ever what a persevering pupil should be. Whenever there is a new category, pupils are burdened with a mass of new cognition, which should be gained by repeatedly reinforcement and examined through trials. Though the task-based instruction and larning method is been developing, the thought that merely repeat message and â€Å" jaming cognition †are difficult to acquire rid of. Teachers rarely do probes on each pupil ‘s personality. Therefore pupils ‘ likes and disfavors are normally heedlessly ignored, and their being asked about inquiries they are non interested in and non able to interrupt the tenseness of a serious categ ory, has decidedly influence pupils ‘ ardor in engagement. Because of deficiency of properly organized activities, which means it is the instructor who is speaking and cramming, a category is difficult to make the ends, harmoniously and pleasantly. And this will decidedly act upon pupil ‘s efficiency in deriving cognition.3.3 On the facet of schoolIn the construct of traditional instruction, it is more focussed on the person ‘s development and competence alternatively of a group ‘s. In in-between school, this has been reflected by prosecuting of high classs. The quality of a school is normally judged by its rate of pupils ‘ credence to a higher instruction. Since all the people are fighting to their ain personal success, the sharing of cognition and the joy of being working together have been ignored. Bing antsy and covetous of other people ‘s accomplishments, many pupils have become more self-acclaimed and self-closing, ne'er desiring to portions knowledge with others, ne'er desiring to interchange thoughts with others. But things have changed. The new demands of course of study claim quality instruction, taking at developing a pupil ‘s all-aspects abilities. And more specifically, many utile types of learning methods are demanded, like Task-based Class Teaching. As for a school itself, the failures of working on harmonious analyzing squads and societal patterns have influenced the most. Because it is frequently the fight are highlighted more than the concerted survey. Such as in a athleticss meeting, categories are consequently a group for a series of competitions. Another factor is the demand to do concerted spirit as an of import societal value to be popularized and educated has non been fulfilled4. Cases of using Cooperative Spirit into category instructionTo happen solutions to these jobs ( low engagement rate and low efficiency in larning ) , many instructors have been seeking to set as many activities as they c an in a category instruction, and utilize multimedia installations. But see this: if a category is full of activities which are merely to warm up the ambiance and the instructor is the prima function, can the category truly animate the pupils to take part? If the instructors have put all the information on a computing machine, voices are taped and descriptions are pictured, can they assist the pupils develop their advanced spirit to believe and to detect? And these defects are precisely many bookmans are reasoning approximately. As ?Y?c? ¤a?†[ Ke Qunfan ] ( 2003 ) has written in â€Å" acquiring out of the new jaming instruction method †that to do a category vivid and unrecorded, many instructors have done excessively much, one-sidedly thought that more activities will be better. However, it so becomes â€Å" new jaming method †, which has merely occupies much clip of a category. â€Å" New criterions for English Curriculum †has claimed that â€Å" the development of a pupil †is the finish of learning. It is indispensable to do pupils the active functions of a category. Cooperative survey, inquiring for using concerted spirit, besides called the team-work spirit, into survey, has been approved and suggested by many bookmans. eâ„ ¢?a?Sa?Z [ Chen Jianhua ] ( 2004 ) has stated in thesis â€Å" A Small Talk on English Cooperative Study †that cooperative survey is one of the instruction patterns based on group work. Having the same ultimate end and being valued by accomplishment of a whole group, concerted survey can excite instruction and acquisition by to the full cooperation of each component. If taken into consideration, the demands of a task-based instruction method will be fulfilled. Collaborating can convey pupils ‘ action into drama, and organize the competitory every bit good as concerted ambiance between groups in categor y. During the procedure, face to confront interactions are established while each pupil will hold to transport a portion of duty. And the outlooks of doing conversations can be reached which is precisely what an English category is taking at, which is to do a pupil talk, think positively, and do linguistic communication a unrecorded tool to pass on.4.1 Teamwork illustrations in high school abroad.When people were interviewed why they had chosen to analyze abroad, they explained that it was because they could see the â€Å" free thought †or â€Å" free life †. Though this is sort of sarcastic about China ‘s instruction which has been traditionally concentrating on acquiring a good class, allowing entirely the deep cultural difference, American ‘s free method of instruction is worthy acquisition, for which is full of free thought, more significantly, inquiring for every bit much cooperation as possible in a category. Not merely in completing assignment but besides interactions between instructors and pupils, between cognition and pupils ‘ heads. What â€Å" free method of American instruction †has impressed the writer most were the personal experiences of analyzing in Plattsburgh College in State University of New York. Though it ‘s in college category, it ‘s valid to turn out the effectivity of concerted survey. One of the instances was the FLL ( Foreign Language and Literature ) category. The pupils were required to make assignments after they finished the literary plants ( short narrative and novels ) . There were 2 parts included in the assignment: respondent inquiries and blank-fillings. Every category, the instructor would organize groups of 2-3 pupils. One of them would make the presentation, and all the group members would hold to work on the assignments together. The pupil who did the presentation was ever the 1 liked to speak, and could vividly explicate the reply to the inquiries, while the reply should be the combined thoughts of all the group members. The other illustration was besides concerted survey applied in one of the General Psychology category carried out in Plattsburgh College. The professor asked the pupils to make readyings for new category in groups of 4-6 people. All the pupils in a group needed to fix at least one session of the stuff, and one of them would move as the taking function to link the whole presentation. After those categories, several personal interviews have been held of those who conducted the activities. They held positive positions about that. One of the pupils from FLL category said that it was fun for they could easy acquire the elaborate information of a novel when they were mentioned by their schoolmates. The cognition became more impressive and they could utilize to expose their point of position freely and creatively. â€Å" I love that category. †she said. This was precisely what instructor and the category wanted. The other pupil from GP category said he normally sat mutely in some ot her categories, merely taking notes. But in GP category, he had to fix his ain address good and went up to the phase. â€Å" Though I do n't frequently speak, I will merely travel at that place and state what I have done, and so I remember all the stuffs refering with our lessons. †He besides said this. It can be seen from these two illustrations that when pupils ‘ have experienced, they will happen involvements in making things. They will analyze better and more expeditiously. Dialectic Materialism has the theory that interaction is one of the ways human existences exist. School ‘s being a societal group, enables interactions and societal communications between instructor and pupils. This besides provides accounts for the betterment of pupils ‘ geting cognition in the co-op survey atmosphere, for experiences provided by schoolmates are easy to be understood, and the activities pupils have played will picture the significance of societal functions. However, pupils will develop a sense of societal value, undertaking consciousness, cooperation consciousness, and their societal duties every bit good as team-work spirit. Based on the recognition that pupils should be the chief function, concerted survey has created the opportunity to interact between pupils, and distin guished the functions of â€Å" steering †and â€Å" playing †between instructors and pupils. Therefore, pupils can hold the chances and clip to interchange their thoughts, prosecuting betterment together. More significantly, during the procedure, the subjectiveness of pupils is to the full reflected, their desire for cognition, enthusiasm will be aroused and happy and effectual acquisition will be achieved.4.2 Teamwork illustrations in high school in China ( Particular instance in Deyang Foreign Language School )Teaching pattern in Deyang Foreign Language School: Based on the concerted acquisition research and pattern, the writer has carried out a instruction pattern in 2 categories of high section in Deyang Foreign Language School, taking to research the effectivity of concerted survey ‘s increasing pupil schoolroom engagement and their efficiency of pupil acquisition in the procedure of instruction. Method: instance survey Basic information of topics: Class 7 is a scientific discipline category, with 21 male childs and 23 misss, in-between rank in comprehensive abilities. Class 5 is an art category, with 10 male childs and 29 misss, in-between rank in comprehensive capablenesss. The demands of English course of study for both categories are the same. Their English trials classs are of small difference. Content: Warming Up and Speaking in Unit 5 Textbook: Senior English for China Student ‘s Book 2A Step1: grouping For category 7: There were all together three chief squads grouped harmonizing to pupils ‘ personalities. Group 1, active pupils ( chatty, and really rather ) Group2, less chatty, over reserved pupils Group3, reserved pupil ( will take portion in the category when needed ) For category 5: three groups every bit good, assigned harmonizing to their seats. Step2: delegate the undertakings Part one: Questions based on the text edition, page 33. a. Give images that they are interested in B. Give information about each portion of UK on different facets. Part two: pupils get to cognize each other and administer the assignments by themselves Step3: the procedure of the category groups treatment pull off the information they have collected presentation Step4: rating ( 5 mark for each ) 1. Students were valued as a whole group. 