Monday, September 30, 2019
Mystery of Under Water Crop Circles Essay
Current Events Paper Synopsis: Under Water â€Å"Crop Circles†Thesis: Although 95% of the ocean hasn’t been explored, researcher and photographer Yoji Ookata just recently named his new find the â€Å"mystery circle†, an intricate design of an underwater crop circle created by a tiny puffer fish, a find that uncovers yet another mystery of the ocean. Summary: Yoji Ookata has been diving and documenting the ocean well over 50 years, just off the southern coast of Japan, Ookata observed what looked like a circular rippling pattern. 80 feet below sea level and 6 feet wide is a work of art Ookata never thought he would see, created by a puffer fish. The specific ridges are designed to attract female puffer fish, they lay eggs in the center so that they are shielded from ocean currents, the more ridges the more likely it will attract females. The little puffer works tirelessly to complete his design with just one fin. When Ookata discovered this circle he went out with a camera crew determined to find its creator, taken aback when this puffer fish made his appearance Ookata knew he had just unlocked another beautiful mystery hidden within the ocean. Sources: Knowles, Melissa. â€Å"Mystery Behind Deep-Sea Crop Circles Off the Coast of Japan Solved.† September 19, 2012. Christopher. â€Å"Mysterious Underwater ‘Crop Circles’ Discovered Off the Coast of Japan† September 19, 2012.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Wgirl Wboy
CASE STUDY ON WBOY AND WGIRL CALENDARS Case study refers to the collection and presentation of detailed information about a particularparticipant or small group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves. A formof qualitative descriptive research, the case study looks intensely at an individual or smallparticipant pool, drawing conclusions only about that participant or group and only in thatspecific context. Researchers do not focus on the discovery of a universal,generalizable truth,nor do they typically look for cause-effect relationships; instead, emphasis is placed onexploration and description. CASE ANALYSIS INVOLVES THE FOLLOWING STRATEGIES: ? Situation Analysis ? External Environment-Opportunities and Threats ? Internal Environment- Strengths and Weakness ? Key Marketing Issues ? Statement of Objectives ? Generation and Evaluation of Alternatives ? Recommendations ? Implementation Plan Situation Analysis: Luke Atkins, from Richard Ivey school of Business at The University of Western Ontario-a personinterested in raising fund for charity purpose, planned to launch Wgirl and Wboy calendars whichwould feature both male and female students of Western Ontario. Atkins previously had experiencein using calendars for fund raising purpose. He used pictures of his rugby team for it. Now he isconcentrating for charities like Breast Cancer Society (women) and Jesse ’ s Journey Foundation (men)for patients with neuromuscular disease. The university also provides free calendars for studentswho can use them throughout their academic career. Other than that there are potential buyers forLondon Fire fighters who also provide free copies which student use them for exam notifications,assignment reminders. Luke Atkins targets local business-primary focus on the students on campus. He has potential threatsfrom the competitors as well as the cost they provide for sale of each calendar, So Atkins mustprovide a calendar of such quality and price that would satisfy the needs of students on campus. Forthis he has to analyse the environment for marketing as well as the cost for production of eachcalendars, promotion through ads and Internet, 12 models for each calendar type, their salary basedon sales, and all other cost for post production works etc. Atkins has two formats in mind forpublishing this calendar. 6 page model and 28 page model both of varying cost, the latter one he isnot sure of producing it. He is short of time to accomplish this project; he has to approach thecharity first and had to frame a marketing strategic plan for generating funds to achieve his goal. External Environment: [pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic]Opportunities: The experience that Luke Atkins has in the field of Calendar Marketing will be of high value forpromoting his new business plan. So he can get his previous customers and also he can generatenew set of potential customers with his experience. The fund raising activity is meant for charity well being, so there will be a huge set of customers whoare light hearted and willing to help the needy. This can bring enormous scope and opportunity forhis new product. By concentrating on students community Atkins can generate customers who were in link with thosestudents too (like relatives and friends) and the marketing circle widens and create moreopportunity. Atkins should find his workforces who were interested to serve the charity and get the maximumamount of work from them. This will be highly useful since there is no need for huge investment foremployer ’ selection. The profits can be shared as commission which will be very low whilecomparing salary or incentives. Advertisement on calendars regarding the charity and other useful information ’ s will attract thecustomers. Threats: Very short amount of time is only remaining to complete this new project plan. So each and everydecision must be accurate and quick to meet the requirements. The manpower that Atkins has is not sufficient. To perceive the complete benefit he should reactquickly and improve the workforce limit to a high number. Atkins faces a serious threat from the Western University free publication of calendars to students,and also from its competitors London Fire fighters and others who were issuing different varieties of calendars in an attractive price. Sexy and attractive models should be utilized only for charity and their pictures should emphasizethat. If it is a little vulgar to what expected then the whole project is in threat. Internal Environment: Strengths: Atkins experience in calendar marketing will be a great strength for him in facing difficult situationduring the process of his new calendar. The reason for fund raising is for charity purpose. So he can market his product more efficiently thanany other since there is a soft corner for everyone to help the needy. Since he is targeting the students, he get expose to huge customer group which will be useful tolaunch his new calendar effectively. [pic] [pic][pic]Selling his product $3 less than his competitor will be a great strength to meet his all requirements. Marketing through Student sales representative and advertising through student