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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Life Course Case Study Essay
Presentation In this task I lead a real existence course contextual analysis of a seventy-multi year elderly person, Mr. Gambina, so as to see if structure or organization has been generally powerful for an incredible duration. The operator is the individual who really plays out the activity, while structure alludes to the fundamental structures in the public eye that impact the manner in which the specialists demonstration. Most structuralists share a conviction that singular people work exclusively as components of the (regularly covered up) informal organizations to which they have a place. The existence course hypothesis rose during the 1960s out of the need to comprehend human advancement as happening over the life expectancy. This field, which underlines how individual lives are socially designed after some time, and the procedures by which lives are changed by evolving situations. Life-course contemplates underscore the significance of epistemology in the investigation of society. Accordingly, gathering data on the four interrelated elements of the biography: auxiliary, socio-social, relational and individual story. As per Janet Z. Giele and Glen H. Senior, Jr., â€Å"Any point in the life expectancy must be seen powerfully as the result of past understanding and future expectation,†I have attempted to remember this while directing my examination and investigation of Mr. Gambina’s life length. Hypothesis The sociological hypothesis that I will be contemplating is that of C. Wright Mills. Mills’ point was to create what he called sociological creative mind. The sociological creative mind, he contended, is a point of view toward society that centers around the cozy associations between bigger basic issues (what he called Public Issues) and the day by day issues that stand up to people (Personal Troubles). Plants tried to show how issues of intensity, belief system and class are tied up with the day by day inconveniences of common people. Plants additionally tried to uncover what he saw as the awfulness of human science †the failure, reluctance or refusal to develop the sociological creative mind. A significant supposition hidden Mills’ work is that social the truth is both plainly visible and minuscule. Sociologists should attempt to comprehend social reality as far as the implications that social structures have for people. Inability to appreciate these full scale smaller scale internal associations brings about clean, pseudo-complex meandering aimlessly, which contributes little to the advancement of the sociologies or to the value of human science for dynamic social change. This hesitance to develop the sociological creative mind is, for Mills, the awfulness of current human science. Factories felt that social structure has a reality autonomous of the exercises of conventional people. In any case people make and revamp the social relations of regular day to day existence. The point of good human science is to sharpen us to the numerous ways that social structure impacts the every day lives of common individuals. His most noteworthy political and scholarly concern was that individuals in cutting edge social orders would be controlled into a condition of quiet submission and political feebleness, a state where the job of human explanation would no longer play be a significant power for dynamic social change. He says, â€Å"we can't satisfactorily comprehend ‘man’ as a separated natural animal, as a heap of reflexes or a lot of senses, as a ‘intelligible field’ or a framework all by itself. Whatever else he might be, man is a social and an authentic entertainer who must be comprehended, if by any means, right up front and complex transacti on with social and verifiable structures†. Writing Review There have been numerous life-course concentrates in the only remaining century, each concentrating on a different component of the interviewee’s life, running from why and how individuals pick their companions to the female opportunist . A comparable report to the one I am leading is Katherine R. Allen and Robert S. Pickett’s 1984 life-course investigation of ladies conceived in 1910, in America. Allen and Pickett gave specific consideration to the varieties in life examples and decisions encouraged. They understood an expanded pattern in the work of ladies, the development of instructive professions, noteworthy adjustments in marriage and separation designs, a prolongation of the existence course and a greatâ imbalance in the extents of ladies to men in their later years. Likewise in 1984, Dieter Ulich and Winfried N. Saup led life-course research, directed towards adapting to emergencies in mature age. They discovered negative generalizations and self-ideas in the old. They contended that gerontology would help towards adapting to pressure. Susan De Vos and Steven Ruggles investigated the associations between the existence course and the kinfolk gathering, in 1985, concentrating on the segment determinants of family gatherings, for example, recurrence and timing of births, passings and relationships, which all characterize the setting inside which rules of connection work. Steven Ruggles utilized microsimulation (following the family relationship way of the person as they age) to inspect the association between an individual’s life course and the idea of their kinfolk gathering and its affectability to generally segment conditions. A later report is that of Ulrich Karl Mayer in 1997, which analyzed the difficulties looked in diverse examinations of life courses. He built two complimentary perfect sorts, in view of life courses in deregulated social orders and deftly co-facilitated