2. Presentations should be displayed vividly, including every 1s ‘ message, reflecting their grouping manner, which consisted of balanced distribution of work, mediate trust. 3. Accuracy of cognition is besides valued. Step5: attesting the efficiency of larning. All the pupils are asked to complete the pre-reading undertakings on the text edition.4.2.1 ConsequencesFor category 7 ( chart 4.1 ) Group Accuracy of cognition presentation Overall entire Group 1 4 4 4 12 Group 2 4 3 3 10 Group 3 5 4 4 13 For category 5 ( chart 4.2 ) Group Accuracy of cognition presentation Overall entire Group 1 4 3 3 10 Group 2 3 2 3 8 Group 3 3 2 2 74.2.2 Discussion and defects4.2.2.1 Main findingsGroup presentations ‘ description of Class 7: Group one, which is made of chatty individuals and really quiet pupils, chatty pupils of course had really flexible heads and they took the occupation of presentations, while others had shared information collected by them and supported their teammates. Group two, pupils were less chatty and over reserved. They tended to keep back when promoted to stand on the phase and give a presentation stand foring their group, which made a loss of their tonss of â€Å" presentation †. Group 3 had the highest mark. During the procedure of instruction, the writer has found that in Class 7, pupils in each group made readyings intricately. They distributed the assignments harmonizing to everyone ‘s abilities and advantages, for some of them were good at computing machines, which was of import for information collection, and some had better unwritten English, which could do the presentation clear to be understand. The ground laid much in their personality, for these decently reserved pupils normally stand out when they were needed, and ever had a clear hint of what to make and what to state. In this group, they had given the information really accurate and presented steadily. The writer had consumed that to accomplish the ultimate end that the group to acquire the best mark, the pupils needed cooperate with each other good. During the procedure, obeisance and via media were needed but more significantly, the support towards others. What had come out as a consequence was after each presentatio n, other group members had given a first yet loud hand clapping to their teammate, and they had invariably complete the spouses ‘ addresss on the phases by supplying more addendum. Group presentations ‘ description of Class 5: Group 1 happened to dwell of several pupils who were better at English. Group 3 was of pupils with ordinary abilities, and the 2nd group owned several backward pupils, whose survey consequences were below norm. And group 2 had comparatively higher mark in the â€Å" overall column †because when it was their bend to make the presentation, they seemed active. Though non much information required was provided, these pupils were to the full take parting. And the pupils in the other mean group were merely every bit backdown as what some pupils had seemed in category. The research consequence was little different. Get downing from free grouping, which they did harmonizing to their seating agreement, the pupils tended to collaborate with friends or closed place schoolmates. However, this might be influenced by the pupils ‘ gender part, intending more male childs preferred speaking while misss were more reserved. Necessity of proper grouping: these illustrations prove that in order to ease concerted acquisition, proper schoolroom grouping and organisation will play a important function. Their groups turned out to be three groups every bit good. However, there are more jobs necessary to be discussed. First, in category 5, due to the random assignment, pupils had lost a sense of common benefits, which is one of the basic elements, less effectual assignment distributions were made, which had lead to pupils to simply wait for replies from others or they ended up mixing information for deficiency of group dialogue and full readying. Second, they tended to get away from duties, for depending on pupils who were comparatively better at speaking, while the others were merely taking notes or listening. But there were some active pupils demanded to state their findings as an person. These two issues have affected the effectivity of concerted survey. Through these two instances, the importance of grouping has been signified. The efficiency of acquisition: in category 7, pupils appeared easier to happen the elaborate information and have a better apprehension of the context, for the descriptions given were more accurate and were based on what they had known or mentioned by their schoolmates. In category 5, pupils were less active to reply inquiries and appeared less interested in larning and their answers were little vague and less in measure. From this, we can foretell that after a self-experience of analysing and analyzing stuffs and sharing with others, pupils can hold a comparatively better appreciation of the cognition, which is of import for learning and indispensable to better their efficiency in geting cognition. Flaws of the researchThe writer has consumed the research will throw more visible radiation on concerted survey ‘s effectivity on bettering pupils engagement and on their efficiency in geting cognition, but because of missing informations, pupils ‘ personality analysis appeared rough, which might act upon the grouping. However, concerted acquisition ‘s map of mobilising pupils ‘ enthusiasm has been to the full reflected. But, whether the concerted acquisition can enable pupils to better larning efficiency was non to the full proved. Merely by analyzing the pupils ‘ apprehension of related reading contexts was non sufficient. Harmonizing to the rule of memories, even though the pupils gained a batch of cognition points in the schoolroom, they would shortly be forgotten if there is no effectual ways to be practiced, such as quizzes, in-depth treatments.5. Solve jobsAs to better the low category engagement rate and pupils ‘ efficiency in geting cognition, the writer has advocated using concerted survey into task-based instruction. After analyzing the old surveies and making learning pattern, more suggestions should be made as good. These suggestions are more likely made for instructors.5.1 suggestions on making activities:a. M ore suited and thoughtful activities should be arranged. Guarantee the equality of opportunities for each pupil to take part through the ways varied, as what the writer has done in instruction. Vary the survey signifiers. Take more signifiers like group treatments, group argument, group seeking, group function drama, and if allowed, on-line seminar, since English is a unrecorded linguistic communication category. The more challenging the subject is, the more passionate the pupils will be and ne'er do it a load for pupils. Scholars have proposed three methods of grouping: homogenous grouping, heterogenous grouping, and the free combination. In homogenous group, pupils frequently ain same characteristics, like in classs, survey ability, and survey action. By combing them, they can happen their involvements in common and better together. While in heterogenous groups, things are face-to-face. It is better for pupils to assist each other every bit good as learn from each other. Free grouping can excite pupils ‘ passion and enterprise to analyze by grouping them harmonizing to their ain picks and has a strong coherence. The grouping should be depended on learning stuffs, learning conditions, and pupils ‘ existent state of affairss. Teachers should plan the synergistic activities based on existent life alternatively of superficial content which requires no deep thought, contains no profound significance and bears no communicative necessity. Try to assist the pupils to truly take part in the activities from the â€Å" perceptual experience – general – applications, †and develop their abilities in identify jobs and work outing jobs. After a group work, it is helpful that the instructor provide the feedback and rating to the survey, which will corroborate group members ‘ sense of equal importance to the group, give the encouragement and support.5.2 Suggestions on interactions with pupils:a. To finish a assortment of mission activities, aid to excite pupils ‘ involvement in larning. B. In the procedure of finishing the undertaking, instructors should unite the linguistic communication cognition and linguistic communication accomplishments together, assisting to develop the students of linguistic communication proficiency. c. To assist pupils to actively take part in linguistic communication communicating activities, instructors should animate their imaginativeness and originative thought. Students should play the chief function. d. In activities to larn cognition, developing interpersonal communicating, believing, decision-making and adaptability, is contributing to overall development of pupils. e. In the task-based instruction activities, being inspired by their instructors, each pupil has to believe independently and active engagement chances, maintain the motive to larn, and develop good survey wonts. Teachers should esteem the positions of pupils to construct a wide exchange of learning background, create an advanced ambiance, and advance the spirit of â€Å" ask for develop as a whole alternatively of wining separately †. It is besides indispensable for instructors to carry on emotional communicating, to develop pupils ‘ spirit of Humanities