union and radiostation and internet will be of great importance and strengths for his products. Since students themselves turn out to be a model, there will be a direct customer relationship development which will influence the students and anticipate them to buy his product. A separate photographer to enhance the quality of te product will be an additional strength. Advertisement on calendars can be helpful to increase profit as well as customers. Weakness: Lack of time to accomplish Atkins project efficiently. Cost of production will vary according to different format which may influence in reduction of profit. Compensation for models will increase the cost of production. Return on investment is still not clear before product promotion. Feasibility of the project and different strategy for marketing are yet to be finalized. The profit generated should be more in order to help the charity as well as to compensate theproduction and wages expenses. The location of marketing is very competitive since there are many competitors who are wellestablished. Work force is not ready yet, and Atkins has to find them quickly. Production cost for promoting the product through student union and internet seem to be costly. Photographer charge and the time he takes for preparing designs turns out to be a serious matter of concern. Confusion in designing two different formats of calendars and their cost is also a major problem. The start up cost is also not very clear. Key Marketing Issues: The selection of models and start up production cost should be finalized for initializing the newbusiness plan. Potential customers should be identified for targeting the market. Cost of eachcalendar and its quantity in production must be beneficiary to the management. Since the cost of single calendar is rated for $12, and 1000 copies of 16 page format calendar rated $2500, the cost of production matters that Atkins should produce each calendar with high quality ( both for black andwhite or colour) in order meet the expectation and goodwill. The promotional events planned forlaunching this new calendar must be effective and there must be no compromise of cost allocatingfor that. Photographer should be hired more in numbers in order to get positive benefits in qualityas well as variety in the model selection for the calendar to be attractive. The manufacturer ’ s [pic]
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Atmospheric Pollution-( Global Warming) Research Proposal
Atmospheric Pollution-( Global Warming) - Research Proposal Example Time and time again, man has proved his propensity for destroying his own habitat. Globalization and industrialization and the need to compete with the rest of civilization in producing and marketing their products worldwide have pushed such basically agricultural countries as China, India and Brazil to raze down their virgin rainforests to give way to thousands of acres of industrial parks. In Brazil alone, millions of acres of Amazonian rainforests were massively cleared and burned for conversion to villages and industrial parks (King & McCarthy 2005,p.35). As a result, in 1987 alone, it was reported that 1.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide or CO2, the main component of the so-called greenhouse gases, were evaporated into the air (Rifkin 1993,p.224). Trees are known absorbers of CO2 in the air and soak up enormous amounts of CO2 so that cutting and burning them up were responsible for 20% of all CO2 emissions. In the Sahel region of Africa, natives cut off trees for use as fuelwood and allowed their herds to overgraze what's left of the bushes. As a result there was intense desertification especially in Mali, Chad and Niger as rains stopped in 1970 and temperatures reached up to 49degC causing drought and famine and deaths of animals, plants and people (DiPiazza 2007,p.13). The Nobel-Prize winning IPCC or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported, "Deforestation, biomass burning including fuelwood and other changes in land-use practices release CO2, CH4 and N2O into the atmosphere and together comprise about 18% of the enhanced radiation forcing" (Humphreys 1996,p.16). Since the industrial revolution in the 1880's, man has been frenetically burning coal, oil and natural gases in factories and industrial plants. Today, that industrial revolution has gone haywire as the unfettered madness to burn fossil fuels result in the release of CO2, methane or CH4, nitrous oxide or N2O and hydrofluorocarbons or CFCs into the air, creating an invisible greenhouse that pollutes the upper atmosphere, lock the heat inside and radiate this heat back to earth. Without these greenhouse gases, all the incoming sunlight normally strikes the earth's surface, causing it to emit infrared waves and most of the resultant heat simply travels unimpeded back into the void. With the presence of these greenhouse gases that envelop the earth's atmosphere, this outgoing infrared radiation is instead absorbed by the greenhouse gases,
Friday, September 27, 2019
Movie Witness Written by Mark Book in 1985 Essay
Movie Witness Written by Mark Book in 1985 - Essay Example In this movie, we find two characters Rael and her son Samuel, boarding a train to take them to Baltimore to visit Rachel’s sister. This part has a reflection of family ties exhibited by the Amish community. It shows how the community values keeping close with other family members irrespective of the distance. This is because, despite the many challenges they face and delays of the train, they braved themselves and waited for three hours to ensure that they reach the destination and see their sister. The western culture also values family ties as notes Capsi (72). He notes that mothers liked keeping family members close the same way Rael an Amish woman does. He, however, notes that close family ties are getting cut off. Capsi (76) asserts that some Americans express fear that they would soon lose their family members through family cutoffs. According to western culture, a brother-brother relationship is emphasized for rivalry, jealousy, competitiveness, and ambivalence. Howeve r, this is not the case with the Amish Community. The train is divided into compartments with different rooms for men and women. According to western culture, this is not the case as both men and women are expected to share an apartment. There is no differentiation between men and women’s apartments. It is in the men’s room that Samuel witnesses the murder of an undercover narcotics. This is followed by the entry of the detectives among them being John Book. The book is seen receiving a phone call which makes Samuel wander about in the room. He wonders because his Amish community is a conservative community and always avoids phone calls (New York Times 72). The movie, therefore, brings about the change in technology, which has become the mode of communication in western culture. Inside the room, there is a newspaper article that talks of McFee, one of the narcotics officers.