social orders. Mayer found that joins between macroinstitutional structures and individual life courses must be built as commonly strengthening frameworks to empower effective cross-national correlations. He inferred that cross-national correlations of life course examples ought to contain a depiction of the institutional designs and of the make-up of aggregate entertainers and models of motivating force frameworks and individual-level advances. In any case, none of the life-course examines I evaluated manage the impact of structure and organization all through the individual’s life, the point which I am managing. Technique and Methods Technique There are two principle sorts of examination: quantitative and subjective. For this situation study I utilize subjective exploration, otherwise called interpretive examination, naturalistic examination, phenomenological, distinct exploration. There are three primary sorts of subjective information assortment: meetings, perception and archives, the result of which is an account portrayal. Subjective examination is exceptionally reliant on the specialist as an individual. The specialist is an instrument, not a mechanical gadget or test instrument, as in quantitative exploration. By utilizing subjective exploration, the analyst gets considerably more profundity and detail than in a normalized poll, and it enables the questioner to see the world perspective on the individuals contemplated, the respondents’ classifications, as opposed to forced classes. Illustrative examination endeavors to stay away from pre-decisions, albeit some differ here as we generally make decisions, yet just don’t let it be known, for instance the decision of one area or gathering over another is a judgment. The objective is to attempt to catch what's going on without being judgemental; to introduce individuals on their own terms, attempt to speak to them from their points of view so peruser can see their perspectives. Be that as it may, subjective examination gives a significantly less summed up result, and makes it hard to gather information and make methodical correlations. Some case the subjective exploration is excessively reliant on the researcher’s individual traits and aptitudes. Strategy For this situation study the strategy I utilized is that of a serious, or top to bottom, meet. This is an unstructured balanced meeting, where expansive inquiries are posed, giving the interviewee a beginning stage and afterward posing inquiries to help push the person in question in the correct course. Meetings are the most adaptable methods for getting data, since the vis-à -vis circumstance encourages answers to be in more profundity and detail. Additionally, data can be seen by the questioner without posing the particular inquiry. Not at all like in mail or phone surveys, sensitiveâ questions can't stay unanswered, and the questioner can be sure who precisely is responding to the inquiries, relatives won't have the option to present. Then again, balanced meetings may make and questioner inclination: physical appearance, age, race, sex, dress, non-verbal conduct as well as remarks may provoke respondents to address questions untruthfully. When all is said in done, interviews are a weakness on the grounds that a ton of time and cash is required, yet this isn't the situation for this specific life-course study, as it just arrangements with one individual. Results Birth and Family or Origin The respondent, Mr. Gambina, conceived in 1927, was conceived during the respite between the two World Wars. At the point when I got some information about his youth, he revealed to me that it was extremely ordinary, alluding to things all youngsters do, specifically his blessed fellowship, affirmation, and that he was a church kid. He had just beneficial comments about his folks, portraying them both as calm and committed to their family. The little difficulty he got into with his folks was to do with going out as opposed to remaining at home to contemplate; he said he felt joyful during his young years, disclosing to me that they used to play in the boulevards, despite the fact that a war was on. The most huge even of his adolescent years was the Second World War, and his dad being repatriated to Sicily as a result of it. Training Mr. Gambina appreciated school, specifically recalls his instructor who he portrayed as delicate and good natured. One of his enduring recollections of school is the exercises being hindered via air strikes. He had an ability for dialects, and recollected the name of a significant book, Manzoni’s exemplary ‘I Promessi Sposi’ after just a moment of thought. When gotten some information about the job of instruction in a person’s life, he promptly answered, â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Speaker Recognition System Pattern Classification
Speaker Recognition System Pattern Classification A Study on Speaker Recognition System and Pattern arrangement Techniques Dr E.Chandra, K.Manikandan, M.S.Kalaivani Conceptual Speaker Recognition is the way toward recognizing an individual through his/her voice signs or discourse waves. Example grouping assumes a crucial job in speaker acknowledgment. Example order is the way toward gathering the examples, which are having a similar arrangement of properties. This paper manages speaker acknowledgment framework and outline of Pattern order strategies DTW, GMM and SVM. Catchphrases Speaker Recognition System, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Support Vector Machine (SVM). Presentation Speaker Recognition is the way toward recognizing an individual through his/her voice signals [1] or discourse waves. It tends to be characterized into two classes, speaker recognizable proof and speaker confirmation. In speaker