and Social Sciences, every bit good as their right sense of competition and societal duty.6. DecisionThe internal value of concerted survey is necessary to be signified. As e ©Ã‚ ¬a†¦Ã‚ ° [ Ma Lan ] ( 2004 ) has stated, concerted survey is non merely a instruction method, but besides an positive attitude of life, demoing people ‘s grasp and willingness of header with others. Concerted survey is non merely a method but besides the content of a survey, from which pupils learn the rules and societal accomplishments to develop. More significantly, concerted survey is non merely about the interactions between instructors and pupils, but besides the portion of resources among them. And under the demands of current course of study, the cognition base of a pupil includes cognition from text edition every bit good as from that of a instructor ‘s in struction experience and the interactions among them. Cooperative larning itself is a sort of profound religious kernel, rich content and extended operational theory of learning engineering scheme. U.S. concerted acquisition experts Jacobs ( 2001 ) one time said, â€Å" the shortest distance to make a end is non needfully a consecutive line †. As for English instruction, it is non to inquire pupil to declaim the English lexicon and learn them the simply signifiers of linguistic communication, but the practical use of English. Uniting with task-based instruction method, concerted survey is effectual to assist pupils to see the joy of acquisition, cultivate a sense of duty by sharing different assignments and larn to give to a end by doing usage of common complement.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
AMD Case Final
Finally, MAD needs to switch the consumer's fixation from specifications such as GHz and KGB, to visual experience. Although Llano is already delayed, it will be ready by mid-201 1 . The next selling cycle, right after mid-2011 , is the Back – to – School season. This means that waiting until mid-2011 is not necessarily a bad thing. Intel already rushed out a CHIP+SPIN processor called Sandbagging in order to be the first to market, and in doing so produced a mediocre product. According to analysts, â€Å"Intel GAP technology is a generation behind its CPU technology and cannot Offer a outing-edge graphics experience. Unlike Intel, Mad's strength is in dedicated Spies, due to the acquisition of AT I. Therefore, MAD can release a more complete CHIP+SPLIT processor, aka APP, in time for the Back-to-School season. Usually incentives are negotiated prior to each selling cycle: Back-to- School, Holiday season, and Spring. MAD can offer incentives to retail stores such as Be st Buy, H. H. Gregg and Office Depot prior to the Back-to-School season. The incentives would benefit the retailers because they would be paid an extra 5-10 dollars per PC sold, that contains one of Mad's chips.MAD would also benefit from giving retail incentives by getting more exposure on prominent displays, promotional merchandise available at the retail stores, PC's with MAD chips featured in ad circulars, and MAD would have access to sales associates for training purposes in return for the incentive. MAD specifically should have a combination of merchandising and training because studies show that when merchandising and training are combined, the VISION brand is better communicated and recommended to customers via retail sales associates.For example, when comparing VISION awareness, Merchandising Alone scored 88%, whereas Merchandising + Training scored 97%. For VISION recommendation, Merchandising Alone scored 46%, whereas Merchandising + Training scored 69%. The Fusion produc t line consists of one high end product called Llano that was suitable for high-performance desktops and laptops, one mid-tier product called Acetate suitable for low-end notebooks, and one low-end product called Ontario mainly used for notebooks. Acetate and Ontario were also referred to as Bravos.The reason why we choose to launch Llano first, and not Bravos, is because the VISION rand needs to be associated with quality processors and reasonable prices in comparison to Intel. We assume that if MAD launches Bravos first, the VISION brand will run the risk of being miscommunication as a low-end, weak processor and thus MIS-positioned in consumers' minds, due to a negative first impression. In the past, MAD lacked the ability to court high-end markets, and VISION's Llano is an attempt to break into high-end markets which will give MAD an opportunity for larger profit margins and market share gains in PC's.Odessa said, â€Å"Internal projections forecasted that Llano, which would co ver all mainstream and high-end products, would account for 70% of Fusion APP sales and that Acetate and Ontario would account for 30%†. Looking back at Mad's history with Intel, the companies seem to always have a response to one another, or a way to get back at each other. Whether it is by launching a better product, price-cutting, acquisitions, or rushing products to the market, they usually respond within a year or two.For instance, when Intel's Titanium failed because it could not service 32-bit software, MAD developed the Petrol, which could service both 64-bit and 32-bit software hush creating success for MAD. Part of its success was due to the fact that users did not have to buy new software packages for the processor, unlike Titanium which required new software and proved to be costly. We would rather have the Llano be like a repeat of the Petrol in comparison to Intel's Sandbagging.This means that even though Intel went to market first with a CPU+SPIN processor, MAD can release a better APP about six months later, which is a relatively quick retaliation to Intel when compared to their history. In order to not make the same mistake that Titanium did, we recommend MAD ark with content and software makers before launching Llano. Another important characteristic about Llano is that it needs to be able to function with both 64-bit and 32-bit programs. The plan is to release Llano with only a few major necessary software applications and programs optimized for 64- bit, so that the Llano APP can be fully experienced by users.As mentioned in the case, â€Å"the lead time for optimizing applications was typically a yea'. Releasing Llano with only a few optimized programs allows Llano to roll out in mid-2011. Also, the idea is that developers can create optimized software ever time, much like how Google Chromate was released with a few notable APS and has gained more over time. Some programs we would optimize are: Direct 1 1, Directorates, Photo and vid eo editing APS, Adobe Acrobat. A large number of optimized programs and applications will come after Llano's debut.MAD should be concerned with improving relationships with Memos by not forcing the Memos to exclusively use MAD processors and logos, unlike Intel, which according to management â€Å"used its dominant position to dictate terms to Memos or threaten not to work with them if they did not use Intel chips exclusively†. By not imposing on Memos, MAD opens itself to being used by companies such as Apple, which prefers not to put other brands on its devices. MAD should continue following its new branding strategy VISION, which focuses on how the computer is used and not on how fast the computer can calculate excel spreadsheets. If we make the experience matter most, the VISION campaign has done its job. †Currently the conversation between salespeople and consumers revolves around hardware specifications, but MAD wants the conversation to be about what the compute r can do. MAD should define its CPU and JPG in simple terms that re straightforward, unlike Intel which is very technical. Communicating the change from Intel style specifications to MAD visual experience will require in person demonstrations done by retail sales associates.Retail sales associates will carry out blind tests for consumers by showing shoppers two computers side by side, one with an Intel Sandbagging processor and the other with an MAD Fusion processor. Customers will then choose which computers they feel have the better graphics and visuals, from the demonstrations of the Intel vs.. MAD blind test. Another way to communicate to consumers that MAD APP processors are better, not only for use of Excel but also for visuals, is to show them an experience comparison with the competitor; in this case it is Intel.The VISION Experience Comparison would be signage that translates industry standard specification lingo; it would show that Intel's processor is equal to choppy, fix ated gamely, whereas Amid APP is equal to vivid, clean, smooth game play. The VISION Experience Comparisons would be displayed on the retailer's shelf, where the specifications are typically shown for each computer. The VISION Experience Comparisons would only be splayed for computers that contain MAD Pap's. Strategy #1 Add Apes for new form factors such as smoothness and tablets to the Fusion product line.Create relationships and incentive Memos to use the smartened and tablet APES. Rationale #1 The Fusion line currently consists of three different processors: Llano, Acetate, and Ontario. Each processor in the Fusion line is geared toward a certain type of PC. For example, Llano is for powerful desktops and laptops, whereas Acetate is for low-end notebooks. Ontario is for notebooks. The Fusion line up competes with Intel's ‘Core' product line nicely. One area of concern is new form factors, such as tablets and smoothness. Currently, Intel is selling the Atom for tablets and s moothness.MAD should include an APP that can service these tablets and smoothness, as well. Looking at the competitive landscape, one can see that tablets and smoothness are under great demand from consumers. Apple's phone has had major success since 2007 and pads, which were recently released in April 201 0, have shown strong sales. MAD has the ability and should position itself in the tablet and smartened markets as a graphically strong PAPAL maker. It is in Mad's best interest to become an industry standard for smoothness and tablets. MAD can do this by creating good relationships with manufacturers through flexible