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Documantry on Congo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Documantry on Congo - Essay Example Throughout the Congo, families were held as hostages, and the families would be subjected to death-causing hunger, in the case that the working members did not cooperate in producing sufficient wild rubber. Further, the hands of the children held as captive were chopped off as punishment to the parents, in the case that they delivered the rubber late (Bate, Elie and Roger). The King is accused of killing more than 10 million people during his era of exploitation. This paper will explore the lessons taught by the documentary and also explore the classes of people that played a central role during the colonial era. The documentary gives an account showing that the colonialists went to Africa among other colonial nations, not for the good of the citizens of the colonized countries, but for their selfish interests of making more wealth for themselves and their countries (Bate, Elie and Roger). This reality is very evident from the experiences of the Congolese, during the 1880s, noting that they were subjected to forced labor and slavery at their own country. The selfish interests of the colonialist Belgium are evident from the death of the millions of the people that did not work towards meeting the rubber hunger of the King. Further, to conceal his plans and his strategies of exploiting the people of Congo, the king acted as a prototype of colonialists, by hiding under the veil of protecting Africans from slave trade (Bate, Elie and Roger). Unfortunately, it turned out that his system and model of slavery was much worse than that of the Arabs; it included the brutal treatment of the Congolese. For example, the documentary cites that the hands of the children, whose parents could not deliver rubber as expected, were chopped off. Therefore, the colonial operations of King Leopold II, which were similar to those of many other colonial nations, show that the colonialists went to Africa and other
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Sex Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sex Education - Essay Example Though she was older than me, we were very close friends and we could discuss anything in a cordial manner. I like this person and she liked me too. We treated each other like a brother and sister but the closeness was just great. We happened to be alone at her place and we were watching a romantic film. We started off caressing each other and each of us was so erotic such that we could not resist the strong desire to have sex. We were both virgins then and the experience was just painful. I ended up asking myself why people often talk of great pleasure from sex when it was so painful. I also felt sorry for my friend who had all of a sudden become a lover since I realised that I had hurt her. However, the second time we tried it was quite different from the first experience. This time I really enjoyed the sex and my partner also did. I discovered that people who are not in love can still enjoy sex as long as they are aware of what they are doing. I liked it and my friend also liked i t though there were very few chances that we could end up as lovers. I also discovered that breaking virginity during a sexual encounter can be very painful. However, the fallacy I later discovered from the knowledge I had gathered from my friends about sex is that some people believe that the first sexual encounter does not lead to pregnancy. I carried out various researches to establish the authenticity of this claim but I later discovered that it was false. Though I was furious that some people wanted to mislead me, I was not particularly made at anyone. Indeed, my friend did not get any pregnancy. This taught me a lesson that whenever I fail to resist the strong desire to have sex, then I must use protection. This helps to prevent unwanted... This paper approves that the truth of the matter is that people who practice self sex are smart and they are safe from contracting sexually transmitted diseases from other people if they indulge in unprotected sex. It is quite difficult to openly talk about self sex but the truth of the matter is that a lot of people do it even married couples. A lot of studies have shown that people who engage in self sex live a healthier life than those who are sexually active and those who prefer to sleep around with multiple partners. Though people feel shy to openly talk about this practice, it is advocated by many counsellors as it is seen as an effective way of reining the behaviour of the youths in particular so that they can live health lives. This essay makes a conclusion that the subject of sex is widely discussed in different places especially by the youths since it characterises their growth and development. However, there are some myths and fallacies in some of the ideas that are exchanged pertaining to the issue of sex and sexuality. However, there are certain aspects that are real and these help different individuals to gain full understanding of this particular topic. Sex is a need but there are certain precautions that need to be taken especially by the youths in order to ensure that they do not spoil their health by avoiding the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through sexual intercourse with infected partners.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Exercise of Accounting Clothes Personal Statement - 2