distinguishing proof assignment, a discourse articulation of an obscure speaker is contrasted and set of substantial clients. The best match is utilized to distinguish the speaker. Thus, in speaker check the obscure speaker first cases character, and the asserted model is then utilized for recognizable proof. In the event that the match is over a predefined edge, the personality guarantee is acknowledged The discourse utilized for these assignment can be either message ward or content free. In content ward application the framework has the earlier information on the content to be spoken. The client will talk a similar book for what it's worth in the predefined content. In a book autonomous application, there is no earlier information by the arrangement of the content to be spoken. Example characterization assumes an imperative job in speaker acknowledgment. The term Pattern characterizes the objects of intrigue. In this paper the grouping of acoustic vectors, separated from input discourse are taken as examples. Example arrangement is the way toward gathering the examples, which are having a similar arrangement of properties. It assumes a crucial job in speaker acknowledgment framework. The consequence of example grouping concludes whether to acknowledge or dismiss a speaker. A few research endeavors have been done in design grouping. The vast majority of the works dependent on generative model. There are Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) [3], Hidden Markov Models (HMM) , Vector Quantization (VQ) [4], Gaussian blend model (GMM) [5], etc. Generative model is for arbitrarily creating watched information, with some concealed parameters. As a result of the haphazardly creating watched information capacities, they can't give a machine that can straightforwardly streamline segregation. Bolster vector machine was presenting as an elective classifier for speaker check. [6]. In AI SVM is another apparatus, which is utilized for hard arrangement issues in a few fields of utilization. This instrument is fit to manage the examples of higher dimensionality. In speaker check twofold choice is required, since SVM is discriminative paired classifier it can group a total articulation in a solitary advance. This paper is arranged as follows. In segment 2: speaker acknowledgment framework, in segment 3, Pattern Classification, AND review of DTW, GMM, and SVM methods .segment 4: Conclusion. SPEAKER RECOGNITION SYSTEM Speaker acknowledgment ordered into confirmation and recognizable proof. Speaker Recognition framework comprises of two phases .speaker confirmation and speaker recognizable proof. Speaker confirmation is 1:1 match, where the voice print is coordinated with one layout. However, speaker recognizable proof is 1:N match, where the information discourse is coordinated with more than one layouts. Speaker check comprises of five stages. 1. Information obtaining 2.feature extraction 3.pattern coordinating 4.decision creation 5.generate speaker models. Fig 1: Speaker acknowledgment framework In the initial step test discourse is obtained in a controlled way from the client. The speaker acknowledgment framework will process the discourse signals and concentrate the speaker biased data. This data shapes a speaker model. At the hour of confirmation process, an example voice print is obtained from the client. The speaker acknowledgment framework will remove the highlights from the information discourse and looked at withpredefined model. This procedure is called design coordinating. DC Offset Removal and Silence Removal Discourse information are discrete-time discourse signals, convey some excess consistent balance called DC balance [8].The estimations of DC counterbalance influence the data ,extricated from the discourse signals. Quiet casings are sound edges of foundation clamor with low vitality level .quietness expulsion is the way toward disposing of the quiet time frame from the discourse. The sign vitality in every discourse outline is determined by utilizing condition (1). M †Number of tests in a discourse outlines, N-Total number of discourse outlines. Limit level is dictated by utilizing the condition (2) Edge = Emin + 0.1 (Emax †Emin) (2) Emax and Emin are the most minimal and most prominent estimations of the N fragments. Fig 2. Discourse Signal before Silence Removal Fig 3. Discourse Signal after Silence Removal This strategy is utilized to improve the high frequencies of the discourse signal. The point of this procedure is to frightfully straighten the discourse signal that is to build the overall vitality of its high recurrence range. The accompanying two components chooses the need of Pre-accentuation technique.1.Speech Signals by and large contains more speaker explicit data in higher frequencies [9]. 2. On the off chance that the discourse signal vitality diminishes the recurrence builds .This made the element extraction procedure to concentrate all the parts of the voice signals. Pre-accentuation is actualized as first request limited Impulse Response channel, characterized as H(Z) = 1-0.95 Z-1 (3) The beneath model speaks to discourse flags when Pre-underscoring. Fig 4. Discourse Signal before Pre-stressing Fig 5. Discourse Signal after Pre-stressing Windowing and Feature Extraction: The method windowing is utilized to limit the sign discontinuities at starting and end of each casing. It is utilized to smooth the sign and makes the edge increasingly adaptable for ghostly investigation. The accompanying condition is utilized in windowing strategy. y1(n) = x (n)w(n), 0 ≠¤Ãƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ N-1 (4) N-Number of tests in each edge. The condition for Hamming window is(5) There is enormous changeability in the discourse signal, which are taken for handling. to