deals.For example, MAD will not require Apple to show MAD labels or logos on its products. Also, MAD will strive to have better prices than Intel. In addition, since some of the smartened Memos are also the same companies that create PC's, MAD can offer bundles. For example, if the same MEMO uses MAD processors in both desktops and smoothness, MAD could Offer a larger discount on advertising or products. Strategy #2 Keep Mad's VISION marketing strategy, but include a marketing campaign using various media to better portray the VISION marketing strategy.In addition, improve retail and Memos relationship with MAD, to further increase sales. Rationale #2 Mad's new branding strategy for the introduction of the integrated CHIP/ SPIN, VISION, focuses on consumers' experience, visuals, and graphics instead of concentrating on the specifications, speed, and numbers a computer may have. The MAD PC purchasing study showed, â€Å"consumers want a simple, straight forward way to compare and choose computers†, which indicates hat most consumers are more concerned with â€Å"what the computer does, over what is inside Of it†.An example Off circular ad featuring VISION is provided in the case; however, it only shows specifications on the MAD processor found inside the Notebooks, completely omitting the message of the VISION strategy. The idea is to provide customers with the most important specifications and also integrate the message, ‘the experience matters most†. For the Fusion processor, customers would want to experience HAD quality video online gaming, enhanced video and photo viewing, high performance photo editing, and AD gaming. This would be a more social, recreational use for a computer or notebook.The new Vision marketing strategy would include a marketing campaign that involves an initiative to change the consumer message throughout various types of media. The campaign will communicate to consumers that MAD APP processors are better, not only for use of Excel, but also for visuals. The ads in the campaign will show consumers a direct comparison with the competitor, in this case Intel. The campaign will be called the VISION Experience Comparison. The VISION Experience Comparison itself would include ads hat show translations of industry standard specification lingo.For example, the ads will demonstra te that Intel's processor is equal to choppy, fixated gamely, whereas Mad's APP is equal to vivid, clean, smooth game play. The campaign will be in use two months before each Computer selling cycle. For instance, VISION Experience Comparison commercials will be displayed most heavily two months before the Back-to-School cycle, in order to generate demand. Marketing strategy is important, but relationships with retailers and Memos are also crucial in order for MAD to deliver its new APP processor to ND-users.Intel has the lead on MAD when it comes to MEMO relationships; Intel goes as far as using threats as one of its partnership strategies by making Memos deal exclusively with them. MAD needs to use a non- threatening strategic partnership; make deals with Memos by not forcing them to place Mad's VISION logo on its devices. For example, â€Å"Apple hasn't allowed Intel to place a logo on its computers and the company has the most market share for notebooks over $1000†. This m eans that MAD has the opportunity to make a business deal with a top tier computer brand like Apple.This is cause MAD will not threaten to not cooperate with Apple, in case Apple does not wish to display MAD logos on its devices. MAD should partner with leading Memos such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell Inc. , which have the lead in sales over Leno and Acre as seen on Exhibit 4 of the case. By introducing incentives, MAD could make itself more appealing to Memos. As mentioned in the case, â€Å"MAD can offer Memos 75% refund on full price of all print ads if Memos use the VISION brand†. Instead of reimbursing HP 3-5% of the purchase price of the chip, MAD could raise the percentage to 10%, making the deal appear more appealing to Memos.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Global marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Global marketing - Essay Example Free trade members lack common external tariff unlike in customs union meaning they have different customs and quotas. Free trade area is aimed at reducing barriers to easy exchange so that there is development of trade as a result of division of labour and specialization. Custom Union are normally characterized by generally imposing a common external-tariff on imports from countries who are not members (Sharan). Another characteristic of custom union is that there is no free movement labor among members as well as capital. Custom Union is mutual agreement among the participating neighboring countries to reduce or eliminate customs duty and remove trade barriers on mutual trade. Participants in Custom Union come up with a common external trade policy. In economic integration, Custom union is the third stage and is normally established through trade pacts. Common Market is a formed by countries in the same geographical area to enhance capital among it members and duty free labor movement. It is aimed at bringing economic integration and a common market to the involved member countries. Custom market is characterized by imposing common external tariff on imports from non-members. In Political Union, there is a consolidated and a larger group of countries that share an internationally acknowledged joint government. Political union can be established in a various ways such as; mixed unions incorporating union, and federative annexation. It is characterized by having a common currency and no trade barriers for the member countries. The key provisions of NAFTA which would challenge inclusion of Brazil and Chile is Prohibition of standards as free trade barrier, this is because some product from brazil and chile may not meet U.S. standards may be denied access to market. Another reason is that including Brazil and Chile may lead to changing standards to accommodate their needs whereas NAFTA does not require the United States to change
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The ressesion in the fashion industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The ressesion in the fashion industry - Essay Example The fashion industry together with other textile products industry has undergone a downturn due to the financial adversity (Global Recession Impacts on Fashion Industry 2009). Fashion is a complicated business with no standard to define the companies in the industry. Fashion companies belong to a broad of range of firms that produces apparel, footwear, textile accessories and home furnishings. The industry is formed of diverse professionals and firms that include fashion designing, modeling, marketing, retailing, planning and distribution. Fashion includes brands and local sellers to whom the recession has brought in a struggle to sell the products for survival. The impact is felt among the various members of the fashion industry in a different manner and the similarity among the members is their poor financial status. The lavish spending attitude of consumers is now replaced by a cautious closefisted consumer behavior due to the global trend of increasing unemployment, plunging home budgets and the credit squeeze. Some of the few items consumers cut back during financial crisis is fashion accessories and apparels. This has led several fashion companies to contact credit problems. Various companies around the world have already filed for bankruptcy. Even big labels in the fashion industry are faced with financial problem and have declared their negative financial trend. Some companies have gone to the extent of expecting a take over or are negotiating a partnership deal with consenting investors for financial support. Many innovative plans and events are being cancelled and the plans to cut down jobs in regional offices are more of regular news. Fashion labels in fashion cities in the Italy have held discussions with the government to appeal for support and reduce the burden of the financial downturn. Fashion houses are hesitating to show the collection for various seasons in 2009 since the shows are expensive without any guarantee of returns. The
Horizontal Occupational Gender Segregation Term Paper
Horizontal Occupational Gender Segregation - Term Paper Example There is huge inequality between men and women in job distribution in the labour force. Men are considered to be stronger and powerful as compared to women who are considered to be too weak to engage in heavy labour. Women having similar qualification as men are offered inferior jobs because of which they have to face the brutality of inequality (Tackling Occupational Segregation Fact Sheet). According to Robert M. Blackburn and Jennifer Jarman, â€Å"Horizontal occupational segregation has been the heart of debates about gender inequality†. It shows that social injustice is been done to women in the workplace thus leading to improper utilization of the human resources. It also reveals the wider perspective of the society as a whole. A research was conducted to investigate the pattern of gender difference and inequality in employment using a new concept of segregation. This new system measured to which extent differences exist between men and women employed in different occupa tion. It studied the changes in gender segregation in Canada between 1981 and 1996. It was found that this trend still continued with just a slight decline in the overall segregation. This new system measured to which extent differences exist between men and women employed in different occupation. It studied the changes in gender segregation in Canada between 1981 and 1996. It was found that this trend still continued with just a slight decline in the overall segregation. Vertical segregation (inequality associated with occupational earnings) declined up to 41% but an increase in horizontal segregation, that is, difference without such inequality. The result said that women are slowly increasing their participation in areas mainly dominated by men.