The Exercise of Accounting Clothes - Personal Statement Example I thought that I had only few purchases that were made from China but I did not expect that majority of them were actually from China (there were 22 clothes that I bought coming from them). This misimpression is due to the fact that even if the brand is patently American, if we bother enough to check the label on where it is made, it is in fact made in China. For example, my sport apparel Nike. We know that Nike is an American company and we would like to think that it is also made in America. But no, check the labels and you cannot even read them because it is written in Chinese character. It is in fact made in China. This led me to think and do some basic research. I begun to understand the supply chain that companies employ in order to save cost and become competitive. But again, this led me to think if the main motivation really is to save on cost to sell their products more affordable then are their prices are saying otherwise? Nike is still priced at premium even if they had ou tsourced their manufacturing to some sweatshops in China. These companies are raking billions of dollars in profit. The motivation of having their manufacturing somewhere else must be the drive to profit more by finding ways to cut cost by looking for people who can do the job the cheapest way possible. Sadly, this takes jobs away from Americans and kills our local garment industry. This also makes the salary of those who works in our textile industry low because of competition of the dirt cheap salary of textile workers in Bangladesh and Cambodia. Worst, this outsourcing has brought new evils in the country that they were outsourced such as China and countries in South East Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines). News about the old labor, unreasonably long working hours and dangerous working conditions are prevalent that it defeats the benefit of giving people jobs because they are being exploited. Also, the quality of the textiles deteriorates because the manufacturing process of the countries they are from cut corners. Also, I noticed during the process of my accounting my clothes that some have labels of being recyclable (the ones made in USA) while many do not. I understood it because of our stringent laws about the environment and our general concern about the environment. I checked the labels on the other clothes that I have that were made overseas and there were no labels that the clothes can be recycled. This led me to think that these manufacturers must have no concern for the environment after making the sales or even during the manufacture of these clothes. Come to think of it, if they cared less about their workers, employing them in hazardous working conditions and giving them oppressive salaries whose ill effects can be immediately observed, how much more about the environment whose effect can only be felt many years ahead? Also, the quality of the fabric can readily be distinguished because those that came from the USA are noticeably of better quality. We just came from a financial crisis and to some extent, we are still reeling from it.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Stages of criminal trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Stages of criminal trial - Essay Example The choice of this paper is in the case of a admitting a guilty verdict and the process of sentencing. 1984 The US Sentencing Commission issued guidelines: what kind of sentence, length, if fined, how much, whether supervised released and multiple sentencing. Honesty in sentencing. Guidelines applied to facts. Statistical data tables to establish sentencing range. In Government document. (2011 Sentencing has been standardized. Everything has been quantified to a point system. A person who is guilty of having tried to sell over 500g of an illegal substance and has never committed a felony is liable to 51-63 months of prison. If the prison sentence is over 11 months. He will have 4 years of and there is now a book of tables showing if the guilty person . Because of the having committed manslaughter, the judge did not take into account the probation report according to Fisher (2011) because he was given 5 years of parole after his 12 months in jail. Rule 32 establishes the number of poi nts by the Probation officer. The probation officer also supplies the judge with a detail report with intimate information about the guilty person including his background, his participation with the authorities and whether he helped in his conviction by plea bargaining. Probation officers gives presentence reports(rule 32) to the judge.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The prevention and reform of prostitution in Victorian England Essay
The prevention and reform of prostitution in Victorian England - Essay Example in Burns). Enduring the pains of poverty, these women found themselves incapable of reconciling with Victorian ideals of purity and get into prostitution. For them, earning for a living was more immediate and harsh reality (Cooper 6).However, society and state always put considerable efforts to curb and regulate the practice. The paper discusses different forms of regulations and reforms that were implemented to prevent prostitution in Victorian England. During Victorian age, England experiences economic and social issues which were accompanied by industrialization (Haggard qtd. in Burns).The paternalistic Victorian society was inclined towards wealth accumulation in the form of property and was rigidly divided into classes. Wealth was concentrated in a small upper-class who was ignorant of poverty and poor. Victorians had puritanical conscience when it came to gender and sexuality (Pearson 11). Men and women owned entirely different spheres of society. Public sphere belonged to men while women belonged to private sphere or home(Anderson 13).Those who were outside private spheres were considered public property. According to Rubinstein, absence of factory work, dock and construction workers, sailor population on shore, immigrants and slumming city male experienced women entering into prostitution as profession (11 qtd. in Burns).Economic insecurity compelled even the married women to work as prostitutes during low times of their seasonal works 1(Cooper 30). 1. Major Causes of Prostitution It is often believed that the men who seduced and urged women to get into prostitution were upper-class male and victims (girls) were either very poor or their domestic servants. However, Bartley argues that such ideas of seduction are not more than myth (4).Some stress that men enticed young girls with money and or toys or procured them from brothels by convincing them that they will help in entering the domestic service. Reformers believed that female child between the ages of eleven to fifteen were either kidnapped or lured into prostitution; approximately four hundred men earned their livelihood by doing this. However Bartley doubts any of such causes of prostitution because he asserts they lack evidence, he asserts that most of the girls were convinced by other girls in the trade (4).Drinking is also closely linked with the practice because it lowers the moral values and most women were considered to be drunk when commit it first time. Rescue workers, missionaries, magistrates, policemen, law officials, and reform workers believed that there were complex social, psychological, economic factors are involved, in addition to the idea that prostitutes were the victims of social injustice and male sexual profligacy (Bartley 5).Religious reformers believed in training and reforming girls who repent. They also strengthened the repeal movements (McHugh 187).Numerous evidences; however, confirm poverty and economic reasons as the major contributing factor to prostitution. For instance, a prostitute known as ‘Swindling Sal’ reveals the reason of her coming into prostitut