decrease this inconstancy ,include extraction procedure is required. MFCC has been broadly utilized as the element extraction method for programmed speaker acknowledgment. Davis and Mermelstein revealed that Mel-recurrence cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) gave preferable execution over different highlights in 1980 [10]. Fig 6. Highlight Extraction MFCC method isolates the info signal into short casings and apply the windowing strategies, to dispose of the discontinuities at edges of the edges. In quick Fourier change (FFT) stage, it changes over the sign to recurrence space and after that Mel scale channel bank is applied to the resultant casings. From that point onward, Logarithm of the sign is passed to the converse DFT work changing over the sign back to time area. Example CLASSIFICATION Example characterization includes in registering a match score in speaker acknowledgment framework. The term coordinate score alludes the comparability of the information include vectors to some model. Speaker models are worked from the highlights removed from the discourse signal. In view of the component extraction a model of the voice is created and put away in the speaker acknowledgment framework. To approve a client the coordinating calculation contrasts the info voice signal and the model of the guaranteed client. In this paper three strategies in design characterization have been thought about. Those three significant procedures are DTW, GMM and SVM. Dynamic Time Warping: This notable calculation is utilized in numerous zones. It is right now utilized in Speech recognition,sign language acknowledgment and motions acknowledgment, penmanship and online mark coordinating ,information mining and time arrangement bunching, observation , protein grouping arrangement and compound designing , music and sign preparing . Dynamic Time Warping calculation is proposed by Sadaoki Furui in 1981.This calculation quantifies the comparability between two arrangement which may shift in time and speed. This calculation finds an ideal match between two given arrangements. The normal of the two examples is taken to shape another format. This procedure is rehashed until all the preparation articulations have been joined into a solitary format. This strategy coordinates a test contribution from a multi-dimensional component vector T= [ t1, t2†¦tI] with a reference format R= [ r1, r2†¦rj]. It finds the capacity w(i) as appeared in the underneath figure. In Speaker R ecognition framework Every information discourse is contrasted and the expression in the database .For every examination, the separation measure is determined .In the estimations lower separation shows higher likeness. Fig 7. . Dynamic Time Warping Gaussian blend model: Gaussian blend model is the most ordinarily utilized classifier in speaker acknowledgment system.It is a sort of thickness model which includes various segment capacities. These capacities are joined to give a multimodal thickness. This model is frequently utilized for information bunching. It utilizes an elective calculation that joins to a nearby ideal. In this technique the conveyance of the component vector x is demonstrated obviously utilizing blend of M Gaussians. mui-speak to the mean and covariance of the I th blend. x1, x2†¦xn, Training information ,M-number of blend. The assignment is parameter estimation which best matches the conveyance of the preparation highlight vectors given in the information discourse. The notable technique is greatest likehood estimation. It finds the model parameters which amplify the likehood of GMM. Subsequently, the testing information which increase a most extreme score will perceive as speaker. Bolster Vector Mach
Monday, August 10, 2020
How to Cite a Pamphlet
How to Cite a Pamphlet (3) Working on a project about a museum exhibit? You’ll likely want to cite the pamphlet given to visitors, in addition to newspaper clippings about the exhibit or books written on the subject presented. Compiling information about a business? You may want to quote directly from the company’s brochure. Citing a pamphlet may seem like a daunting task at first. You may be more accustomed to writing citations for scholarly works, rather than for primary source documents. But with the proper information, you’ll find that citing a pamphlet isn’t as challenging as it might seem initially. In fact, the information required is quite similar to what you’d need if you were citing a book. Let’s review how to do this in MLA format (8th ed.), APA format, and Chicago/Turabian. For our example, let’s look at the pamphlet “Access†by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. To cite a pamphlet properly, you must identify the following pieces of information: The author of the pamphlet. This can be an individual, group, or organization Title of the pamphlet URL of the website that the pamphlet was found on (if found online) Date the pamphlet was published Publisher of the pamphlet City where the publisher is located (for Chicago/Turabian) Use the following structure to cite a pamphlet in MLA format: Last name, First name of the author or Organization responsible for the creation of the pamphlet. Title of the Pamphlet. Publisher*, date of publication, URL. (remove http:// or https:// from the citation). *Note about the Publisher: If the name of the publisher matches the name of the author, start the citation with the title and do not include the author information. If in Print: If the pamphlet is found in print, end the citation with the date of publication and a period. Exclude the URL. Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA format: Access. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fall 2017, metmuseum.org/-/media/Files/Events/Programs/Progs%20for%20Visitors%20with%20Disabilities/AccessCalendar.pdf. *The Metropolitan Museum of Art is both the author and the publisher. To prevent duplication of this information twice in the citation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is only included in the publisher position. Use the following structure to cite a pamphlet in APA: To cite a pamphlet found online in APA, use the following structure: Author’s Last name, First initial. Middle initial. or Name of Organization. (Year the pamphlet was published). Title of pamphlet [Brochure]. Retrieved from URL If in Print: To cite a pamphlet in print in APA, use the following structure: Author’s Last name, First initial. Middle initial. or Name of Organization. (Year the pamphlet was published). Title of pamphlet [Brochure]. City of publisher, State abbreviation or Country: Publisher*. *When citing a pamphlet in print in APA, if the name of the publisher matches the name of the author, place the word Author in the place where the publisher’s name would be. Here’s how the above example would be cited as an APA citation: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2017). Access [Brochure]. Retrieved from https://metmuseum.org/-/media/Files/Events/Programs/Progs%20for%20Visitors%20with%20Disabilities/AccessCalendar.pdf If citing the same pamphlet in print, the APA citation would look like this: The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2017). Access [Brochure]. New York, NY: Author. Use the following structure to cite a pamphlet in Chicago/Turabian: Last name, First name of the Author or Name of the Organization who wrote the pamphlet. Title of Brochure. City of Publication: Publisher, Year published. URL. If in Print: If citing the pamphlet in print in Chicago/Turabian, exclude the URL from the citation and end the citation with a period. Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago/Turabian: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Access. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2017, https://metmuseum.org/-/media/Files/Events/Programs/Progs%20for%20Visitors%20with%20Disabilities/AccessCalendar.pdf. One Last Option If you like guided forms better, has a citation form specifically for pamphlets that tells you exactly what information is needed for the citation. Simply fill in the form with the correct information and the citation will be generated for you. Click here to try it out.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Brake vs. Break How to Choose the Right Word
The words brake and break are homophones: They sound the same and are related but have different meanings. The word break has many centuries behind it and appears in all the old Germanic languages, the Oxford University Press (OUP) blog says. But brake, meaning a device to slow the motion of a wheel, has been around only a few hundred years, appearing first near the end of the 18th century. The OUP blog article also notes that brake came into English at various times in relation to tools that broke or crushed something. One such tool crushed plants such as hemp or flax. Another brake came from a word for a bridle, which put the brakes on a horse. It is a product of folk etymology, for the apparatus broke the motion, OUP says. How to Use Brake As a noun, brake nowadays most commonly refers to a device for slowing down or stopping the movement of a vehicle or machine. On a mode of transportation, its typically used in the plural form, as in, My brakes went out. The verb to brake means to slow down or stop with a brake. How to Use Break Break as a noun has many meanings, including a fracture, an interruption, a pause, a sudden move, an escape, and an opportunity. The irregular verb break also has many meanings. The most common ones include to split into pieces, to make unusable, to disrupt or get rid of, and to interrupt. It can be a transitive verb (taking an object), as in, She breaks different colors of glazed ceramic tiles to make her mosaics. It can be intransitive (no object), such as in, Cheap toys break easily. Examples Here are some examples that show their meanings and some idiomatic usages to help you remember them in context. Gus released the parking brake, threw the car into drive, and pulled away without once looking back.Her bumper sticker said, Caution: I brake for yard sales.Oh, give me a break, he said. I dont believe you.The climbers spent three days in their tents, waiting for a break in the weather.Even a good friend may break a promise.The workers are allowed two 15-minute breaks.People can do jail time for breaking and entering.These stiff new shoes hurt my feet. I need to break them in.The waves are breaking on the shore.The officer cut me a break and let me off with a warning.The basketball player has a really fast break on the court. How to Remember the Difference If you can remember that the word breakfast came from two words, meaning the meal that you eat to break your fast, you should be able to keep the meanings of the two words separate in your memory. Practice Exercises The mechanic replaced the _____ linings and pads on my van.People shouldnt _____ the law whenever they feel unjustly treated.Dillingers prison _____ is the stuff of legendâ€â€and movies.If you _____ something in this shop, you have to pay for it. Answers to Practice Exercises The mechanic replaced the brake linings and pads on my van.People shouldnt break the law whenever they feel unjustly treated.Dillingers prison break is the stuff of legendâ€â€and movies.If you break something in this shop, you have to pay for it. Sources Liberman, Anatoly. Break and Brake. Oxford University Press blog, 16 June 2010.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Advertising Should Be Done in an Ethical Way - 618 Words