Monday, August 26, 2019
STUDENT RESPONSE 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
STUDENT RESPONSE 2 - Assignment Example All the strategies needed to be applied, and mostly the locals need to be involved in the strategy plan. Often, people do not see a difference between plan and planning. In my opinion, plan reflects rigidity and planning reflects adaptability and flexibility. This means that planning involves actively discussing the objectives, goals, tasks and strategies needed to accomplish a mission while plan are mere documentations of these discussions. Plans need to be updated on a regular basis because situations change regularly. However, planning is a continued process that assists in achieving goals and keeping on track. Plans are like blue prints to help in success, however planning does not guarantee success yet it is totally necessary to institute the various plans (Canton, 2007). The most common disaster in the United States is flooding. Flooding ranks the highest in property damage. Even though the government does not use potential disasters as a breeding ground for capitalization, disasters are a great opportunity for fraud and corruption both in the private and government sectors. There is urgency in need for service provision during disaster or even the planning. This urgent demand to return the life of a city leads to disregard in quality controls. It might seem unfair for the government to install a flood insurance strategy for non participating communities, but sometimes flooding may occur in unusual locations too, for example the flooding in Colorado in 2013. I agree with the Director of Emergency Management on â€Å"a quick response being a well planned response†(Canton, 2007, p. 262).This is because some of the destructions that occur in a disaster maybe unexpected and the plans may not have catered for them. The aim of disaster management is to restore life first. A quick response therefore reestablishes security, safety, and critical services, which could take longer if a thought out
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Research & Professional Skills - Reflective Journal Essay
Research & Professional Skills - Reflective Journal - Essay Example Further, there is a problem in final decision making because of various views and opinions. Enterprise Development subject is the discipline I have placed much keenness and interest because it is interesting and I enjoy listening to the lecturer speak about the subject. Further, what makes this enterprise development an interesting subject is that the lecturer always encourage student to present themseves which gives us the ability to learn and develop critical thinking and problem solving skill. In addition, this subject will enable me to develop business plan which in turn will improve myself relevant industry information and world business issues. In my research and development I encounter several challenges such as fear to public speaking. This is due to the fact that I have less self-confident, I m not comfortable speaking to a crowd of people since I feel embarrassed to look in the eyes of other people. In addition, I am always anxious in the sense that I have the tendency of struggling against speech anxiety since I usually focus on my feeling rather than what I present. For instance, at the beginning, I try to avoid public speaking. Fortunately, I realise that in order to develop good research and professional skills, avoidance is not a better solution. Therefore, I try to be brave and self motivate before doing presentation in front of classmates. In the end, I realise that self confidence can make me relax, do a full preparation , get usual with public speaking and make it as a part in my life. I should develop personal practice pragmatically over their career by reflecting on, and adoption of several sources. This in turn will assist me in developing courage when addressing the public thus enhancing my public speaking skill. Further, courage will have made me self confident and focused on my feelings rather than what people expect of me. It is important in a person’s life since it is the basis for the delivery of good practice and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Internet Fashion Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Internet Fashion Marketing - Research Paper Example The paper "Internet Fashion Marketing" discovers different aspects of internet fashion marketing. Since few years, there have been huge advancements in the field of information and technology that has resulted in an abrupt alteration in functioning of the corporate world. Technological innovation inclined organizations to alter their processes, in order to provide quicker and convenient ways of shopping to the consumers globally. This change created a completely new field of internet shopping that has now become a major part of business world, and is continuing to take over major parts of the corporate arena globally. While almost all businesses began to create their presence on the internet, fashion industry remained one of the very few that wanted to remain belonged to the runways and physical selling rooms for a long time. However, as the luxury products began to rule over the internet markets, fashion marketing was one term that became focus of many business experts. In the resul t, nowadays, internet fashion marketing has become a common notion where business companies are putting efforts to market their fashion products and accessories on e-runways and e-catalogues. Although one comes across different perceptions about the success of fashion marketing on the internet, however, it is obvious that internet holds a lot of potential for the fashion industry. In this regard, there is an urgent need of research regarding different aspects of internet fashion market and the role of internet shopping.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Analysis of UK Economy in Comparison with Qatar Economy Essay
Analysis of UK Economy in Comparison with Qatar Economy - Essay Example This essay presents a brief informative analysis of the economic statuses of the United Kingdom and Qatar. These countries demonstrated high levels of economic development in recent years. Economic trends usually differ from country to another. Economists have developed several economic measures to determine which country is ahead of the other in terms of economic progress. The availability of goods and services to the citizens of the country and the affordability of the commodities may be used to know how the citizens are in terms of accessibility to the national income. Other factors that are looked at in determining the wealth of the nation in comparison to another include; health facilities accessibility and affordability, food, housing and other social amenities. The U.K. wealth is one of the best in the globe. The lifestyle of the people of the kingdom is desirable, and the state is ranked among most developed economies of the world. The wealth of the kingdom is also one of the oldest, aging back to the pre-colonial period. The country was thus able to amass wealth from the colonies and developed itself on various social and industrial sectors. There are various components of the UK that can be put into comparison with Qatar. During the economic meltdown that was experienced globally, the country sought to protect her banking industry and therefore was not strictly harmed. The country’s GPD is mainly supported by the natural gas investment. More than 50% of the GDP is obtained from this industry.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Cote d’Ivoire Essay Example for Free
Cote d’Ivoire Essay Cote d’Ivoire was one of the most stable societies for decades, until a crisis hit them in 1986 which caused the collapse of cocoa prices worldwide. This country is the biggest producer of cocoa in the world, so they were affected pretty badly. The cocoa plantations started in the 1920s in the southeast part of the country, expanding to the center west and then to the southwest by the 1970s. Every year the state would fix the prices of cocoa and the differences in price between world and country would be taken by the government there. They would, however, use it on the country for better living. The income from cocoa is mainly what inspires industrial growth, along with the development of infrastructure. The capital was Abidjan (capital of the former French colony) until it was moved to Yamoussoukro after the crisis occurred in an attempt to balance the country out; which so happens to be the birthplace of the current president. Despite the capital moving, most of the wealth remained in Abidjan. After the crisis jobs became so scarce, especially in places such as Yamoussoukro that people would move back to the rural areas in an attempt to find jobs. With a surprise, they found there was little land left and a lot of foreigners; creating tension. With all that tension, land and crops turned into a sort of politics; over who was Ivorian and who wasn’t. Now, as this country struggles with higher populations and few jobs, will they overcome it? Gabon Gabon is one of the richest nations of Africa south of the Sahara. They rely on crop harvesting and natural resources such as oil, although a non-renewable source. Gabon happens to be the 13th largest exporter of oil. When Gabon first gained independence, lumber was 75% of their exports. Today, it is 6% of their exports because of the importance of oil. Their main way of making funds is through oil, which is 50% of their exports. While it brings in a lot of money for the country, it causes citizens to struggle since it is harder for them to sell their goods such as crops. If they continue to rely on non-renewable sources, when it runs out their country will suffer. The president, however, is working on trying to rely less and less on oil. They plan on exporting more lumber and crops. Part of the issue, is that Gabon only imports 50% of their required foods and the citizens suffer for that. With all the sudden logging in forests they are endangering the species living within it. So after hard work of group members from the National Geographic Society, the president announced that there would be a National Park system covering 10% of the forests. Wealth in Gabon is fairly unbalanced; there are those who make plenty of money while there are those that make enough to make it by. Majority of the population resides on the coasts in two cities, Port-Gentil and Libreville. Between those two cities there is no means of transportation other than by air or by water. It is difficult to go between the two cities. One-third of the population resides in the capital city, Libreville, nicknamed â€Å"The City of Bees†because of the fact they are all piled atop one another. As this country works, to relieve its issue of vulnerability and lessen the dependence of oil, they work together to provide for one another; both animal and people alike. Laos Laos is one of the poorest countries in the world, despite their efforts to raise way of living. The Mekong River is 11,000 miles long through and along Laos, serving as a barrier between Laos and its neighboring countries. That is, until â€Å"The Friendship Bridge†was constructed, connecting Thailand and Laos together. Laos is the least developed country amongst its area, and life expectancy there is low; fifty