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Reservoirs of Infection Essay Example for Free
Reservoirs of Infection Essay Nasal carriage is the principal reservoir, and nasal colonization of the individual patient is the harbinger of subsequent infection. Healthcare workers are propounded to be potential reservoirs. Hand carriage and nasal carriage both are responsible, and they can be transient or persistent. For healthcare workers, the environment of care may function as a reservoir of colonization and infection. The body sites of the patients in the care units may specifically colonize bacteria. These include respiratory tract, any site on the skin such as surgical sites, burns, pressure sores, tracheotomy sites, sites of other foreign bodies, and normal skin, and the perineum and the rectum. In these settings, nasal swabs are inadequate, and culture of the wounds, tracheostomy sites, and sputum may be useful. Environmental contamination in a hospital has been known reservoirs, and virtually any surface, appliance, and instruments in the care setting may be suspected, but they seem to play insignificant roles in transmission of infection (Graffunder, E.M. and Venezia, R. A. , 2002). Modes of Transmission: The principal mode of transmission within an institution is from one colonized or infected patient to another via the hands of the healthcare workers, even though he or she is transiently colonized. Hospital acquired pneumonia that happens with MRSA is thought to be transmitted through air-borne infection (Graffunder, E. M. and Venezia, R. A. , 2002). Control: Handwashing is a time-honoured principle of routine infection prevention and control and is considered to be effective in eliminating transient hand contamination with MRSA and other pathogens acquired from patients or the environment. A simple 10-second hand wash with soap and water can ascertain absence of the bacteria from the contaminated hands in most of the cases. However, povidone iodine or alcohol is better washing agent (Graffunder, E. M. and Venezia, R. A. , 2002). Prescription: Decreasing broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy can reduce the risk of MRSA. Nursing workloads need to be maintained as reasonable level so as to maintain standard hygiene that reduces chances of infection. Drugs, such as, vancomycin is indicated in uncomplicated cases of MRSA. The other antibiotics that are recommended are tetracyclines or cotrimoxazole. Minocycline is also active against MRSA. Linezolid is recommended in skin and soft tissue infections caused by MRSA. Clindamycin is also an effective antibiotic, and a combination of rifampicin and fusidic acid and daptomycin have been found to be effective in such cases (Gemmell, C. G. et al. , 2006), (French, G. L. , (2006). Conclusion: MRSA is a threat, and this threat has been caused by the genetic make up of the bacteria and iatrogenic reasons. Strict hygienic measures in the healthcare facilities, awareness of this threat by the healthcare professionals, and appropriate management of MRSA infection along with surveillance still can reduce the spread and epidemic nature of these infections. References Brown, D. B. J. et al. , (2005).Guidelines for the laboratory diagnosis and susceptibility testing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) on behalf of the Joint Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Hospital Infection Society and Infection Control Nurses Association. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 56: 1000 1018. Enright, M. C. et al. , (2002). The evolutionary history of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). PNAS,; 99: 7687 7692. French, G. L. , (2006). Bactericidal agents in the treatment of MRSA infectionsâ€â€the potential role of daptomycin. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 58: 1107 1117. Gemmell, C. G. et al. , (2006). Guidelines for the prophylaxis and treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections in the UK on behalf of the Joint Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Hospital Infection Society and Infection Control Nurses Association. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 57: 589 608. Graffunder, E. M. and Venezia, R. A. , (2002). Risk factors associated with nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection including previous use of antimicrobials. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 49: 999 1005. Huang, H. et al. , (2006). Comparisons of Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Hospital-Associated MSRA Infections in Sacramento, California. J. Clin. Microbiol. ; 44: 2423 2427. Johnson, A. P. , Pearson, A. , and Duckworth, G. , (2005). Surveillance and epidemiology of MRSA bacteraemia in the UK. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 56: 455 462. Millar, B. C. , Prendergast, B. D. , and Moore, J. E. , (2008). Community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA): an emerging pathogen in infective endocarditis. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. ; 61: 1 7.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Do The Right Thing Essay
Do The Right Thing Essay Do the right thing is one of the best films made by Writer, Director, producer, and star Spike Lee in 1989, which explored the issue of biasness and discrimination of the African-American area of New York city called Brooklyn. This movie was nominated for 2 Oscars Awards and other and it won 11 other awards in that time. The movie was released at the same time when hip-hop culture like songs, music video, fashion and etc was hit. Spike Lee, Danny Aiello, Osie Davis, Ruby Dee, Richard Edison, Giancarlo Esposito, and John Turturro make the character alive in the movie. This film is successful to present the gap between the regular life of various African-American peoples and community that are opposed. The several artiest of the movie represent various ethnicities of African-Americans mentioned serious personal, social, economical and controversial issues about the residents and other businessmen like Sal and Korean Shop Owner as neighbourhood characters. Producer, Director Spike Lee plays as a Mookie, a Pizza Delivery Boy, who keeps going back and onwards between Sals pizza and the neighbourhood area, eventually finding