Advertising is the indispensable way a brand promotes itself, but the imperative way to do this is in an ethical way. It is essential to reach out to the audience in a way, which doesn’t hurt their feelings or get to them in a negative way. When a commercial gets a negative review it eventually gets banned from being aired, as the viewers find it ‘offensive’ or have their very plausible reasons for it and moreover the main essence of the ad has vanished. Some commercials are banned for apparent reasons, while others are not very evident. Are these the reason an ad gets banned? How will the audiences taken in the message? This is not something one would think about while creating the ad as they would be unseen or overlooked upon. Censoring what the public sees, leads us to question how much of what we see, are they fact or fiction? It also might lead the audience to assume a wrong meaning, which wasn’t meant to be conveyed. It is simple, what one may see as humorous the other would find it offensive. Usually commercials are banned as they might contain some sexual content, which cannot be viewed by some group of audience, another reason might be due to religious or cultural reasons or due to the product itself, like the commercial for cigarettes are banned from being aired due to the obvious reason. Companies need to constantly engage of right and wrong in order to create catchy advertisements. Companies need to have a relentless check on the right and wrong, does andShow MoreRelatedBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA800 Words  | 4 PagesBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA In 2004 the government of India banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products as well as empower the government with the power to launch an anti tobacco program. . 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comedy in Educating Rita Free Essays
Aristotle said that comedy is an imitation of inferior people’. How far do you think that this applies to the character of Rata in the play ‘Educating Rata? Educating Rata Is a play that uses the colloquialism of the mall protagonist, Rata, to create the comedy element for the audience when she Is being tutored by Frank, an untypical university lecturer who works In the setting of sass’s northern England. In interpreting the characteristics of Rata, it can be identified that comedy is indeed an imitation of inferior people as highlighted by Aristotle who seemed to signify the inferior of society as those who weren’t of royal or noble birth. We will write a custom essay sample on Comedy in Educating Rita or any similar topic only for you Order Now Including Rata, the two main protagonists of this play could be classed as inferior because of them not belonging where they should. As Frank is a middle class university lecturer, he should be considered a financially comfortable and sophisticated man due to his social class. Educated people of his social class were typically expected to visit the theatre and enjoy sports. They were also expected to watch the BBC, the comment ‘It’s all BBC with you Isn’t It? ‘ portrays Rite’s Idea of Franks class and the typical actively f his class. As Frank has a problem with alcoholism, he Sins the normal middle-class lecturer; he Is Instead used to expose the deterioration he sees within the education system of England at this time. Russell uses Franks alcoholism to bring out the comedy in the first act of the play. Franks alcoholism is humorous to the audience because of it being so unexpected due to his class and career. In Act One, Frank recites famous classical authors before finding his alcohol, Where the hell..? Eliot? No. ‘E’. ‘E’. Dickens. ‘ This portrays his apparent loathing for the education system by sing the literature on his bookshelf to hide his alcohol, but also shows the depth of his alcohol problem because of him having to conceal it. He does this by the mocking of classical literary works and he also mocks the students within the education system when discussing the window in his room, Frank says ‘l sometimes get an urge to throw something out of It†¦ A student usually. This portrays his distaste for his career and this problem separates him from the rest of his social class, It therefore classes him as someone who Is Inferior. He could also be considered Inferior because f his aversion to the education system and this causes him to again be different from a normal academic figure from sass’s England. Rite’s character has more than one dimension to the contemporary audience. Although the majority of the audience watching this play would have been middle class, they would admire Rata due to her level of determination to gain an education. This admiration could come from her being a female and the rise of feminism in the sass’s, the popularity of plays such as ‘Top Girls’ by Carry Churchill which had many feminist ideals within it could be linked to aspects of Rite’s character. Throughout the first act of the play the comedy elements come from Rite’s misinterpretations. This enhances her working class mind- set to the audience and gives them more of an analysis of the comedy within Rata, due to her Interpretations and how they differ from Frank. One of these misinterpretations Is when Frank shows her a picture on the wall that she observes by saying, ‘look at those its’, whereas Frank believes it to be beautiful piece of need for a choice within working class life. She is desperate to escape from the normal class of her social group and doesn’t feel like she belongs there. She goes against her husband to gain what she wants and consequently takes power over her own life, ‘he can burn all me books but he can’t burn what’s up here’ shows this to the audience. This choice she will gain separates her