three years roughly. Many of the children are malnourished, about 43% of them. Children have also been dying, falling prone to Malaria and other diseases, diarrhea, or infections due to lack of clean facilities and medicines. That and much of the population reside in the rural areas of Laos. Laos is using hydro-electric power to connect them to the rest of the world. They produce an excessive amount of electricity, more than they can use. So they sell all that excess electricity to Thailand for good profit. They make only can use 20% of the electricity they make. Laos has over 60 dam sites that can eventually be developed into a hydro-electric power plant. It is a hope that they can use this to improve the country and to help its people. However, they cannot afford to pay for construction of the dams and generators required. Another problem is the effect it would have on the people living near the river. Will the dam make enough money that causing problems for the villagers below will be worth it? Another thing is the fact that only 8% of the rural population is connected to the electric grid. Roads connecting to China and Thailand are in progress, for more networking between the countries. One issue that worries citizens of Laos is the major problem of AIDS/HIV in Thailand. While â€Å"The Friendship Bridge†is definitely something they have always needed, they do not want their country suffering even more than it already is because of it. The president of Laos wants his country to grow, but at a rate that is suitable for everyone so they can all adapt. He believes that a country growing too fast is a bad thing; that humans shouldn’t grow so fast. So as they work toward building dams for their hydro-electric plants for profit, they will have to decide which dams will be good in the long run, for everyone.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Psychology First Impression Essay Example for Free
Psychology First Impression Essay The aim of the research was to carry out a similar study of Luchins(1957) which found that the first piece of information received about an individual often bears more weight ( stronger ) than information gained later so as to see whether first impression is relevant in the 21st century. The alternative hypothesis is that there will be a significant difference in the number of positive and negative ranting between the positive primacy group and the negative primacy group. Th is study was a field experiment with an independent groups design The independent variable was whether positive primacy story or negative primacy story given to the participant and the dependant variable was the number of positive or negative rating given to the character (Bob). On 21st June 2008 at about 12:30 pm, we went to the Chester le-street front street, an opportunity sample of 30 participants (15 participants in each groups) 16-59 years old were used. There were two groups of participants reading either positive primacy story or negative primacy story. For positive primacy story, the character (Bob) was described as extrovert first, then introvert and for negative primacy story, Bob was introvert first, then extrovert. Afterwards they were given a questionnaire to rate Bob in terms of certain personality traits. A chi square test was used to analysis the results. The Observed value of Chi squared was T = 20 and the Critical value was 3. 84 . As the observed value is higher than the critical value, the alternative hypothesis can be accepted at p less than or equal to 0. 05. Therefore, it seems from the earlier research that the order in which the information is received has an impact on impression formation. Therefore, the aim of this research is to see whether the first impression is relevant in the 21st century (the first information received has a greater impact on impression formation than the second information). Introduction How do we form judgements and impressions of people? Within moments of meeting someone, we look at their appearance, clothing style, hair-style, language, accent or ethnicity, this makes us form an impression of a complete stranger within seconds of meeting him or her. These first impressions of others stem from the perceptions and judgements we make based on the first time we meet. Have you even experienced that if the first impression of someone is unfavourable, a subsequent smile may be seen as a sneer or as insincere? One of the first major studies into impression formation was carried out by Asch (1946), he used two lists of six adjectives describing a person ( intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn and envious ) ,one was arranged in the above order, another was the reversal . Participants were asked to rate the person out of 10 (where 10 means a very positive impression of the person). He found that those who read the first group of adjectives form a more positive impression of the person. His study suggested that a primacy effect occurs because the initial traits in a sequence set the stage for the interpretation for later traits. In effect, the meaning of each new adjective was interpreted in light of the ones already received. Aschs contention was that the total assessment would reflect a dynamic process in which the separate traits would interact to form a unitary impression. In general, his study suggested that earlier traits have a greater influence on impression formation. A study conducted by Luchins in 1957 also throws some light on how we form impressions. He aimed to see if the order of information in which they received affects their opinion. Participants were given a story to read about an imaginary person (Jim) who first appears to a cheerful character and then rather sad and lonely. A second group of participants are given the same information but in the reverse order. Afterwards all participants are asked to rate the person in the story in terms of certain personality traits. He found that the participants who hear the story with the positive one first will rate the person more positively. Luchins suggested that impressions were strongly influenced by the order in which we receive information about people. The first information we receive is the most important and most likely to be remembered. Asch and Luchins used hypothetical people in their study. However, Jones et al (1968) used an actual person. Participants watched a video of a student solving a set of multiple choice questions with the frequency of correct answers either increasing or decreasing, but actually the student always solved 15 out of the 30 correctly, participants were asked to rate the student s intelligence, they judged the student as more intelligent when the first 15 were right (primacy effect), also, when asked to recall how many correct those who had seen student perform first 15 correct estimated 20/30 those who had seen the last 15 correct estimated 12/30. These studies provide evidence for primacy effect the greater impact of what we first learn about someone (first impressions) and suggest that once one determines they have an acceptable understanding of the information presented to them, they will pay less attention as more information is presented and only recall the first impression. In nowadays 21st century, many society factors have been changed, for example, internet is widely used over the world today, as well as many social networking websites e. g. Facebook and MySpace, the effect of first impression might be changed. In order to investigate whether the primacy effect still prevails in todays society. I will be adapting Luchins research and writing my own paragraphs story 1 2(see appendices 1). I will be using 11 categories for participants to choose from in order to force a bias.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The implementation of strategic change at Microsoft Canada
The implementation of strategic change at Microsoft Canada The Organization Development literature has directed appreciable attention at in being able to lead and manage change. The major portion of the material is highly normative, advising managers about how they should be planning and implements organizational changes. For example, one study suggested that successful managers in ceaselessly changing organizations should first; provide clear responsibility and priorities with extensive communication and freedom to improvise. Second, explore the future by experimenting with a wide variety of low cost probes; and thirdly, link current projects to the future with predictable intervals and choreographed transition procedures. Traditionally the main focus of change management is on identifying sources that resist change and offers ways to overcome them. Most of the recent contributions have been challenging the focus on resistance and have shifted the aimed at creating vision along with gaining political support for them, and managing the trans ition of the organization toward them. The various ways in which managing change can be classified are in figure below. MOTIVATING CHANGE Creating Readiness for Change Overcoming Resistance to Change CREATING A VISION Describing the Core Ideology Constructing the Envisioned Future EFFECTIVE CHANGE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPING POLITICAL SUPPORT Assessing Change Agent Power Identifying Key Stakeholders Influencing Stakeholders MANAGING THE TRANSITION Activity Planning Commitment Planning Management Structures SUSTAINING MOMENTUM Providing resources for Change Building a Support System for Change Agents Developing New Competencies and Skills Reinforcing New Behaviors Staying the Course The above mentioned activities contribute a lot to effective change management and have been listed in the order in which they usually are performed. The first amongst the activities involves motivating change and also includes creating a readiness for change amongst the members of the organization and which indeed helps them to address resistance to change. Initially motivation is a critical issue for change process because a lot of evidence indicates that people as well as the organizations want to preserve the status quo and are willing to change only when there are strong powerful reasons to do so. The next activity is considered with creating a vision and is closely alignment with leadership activities. The vision has the sole purpose of providing a purpose and lay out for change and it describes the desired future state of the organization. The next activity involves the task of developing political support for the change. Organizations of all kinds are composed of powerful ind ividuals as well as groups that can either block or promote change, and it is the task of the leaders and the change agents to gain the support and permission of the higher authorities in order to implement changes. The fourth activity is concerned with managing movement from the current state to the desired level in the organization. It involves designing a plan for managing the change activities as well as planning particular management structures for working of the organization during this transition. The next and the final activity involve sustaining the flow or momentum for change so that it is being able to be carried to completion. The final activity includes task such as providing resources for implementing the changes, building a support system for change agents, developing new competencies and skills needed to implement the changes. Unless man-to-man are motivated and bound up to change, unfreezing the status quo will be very difficult. Without vision, chances are there th at change will be disorganized and diffused. Along with the fast moving pace of global, economic, and technological development change becomes an inevitable feature of the life of the organizational. But change that happens to an organization externally by the environment is quite different from the change that is planned and incorporated by the members of the organization. The main motive of Organizational development is to bring in changes in the organization in a planned manner so as to be able to increase its effectiveness and this organizational change is usually initiated and implemented by managers, with the help of professional OD practitioners. Conceptions of planned change have tended to focus on how change can be implemented in organizations. In order to implement change in any organization, certain frameworks are used as models that describe the activities that must take place to initiate and carry out successful organizational change. Let us now discuss change that Microsoft Canada tried to implement in its organization by implementing Strategic Change. MANAGING STRATEGIC CHANGE AT MICROSOFT CANADA Microsoft Canada is a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation responsible for the service, marketing and the sales of the full range of software products, including the Windows operating system, the office productivity suite, a variety of Net products, and the Xbox game console. The organization marketed to a variety of segments, such as software application developers, small and medium business and large enterprises, through a broad range of partners that worked directly with the client organizations to install and optimize the software used. A small service organization provided consulting support to clients with the partner. Before 2001, Microsoft Canada had been part of North American subsidiary. Under this structure, large US market was clearly the focus of attention from Microsoft server, desktop, other software products. However, Frank Clegg, President of Microsoft Canada, argued that the Canadian market was different and under developed. It had a different mix of customers that did a United States, different competitors and different growth opportunities. Moreover, software sales and personnel computers shipments as a percentage of markets size and growth were below worldwide averages. These differences, Clegg argued warranted a specialized strategy. As the fiscal year ended Clegg and his newly appointed Director of Strategic Planning, Sandra Palmero, wanted to cease the opportunity to define a uniquely Canadian strategy. Before becoming Director of Strategic Planning, Palmero had been Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications in Microsoft Canada. There with Richard Reynolds, her Senior Marketing Manager, they had planned and implemented a participative process of strategic planning. Sandra conducted the OD practitioner who had worked with them and contracted to design and implement a Strategic planning process for the Canadian organization. Over a 2 month period, Sandra conceived of a series of workshops involving the Canadian leadership team. This team represented a broad cross section of the organization including representatives from legal staffs, human resources, service business and Microsoft consultant, marketing managers, customer support and managers responsible for different segments of Microsoft business inclu ding enterprise customer, small and medium business, the Microsoft Network and the Xbox. The strategic analysis phase consisted of preliminary work by several members of the Canadian leadership team as well as initial exercises during the first workshop. Member of Canadian Leadership team each prepared an analysis of their respected areas of responsibilities. For example, the enterprise sales manager provided historical growth rates in the revenue, developed forecast for market growths and Microsofts share, described current levels of Customer satisfaction and technology road map of products being developed by the Redmond headquarters organization. In addition to this specific analysis, Sandra contracted with a market research firm to provide overall description of Canadian information technology market. Finally a competitor analysis was performed to develop and understanding of likely strategies, goals, and initiatives from key competitors such as IBM, Sun Micro System, and Oracle as well as competitive threat posed by the Linux Operating System Software. During first workshop the Canadian Leadership team used the pre work data to perform an environmental scan. They discussed, debated, and ultimately came to some agreements about the trends affecting the organization. Based on that scan, the group engaged in a vision and value formation exercise and set out an initial list of short and long term goals. These activities let to several important decisions for new marketing organizations. For example, the vision and values exercised produced important insight about what the Canadian organization stood for, its uniqueness compared to the marketing subsidiaries within the Microsoft Organization, and its strengths in competing as a Canadian organization. The values also informed discussion about future goals and strategy to achieve them. Importantly, the Canadian leadership realized that customer loyalty would and should become a driving force for the organization. This realization led to passionate discussions about the relative emphasis i n the organization on revenues versus customer satisfaction and loyalty. It also led to development of Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) that the members of the Canadian Leadership Team believed would be challenging but achievable. The first workshop ended with a number of assignments, unresolved issues, and excitement about the future. In between the first and second workshops, members of the Canadian Leadership Team worked with their own organizations. Issues, decisions and questions that were addressed within the Canadian Leadership Team were discussed throughout the organization. The most important discussion concerned the Big Hairy Audacious Goal and the relative emphasis of revenues and customer loyalty over the short and long term. A consensus began to emerge that the right and proper strategy for Microsoft was to argue for a slower growth rate in revenues the short term, invest in customer satisfaction and then leverage that loyalty for a more secure stream of revenues in the future. Frank Clegg took this idea to the executives in Redmond and discussed the implications of this strategy, including revenue projections, risk involved, the budget implications, and how the strategy aligned with corporate and other marketing organizations initiatives. The result of these conversations became the subject of opening discussions at second workshop. The cautions but positive support from the corporate organization allowed the Canadian leadership team to move forward on its strategic intent. In second workshop, the organizations mission and values were finalized; year by year revenue goals were agreed upon to achieve the Big Hairy Audacious Goal, and these goals were broken down and assigned to specific groups and managers. Finally, key customer and partner loyalty programs were established and outlined. Ownership for different initiatives was assigned and a strategic change plan originated. Frank Clegg pressed the group on its decision to emphasize customer loyalty and challenged the group with several scenarios that tempted them to trade off satisfaction for revenue. These scenarios helped fix the Canadian leadership teams commitment to their strategy. The important part of the strategic change plan that came out was a discussion and decision to tie the individual performance appraisals of Canadian leadership team as a whole also staked their end of fiscal year bonuses to the achievement of customer satisfaction, instead of revenue goals. The strategic change efforts at Microsoft Canada are important for few reasons. First, the Canadian organizations realization of the benefits of customer satisfaction and loyalty was influential in moving the larger Microsoft Corporation to examine its values in this area. Business Week reported on the changes Steve Ballmer was making in the organization; they reflected the increased importance of customer loyalty in Microsofts strategy and structure changes. Second, the organization learned how to organize a strategic planning effort. In the second year since this effort began, Sandra Palmero did built a stronger strategic planning organization and taken more and more responsibility for driving the strategic planning process. Even as the corporate Microsoft organization was making important changes in its reporting structure, business process, financial systems, the Canadian organization was able to adapt using its own resources and knowledge. Finally, the Big Hairy Audacious Goal h as become an institutionalized part of the organization that drives thinking and decision making in the organization. In context with the case in hand we are suppose to work on a few task related to the case in hand. Firstly, let us discuss the history of the organization in hand, which is Microsoft Canada. Microsoft Canada Inc. was established in 1985. It is the Canadian subsidiary of Microsoft Corp. the worldwide leader in services, software and solutions that help inhabit and small business realize their full potential. Microsoft Canada provides nationwide sales, marketing, consulting and local support services in both French and English. It has its headquarters in Mississauga and has nine regional offices across the country dedicated to empowering people through great software- anytime, anywhere and on any devise. Secondly, let us now discuss the circumstances that led the organization to undergo strategic change. Frank Clegg, President of Microsoft Canada, argued that the Canadian market was different and under developed and it had a different mix of customers. Thus it demanded for different co mpetitors and different growth opportunities. Another circumstance was that the percentage of markets size and growth of software sales and personnel computers shipments were below worldwide averages. These circumstances demanded a specialized strategy. Thirdly, the type of change that was implemented in the Microsoft Canada was basically strategically. The change has been incorporated in such a way that every aspect of the organization starting from legal staffs, human resources, service business and Microsoft consultant, marketing managers, customer support and managers responsible for different segments of Microsoft business including enterprise customer, small and medium business, the Microsoft Network and the Xbox were taken into consideration. The senior members of the organization have tried its best to formulate and design the strategically change in such a manner that it helps Microsoft Canada to increase its percentage market share and gain better growth. Fourthly, in orde r to incorporate the strategically change into the organization the involvement of every member of the organization is very necessary. The strategically change was