from what Aristotle considered inferior. As Rata progresses to better herself, she also progresses to become more like Frank and middle class, but by the end probably doesn’t belong there either, ‘I’m a freak signifies her opinion of herself. Rata will never belong in either class, as she is too educated for her own class but her lack of an ascribed status creates a difference between her and the middle class. This creates empathy from the audience as she has no real identity; she is inferior in both classes and will never be considered superior. The determination of Rata to progress beyond her own class now changes the mockery once used by the audience towards her character into awe and admiration. Rite’s lack of real identity is also signified as she changes her name to match that of an author before we meet her in Act One. She is borrowing someone else’s identity because her own identity is so confused by her not knowing where she belongs. Her choice of author to correct her working class name, ‘Rata Mae Brown’ also creates comedy and a mockery of her class because of this author not being renowned at all in terms of literary status. This again signifies her lack of belonging within the middle class. In Act Two, Frank himself mocks her for her lack of known identity, What is it now then? Virginia? Or Charlotte? Or Jane? Or Emily? This represents the breakdown of their relationship due to Rite’s new status. This significance of Rata having no identity could imply Rata is inferior in her own head, ‘I’m a freak, but is still not inferior to the audience. Elder Olson said that ‘comedy resides not in events but in the view taken of them’. This suggests that comedy isn’t created through the events that occur but in the audience’s perception of these events. This applies when Rata quits smoking, possibly to improve her health, whilst bettering her education. This shows us how serious her intent is on bettering her life and her determination for this and this makes us view her as being superior in terms of strength and determination. However, in Act Two, after she has gained an insight into academic education through summer school, Rata takes up smoking again, but due to her rise in self-confidence and class, it now seems like a sophisticated element of middle class life. Smoking no longer seems a habit of the working class, ‘She is wrapped in a large winter coat. She lights a cigarette’. Rite’s change in clothing and the cigarette portray the change in her. The audience’s perception of Rata has now changed and signifies her superiority to her former self. This indicates to me that she is not an inferior character in this play. As this play is set in the sass’s, the issues presented were more acceptable than they are to a modern day audience. One of these issues is the controlling relationship between Rata and her husband, Denny. Although we never actually meet Denny, the audience can infer his personality wrought Rite’s description. While Rata wants to gain an education, Denny wants to settle down and start a family, ‘l told him I’d only have a baby when I had choice’. To Rata, this ‘choice’ is all that matters, and with Denny controlling her, this choice is more limited than ever before. This type of relationship was not uncommon in the role, especially in working class British society. This means that an audience of that time would find this more socially acceptable, but looking at it from a current perspective, this would be considered wrong due to society being perceived as more equal now. This is also similar with the issue of Franks alcoholism, as this was more accepted then, now it is considered a social problem within society. The issues presented by Rata show her not to be an inferior character as she removes herself from her controlling marriage and her determination to gain a ‘choice’ culminates in success. Using a different viewpoint, I believe Rata completely goes against Aristotle theory of comedy being an imitation of inferior people. The characterization of Rata is not that of someone that is inferior, but is in fact someone who is elevated above the inferior but is not yet considered superior. Her willpower to improve herself does not follow that of someone who would be classed as inferior. The fact she is ‘on the pill again’ when her husband wants to settle down and start a family shows how independent and strong she is as a woman and she does not allow herself to be controlled. I think an audience at the time the play was written would have admired her need to take control of her own life, even though they would be largely middle class. At the time of the play being written, Margaret Thatcher had Just come into power and she spoke of attaining more than you were expected to achieve. I think Hess ideals of Margaret Thatcher may have inspired Wily Russell when creating the protagonist, Rata. Through analyzing Aristotle theory, I can deduct that the character of Rata is not inferior. In fact I think the determination shown by Rata in the play, leads me to believe that she would be considered superior to a contemporary audience as she elevates herself not only above her own class but also above the middle class through her necessity to better herself. She does not succumb to the traits classically portrayed by the middle class and therefore I feel that claiming her as inferior is not doing Rite’s emotion and character Justice. How to cite Comedy in Educating Rita, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Capital budgeting free essay sample