initiated by Frank Clegg, President of Microsoft Canada and Sandra Palmero, Director of Strategic Planning. Sandra Palmero along with Richard Reynolds, her Senior Marketing Manager, had crafted and implemented a participative process of strategic planning. Sandra conducted the OD practitioner who had worked with them and contracted to design and implement a Strategic planning process for the Canadian organization. Fifthly, the methods used in implementing the strategically change were basically workshops, assignments and discussions of issues related to work. Canadian Leadership Team was formed by members of various departments of the organization that were focused on developing and implementing strategically change in the Microsoft Canada Organization. During the first workshop the Canadian Leadership team used the pre w ork data to perform an environmental scan. They discussed, debated, and ultimately came to some agreements about the trends affecting the organization. Based on that scan, the group engaged in a vision and value formation exercise and set out an initial list of short and long term goals. These activities let to several important decisions for new marketing organizations. The Canadian leadership realized that customer loyalty would and should become a driving force for the organization. A consensus began to emerge that the right and proper strategy for Microsoft was to argue for a slower growth rate in revenues the short term, invest in customer satisfaction and then leverage that loyalty for a more secure stream of revenues in the future. In second workshop, the organizations mission and values were finalized; year by year revenue goals were agreed upon and these goals were broken down and assigned to specific groups and managers. The important part of the strategic change plan that emerged was a discussion and decision to tie the individual performance appraisals of Canadian leadership team as a whole also staked their end of fiscal year bonuses to the achievement of customer satisfaction, rather than revenue goals. Steve Ballmer increased the importance of customer loyalty in Microsofts strategy and structural changes and also the organization learned how to organize a strategic planning effort. Microsoft organization has made important changes in its reporting structure, business process, financial systems; the Canadian organization was able to adapt using its own resources and knowledge. Big Hairy Audacious Goal has become an institutionalized part of the organization that drives thinking and decision making in the organization. Finally, the main changes that have been seen in the performance level of the employees getting better along with rise in the percentage of market share which led to its growth both internal as well as external. Also, the Canadian Leadership Team and the Big Hairy Audacious Goal was permanently incorporated in the structure of the organization. (b) Strengths of Bureaucratic organizations are as follows: Higher level of consistency is maintained in decisions and implementation of projects. The control exerted by the head quarters or top level management ensures that the systems and delivery of services to the beneficiaries are in line with the laid down procedures. The major and important final decisions made by top management, considering various perspectives of organization. In this aspect the powers and interests of various stakeholders also taken care in delivering the final outcome. Another benefit is better cost control and management. Weaknesses of Bureaucratic organizations are as follows, The higher level of bureaucracy leads to lack of innovation and development in the organization, which leads to loss of competitive advantage in certain circumstances. Another disadvantage is that higher the structure and communication ladder impedes the speed of communication and decision making, and speed of response in emergency situations. The motivation of employees drops because of the lower level of delegation of duties and responsibilities and lower empowerment.. What must be realized is only that the strait jacket of bureaucratic organization paralyzes the individuals initiative, while within the capitalist market society an innovator still has a chance to succeed. (c) Managing change is an inevitable part of Organizational Development. Organization Development is about how people and organizations function and how to get them to function better. The field is based on knowledge from behavioral science disciplines such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, organization theory and management. OD programs are long-term, planned, sustained efforts. Various definitions of OD are: Organization development refers to a long-range effort to improve an organizations problem solving capabilities and its ability to cope with changes in its external environment with the help of external or internal behavioral-scientist consultants, or change agents, as they are sometimes called. (Wendell French) Organization development is a system-wide process of data collection, diagnosis, action planning, intervention, and evaluation aimed at (1) enhancing congruence among organizational structure, process, strategy, people, and culture; (2) developing new and creative organizational solutions; and (3) develop the organizations self renewing capacity. It occurs through the collaboration of organizational members working with a change agent using behavioral science theory, research, and technology.(Michael Beer) Thus, Organization development is a system based and wide application that transfers behavioral science knowledge to the planned improvement, and reinforcement of the process that lead to effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. All OD programs have three basic components: diagnosis, action and program management. The symptomatic component represents a uninterrupted collection of data about the total system, its subunits, its processes, and its culture. The action component consists of all the activities and interventions designed to improve the organizations functioning. The program management component encompasses all activities designed to ensure success of the program. The process of Organizational Development is quite complicated and the completion of the change process consumes a lot of time with a minimum of one year and sometimes keeps indefinitely. There are different approaches to the process but the usual process consists of seven steps, which are initial diagnosis, data collection, data feedback and confrontation, action planning and problem solving, team building, inter group development and evaluation and follow up. organizational development process The following steps are vital steps taken into consideration while implementing any alternative forms of organizational development: Communications patterns, styles and flows. Goal setting. Decision making, problem solving, and action planning. Conflict resolution and management. Managing interface relations. Superior- subordinate relations. Technological and engineering systems. Strategic management and long-range planning. Vision/ Mission formulation. Organizational learning. Task 2 (a) The key stakeholders in Microsoft Canada can be people from any of the departments and levels of the organizations. But in general, the following people are the stakeholders of Microsoft Canada: Financial analysts Business analysts Forecasting or sales individual contributors Controller IT specialists and administrators. Legal staffs Human resources Service business and Microsoft consultant Marketing managers Customer support Managers responsible for different segments of Microsoft business including enterprise customer. Etc. (b) As discussed already it has been seen that the above cited stakeholders are the main members of the Canadian Leadership Team and plays a very significant role in the successful formation and implementation of Strategically Change in Microsoft Canada. The stakeholders, most of whom are also the members of the Canadian Leadership Team have played important role in the workshops, assignments, and discussions that was basically done to decide upon implementing new strategically changes required by Microsoft Canada to achieve its long term and short term goals. Also in the beginning of this report we have discussed three different models that are usually used in any organization as models for implementing and managing change, which are, Lewins Planned Change Model, Action Research Model and Positive model. After going through the entire case in hand it is seen that the Action Research Model best suits the procedure in which implementation of strategical change was carried out in Microsoft Canada. As the Action Research Model of change suggests, Microsoft Canada firstly, identified the problem that the organization was facing and having done that it was discussed upon by the experts of the organization and data was gathered from various sources to analyze the problem in order to be able to provide with the best possible solution. Finally, The Canadian Leadership Team acted as the Action team that helped to implement the solutions and bring in the Change in Microsoft Canada. Thus, the above report is a good example of implementing and managin g change in an organization. Task 3 (a) UnfreezingLewins Planned Change Model Refreezing Movement Action Research Model Data Gathering after Action Action Joint Action Planning Joint Diagnosis of Problem Feedback to Key Client or Group Data Gathering and Preliminary Diagnosis Consultation with Behavioral Science Expert Problem Identification Positive Model Design and Deliver ways to create the Future Envision a Preferred Future Discover Themes Inquire into Best Practices Initiate the Inquiry There are various types of change that an organization may implement. (b) It is often remarked that the only constant thing in the world is Change and having said that in todays so fast moving world and economy, every organization needs to implement change in its working structure and structure to be able to cope up with the changing environment. Today, organizations basically go for a change in order to be up to date with the current world and also are able to cope up with the increasing competition. Change suiting to the organization helps the organization to attain better brand name and a increased market share. Also change in the structure and working environment usually helps the organization to provide its employees to be happy and satisfied working in the organization and give maximum effective result to the output of the organization. Thus there may be a number of reasons that might have led to any organizations decision to implement change in the organization. In case of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg, President of Microsoft Canada, argued that the Canadian market was different and under-developed and it had a different mix of customers. Thus it demanded for different competitors and different growth opportunities. Another circumstance was that the percentage of markets size and growth of software sales and personnel computers shipments were below worldwide averages. These circumstances demanded a specialized strategy. Thus this was the major reason that led Microsoft Canada to decide to implement Strategic Change in the organization.
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