Capital Budgeting Capital Budgeting is done because companies need to make Acceptance/rejection decisions for buying fixed assets etc. Features of fixed assets : Investments upfront and returns take a long time. Risk is long term Expenses are indivisible and lumpy Ex. If HUL wants to put up a synthetic detergent plant of 50 cr. Rs. - by spending 25 Cr. Rs. , the plant wont be operational at half the capacityS The Capex decisions are irreversible Projected PL : Less Sales Raw Materials Utilities Employee Cost Depreciation Sales and Distn. Repair and maintenance + Administrative Exp. Int. on Working capital Total Cost PBT Tax PAT PAT + Depreciation Non manufacturing Expenses x Cash outflow, Inflow: Cash outflow – Investment, Incremental working capital (as all the capacity won’t be utilised in some cases) Cash Inflow – Operating cash flow, Terminal cash inflow = Salvage value of fixed asset, recovery of Net working capital Numerical Prakash Steel – Refer to Excel Finished Goods costing – 1. Many corporations often calculate capital budgeting solutions using all three methods. However, each method often produces contradictory results. The net present value method is the most accurate valuation approach to capital budgeting issues (smallbusiness). If a corporation can discount the after tax cash flow by the weighted average cost of capital, managers can determine if the project will be profitable or not. The net present value method reveals exactly how profitable a project will be to the corporation versus the alternative methods (Chen, 2012). With the various evaluation methods, corporations can base the decisions for the future on the results of the evaluation. The net present value method takes the time value of money by discounting an investments future return to a present value (Chen, 2012). The thought behind the time value of money concept is that a dollar in hand today is worth more than the same dollar in the future. In capital budgeting decisions, the net present value discount is taken into consideration when the present value of the future return is compared with the present value of the cash outflows on any investment (Mason, 2011). If a corporation, such as Guillermo Furniture, is considering using the net present value method, the return on the investment would show clearly whether it is more than sufficient to increase the financial health of the corporation or not. Another preferred evaluation method is the internal rate of return. The internal rate of return is a discount rate that results from a net present value equal to zero (Mason, 2011). When the internal rate of return is higher than the weighted average cost of capital, it would be considered a profitable endeavor and thus should be pursued (Steven, 2010). A major advantage of the internal rate of return method is that it provides a benchmark for every project (Steven, 2010). This can allow a corporation to compare projects on the basis of the return on invested capital. For example, if Guillermo Furniture’s internal rate of return results higher than the cost of capital, it would be determined that the project is acceptable, and the corporation should move forward on the project. However, if the results are less than the cost of capital, the corporation should abort the project as it would hurt the financial health of the corporation. The final preferred evaluation method used by corporations is the payback period method. The payback period method reveals the amount of time it would take to recover the initial investment on a particular project (smallbusiness). Even though this method is considered preferred, it can result in disappointment for many corporations who value the results (Steven, 2010). The main reason is the results do not factor in the cash flow in its entirety from a certain project, which can skew the overall result of the return on the potential investment (Steven, 2010). When a corporation analyzes this method, it is determined that it results in a break even measure and only measures the economic life of the particular investment revolving around the payback period (Steven, 2010). This method is used mainly as a comparative measure for the net present value and the internal rate of return giving a time frame of recovering the initial investment. After considering the three preferred evaluation methods, it was determined that the net present value method would be the method of choice for the Guillermo Furniture scenario for a couple of reasons. First, the corporation cannot rely solely on the payback method because it does not take into account the entire cash flow for the project. After calculating how much time it would take to recover the initial investment, it was found that it would take more than 50 years, which is unrealistic for capital budgeting purposes. The focus shifted to the second preferred method of internal rate of return. The internal rate of return proved that the return on the investment would only yield 10%. The calculation was based on taking the total investment of $1,354,141. 21 and dividing it on the number of years the profit was expected to continue, which totaled $133,742. 20. The expected rate of return for the project had to be at least 12% for the project to be acceptable. Based on the net present value calculations and taking the required rate of return of 12%, the number of years the profit is expected to continue, which is 5, and the future annual cash flows amount of $26,748. 4, the present value of future cash flows equaled $96,422. 14. The net present value is measured by taking the investment outflow ($96,422. 14) minus the present value of future cash flows ($1,354,141. 21), which equals $1,257,719. 07. By dividing this amount by the investment outflow, the rate of return on investment yields 13%. Therefore, it would be recommended that Guillermo Furniture use the net present valu e method for this project as it would improve the financial health of the corporation.
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