him in the focus of a problem in the film. He is lazy and irresponsible person. Sal, the Italian-American man, who owned Sals Famous Pizzeria in the center of the same place for 25 years. Sal has two sons, Pino and Vito. Pino is an angry young boy who has narrow minded feelings for the customers and next son Vito, whos friends with the irresponsible delivery man of Pizzeria, Mookie in the movie. There are lots of important characters in the movie Do the right things who made movie better. One of this is The Mayor, who is an alcoholic elder. Mother Sister, who always sits in her window whole day and watches outside; Radio Raheem, a very big man who walks up and down on the street with his big Sound system that look like extra-large even for him. He wears a metal finger ring on his 4 finger for both sides that says LOVE on one hand and HATE on the other hand. The first dialogue of the movie starts with Wake up, wake up, wake up .. this was telling on microphone by a Radio worker and DJ Mr. Senor Love Daddy. Likewise there is a Korean shopkeeper; Smiley, looks like a dementia and who always sells hand-made postcards of the only photo of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X together. In the movie, there is no any strong character of female artist in comparison of the male artist even though its starting from the strong dance of female character on Fight the Power. There is a Mookies sister Jade, who is always trying to get her brother Mookie to face up to his responsibilities, and Tina, Mookies girlfriend and mother of his infant son. There is a place in the Sals Pizza Shop called Wall of Fame; Lots of pictures of different people are placed there, where no African American peoples are included. That make angered for African American people although Sal himself think about his shop as the center of the neighbourhood and feels pleasure for having food place for the African-American neighbourhood. In that area it is very hard to find the business owned by African-American, only Sal and the Korean Grocery shop owner, who take the big money from the community. According to the main plot of the story, There is a boy whose name is Buggin Out, who always wants Sal to put up some pictures of black people at the side of the Sals pizzerias Wall of Fame, in the end of the movie that boy becomes the cause for the movies climax with violence blasts in and around the Sals Famous Pizzeria over the same issue of Wall of Fame. At the night time, A big group of African-American People with Radio Raheem is enter into the pizzeria, while pizzeria was already closed but Sal opens to them because he wants for more business. Radio Raheem always make louder sound on his sound system, Here in pizzeria, he makes its sound louder as well. They are doing force to put the picture of black people in wall of fame, but Sals refusing to put the picture of black. Sal telling to make the sound lower inside the pizzeria but Radio Raheem is not doing like that. All the black people are being aggressive. In the same situation, Sal became anger with his Music System and he broke that sound system of Radio Raheem then after Radio Raheem and other black people been aggressive. They did attack to the Sal,  Police came and they arrest that black people who are doing attack and crucially hitting them as a result Radio Raheem killed. Big crowed of black people are giving pressure and telling Mokie to Stay Black. Then Mookie throws a trash on the Sals Famous Pizzeria towards the front glass and break all then that crowd of the black people make damage everything in Sals Pizzeria and its burned down. The movie was shotted on one of the hottest and longest day of the summer, which is start with the energetic and dazzling dance on the song of Fight the Power on the very hot bright and colourful background. But in the later this song Fight the Power only played when the Radio Raheem appears. From the viewers eye Do the Right Thing raises some questions like what is the appropriate way for society to deal the ethnic discrimination in that area (America) which is shown in the movie? Is that the right thing which has been done by Mookie in the film? Should it be done by the dialogue, understanding and positive way without any violence or only violence is only the right thing. There are the people with only one aspect. In the movie the African American People think they can do everything because they are more in numbers. I think its the quite poor things in the movie. In the summary, this movie comes closer to reflecting the current state of racial relations in America than any other movie of that time. There is no doubt about the originality and power of the movie. This movie must be watched by all. I think, it is still appropriate in the world today.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Free Essays - Dead Man Walking :: Dead Man Walking
Dead Man Walking People in society today have changed their feelings towards humanity and religious practises. This change is seen clearly in the movie "Dead Man Walking." The characters go through changes in their view of religion and their feelings about human morality and humanity towards each other. The characters of Sister Helen, Matthew, and the victims parents all went through these changes during the movie for different reasons. These emotional changes that the characters went through are very common. Everyone changes their ideals and morals depending on their situation. Matthew's ideals changed because he feared that he was going to die alone. Sister Helen's feelings changed because she saw a side of Matthew that no one else was able to see. The parents of the victim "Hope" were filled with revenge because of what Matthew did, not why he did it. The father of the victim " Walter" was very sympathetic, he understanding of what Matthew was going through. SISTER HELEN Sister Helen was very unsure about what she was doing in life. She became a nun to give back to the community which gave her good Christian morals and values. By becoming a nun she was able to teach others to respect life and become more like Jesus (A Son of God). As a child Sister Helen was taught to be very supportive and to give this support to those who needed her help. When confronted with Matthew, Sister Helen tries to see the good in him and show him the respect she believes he deserves. She believes that there is good in all man and that every person deserves respect. Sister Helen understands that what Matthew did was wrong, but she also knows that every person is worth more than their worst act, and that ,"No man deserves to die . . .". In Sister Helen's mind every man deserves a chance. From insight into her background and Christian upbringing Sister Helen is able to see and feel for Matthew as a person and not as an object of "...scum or as a monster...". The media's understanding and the victims parents understanding is that Sister Helen believes that Matthew was wronged by the system.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Ma
Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn    Samuel Clemens was an American writer and humorist who's best work is shown by broad social satire, realism of place and language, and memorable characters.      Clemens was born November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. His family moved to Hannibal, Mississippi when he was four. There he received a public school education. Samuel Clemens was a difficult child, given to mischief and mis adventure. He barely escaped drowning on nine separate occasions. His fathers death was a calamity in which Samuel was not prepared for. Albert Bigelow Paine, Clemens official biographer, offers the following glimpse of the young Clemens            "The boy Sam was fairly broken down. Remorse, which always      dealt with him unsparingly, laid a heavy hand on him now. Wildness,      disobedience, indifference to his fathers wishes, all were remembered; a      hundred things, in themselves trifling, became ghastly and heart-wringing      in the knowledge that could never be undone. Seeing his grief, his mother      took him by the hand and led him into where his father lay."           "It's all right, Sammy," she said. "What's done is done, and it      does not matter to him anymore; but here by the side of him now I want      you to promise to me-"           He turned, his eyes streaming with tears, and flung himself into      her arms.           "I will promise anything ," he sobbed, "if you won't make me go      to school! Anything!           His mother held him for a moment, thinking, then she said:      "No, Sammy; you need not go to school anymore. Only... ...             A. Family Life                        1.Deaths            B. Money Problems                 1. Bankruptcy                 2. Move to Europe            C. His comeback            D. His death      V.  Effects of Twain's stories            A. How he affected his era            B. How the era affected his writings        VI.  Conclusion             A. My feelings             B. End notes             C. Bibliography Work Cited:  Twain, Mark.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 3rd ed. Ed. Thomas Cooley. New     York: Norton, 1999.   Works Consulted: Kaplan, Justin. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, a Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Ward, Geoffrey C., et. al. Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Knopf, 2001  Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- Ma Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn    Samuel Clemens was an American writer and humorist who's best work is shown by broad social satire, realism of place and language, and memorable characters.      Clemens was born November 30, 1835, in Florida, Missouri. His family moved to Hannibal, Mississippi when he was four. There he received a public school education. Samuel Clemens was a difficult child, given to mischief and mis adventure. He barely escaped drowning on nine separate occasions. His fathers death was a calamity in which Samuel was not prepared for. Albert Bigelow Paine, Clemens official biographer, offers the following glimpse of the young Clemens            "The boy Sam was fairly broken down. Remorse, which always      dealt with him unsparingly, laid a heavy hand on him now. Wildness,      disobedience, indifference to his fathers wishes, all were remembered; a      hundred things, in themselves trifling, became ghastly and heart-wringing      in the knowledge that could never be undone. Seeing his grief, his mother      took him by the hand and led him into where his father lay."           "It's all right, Sammy," she said. "What's done is done, and it      does not matter to him anymore; but here by the side of him now I want      you to promise to me-"           He turned, his eyes streaming with tears, and flung himself into      her arms.           "I will promise anything ," he sobbed, "if you won't make me go      to school! Anything!           His mother held him for a moment, thinking, then she said:      "No, Sammy; you need not go to school anymore. Only... ...             A. Family Life                        1.Deaths            B. Money Problems                 1. Bankruptcy                 2. Move to Europe            C. His comeback            D. His death      V.  Effects of Twain's stories            A. How he affected his era            B. How the era affected his writings        VI.  Conclusion             A. My feelings             B. End notes             C. Bibliography Work Cited:  Twain, Mark.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 3rd ed. Ed. Thomas Cooley. New     York: Norton, 1999.   Works Consulted: Kaplan, Justin. Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, a Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Ward, Geoffrey C., et. al. Mark Twain: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Knopf, 2001 Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Network installation
Choosing a network that does not meet an organization's needs leads directly to trouble. A common problem arises from choosing a peer-to-peer network when the situation calls for a server-based network Peer to peer networks share responsibility for processing data among all of the connected devices. Peer-to-peer networking (also known simply as peer networking) differs from client-server networking in several respects. According to the computer specifications a peer-to-peer network is inadequate. It can exhibit problems with changes in the network site. These are more likely to be logistical or operational problems than hardware or software problems. For example users may turn off computers that are providing resources to others on the network. (Rutter, 2008). When a network's design is too limited, it cannot perform satisfactorily in some environments. Problems can vary depending on the type of network topology in effect. The physical topology of a network is the layout or actual appearance of the cabling scheme used on a network. Multipoint topologies share a common channel; each device needs a way to identify itself and the device to which it wants to send information. The method used to identify senders and receivers is called addressing. (Mitchel, 2008) The term topology, or more specifically, network topology, refers to the arrangement or physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on the network. â€Å"Topology†is the standard term that most network professionals use when they refer to the network's basic design. In addition to the term â€Å"topology,†there are other terms that are used to define a network's design: Physical layout, Design, Diagram or Map. (Mitchel, 2008). A network's topology affects its capabilities. The choice of one topology over another will have an impact on the type of equipment the network needs, Capabilities of the equipment, Growth of the network and Way the network is managed. According to Rutter, a network topology needs planning. For example, a particular topology can determine not only the type of cable used but also how the cabling runs through floors, ceilings, and walls. Topology can also determine how computers communicate on the network. Different topologies require different communication methods, and these methods have a great influence on the network. The most popular and recommendable method of connecting the cabling in the proposed computer network is the client server architecture of star topology. Here each device connects to a central point via a point-to-point link. Several names are used for the central point including the following: Hub, Multipoint Repeater, Concentrator, or Multi-Access Unit (MAU). (Microsoft MVP, 2004). For the recommended network, the central point ought to be an intelligent hub, which can make informed path selections and perform some network management. Intelligent hubs route traffic only to the branch of the star on which the receiving node is located. If redundant paths exist, an intelligent hub can route information around normally used paths when cable problems occur. Routers, bridges, ; switches are examples of hub devices that can route transmissions intelligently. These hubs are advanced such that they are able to accommodate several different types of cables. In this case there can be a main hub (the hybrid) with other sub-hubs especially for growth purposes. Intelligent hubs also can incorporate diagnostic features that make it easier to troubleshoot network problems. Hub-based systems are versatile and offer several advantages over systems that do not use hubs. In the standard star topology with hubs, a break in any of the cables attached to the hub affects only a limited segment of the network mostly only one workstation while the rest of the network keeps functioning. In this kind of a system, wiring systems can be changed or expanded as needed, different ports can be used to accommodate a variety of cabling types and monitoring of network activity and traffic can be centralized. (Rutter, 2008) The star topology has many benefits; first each device is isolated on its own cable. This makes it easy to isolate individual devices from the network by disconnecting them from the wiring hub. Secondly all data goes through the central point, which can be equipped with diagnostic devices that make it easy to trouble shoot and manage the network. Lastly the Hierarchical organization allows isolation of traffic on the channel. This is beneficial when several, but not all, computers place a heavy load on the network. Traffic from those heavily used computers can be separated from the rest or dispersed throughout for a more even flow of traffic. According to Rutter This topology originated in the early days of computing when computers were connected to a centralized mainframe computer. One machine can act as a server and as a client at the same time since the setup is not concerned with security. This machine should be the one with the highest processing speed (3GHz), largest Random Access memory (1 Gb) and enough disk space (120 Gb). The importance of the server is to concentrate common peripheral devices, which do not need to be in multiples in the network. This computer can meet the processing and storage needs of other users, it can be able to support many more users in cases of expansion, it also enables administration of resources centrally in cases of troubleshooting there is more consistency and reliability and it also provides backup for the other machines. The server has many dedicated specialized functions in addition to providing basic network services. First it can be dedicated to managing network printers and print jobs to avoid unnecessary spooling. Secondly it can manage modems and other types of communication links. It can also be used to store large databases and run some database applications. Fourthly it can run an application for the access across the network. It can act as a mail server and provide access to email services as well as sending and forwarding email messages to intended recipients in the network. Lastly a server may provide a wide range of information to the public Internet or private intranets form the network. Upgrades can be to maintain, troubleshoot, update and fix the other computers remotely. It's way more effective than trying to explain what to do over the phone. Conclusion Topologies remain an important part of network design theory. You can probably build a home or small business network without understanding the difference between a bus design and a star design, but understanding the concepts behind these gives you a deeper understanding of important elements like hubs, broadcasts, and routes Work Cited: Brandley Mitchel, The New York Times Company. (2008). Wireless Networking. . Retrieved May 10, 2008 from: Microsoft Most Valuable Profession, (2004, 1st December). Hardware and software specifications. Daniel Rutter, (2008,1st April). Ethernet Networking. Retrieved May 10, 2008 from:
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mcdonald’s Is China Loving It Possible Solution
With China’s rapidly developing economy, the rising wealth of its middle-class and more Western fast-food chains infiltrating the nation, McDonald’s finds itself at a crossroads. The company must evaluate its current standing in the Chinese fast-food market and elect to either continue its present operations, hoping to maintain its second place rank to KFC, or implement new strategies to gain market share, meet the Chinese people’s expectations, and abide by governmental standards. The following alternatives will be evaluated to make a decision: 1. Base – Status QuoIn this scenario, McDonald’s will continue operating under its current strategies. New threats from competitors in China, including long-time rival KFC, Asian fast-food companies like Hong Kong’s Cafe de Coral, Taiwan’s Dicos Fried Chicken and Japan’s Ajisen Ramen, and emerging Western chains like Subway and Rainforest Cafe, would be ignored. Since its competitorsâ₠¬â„¢ menus focus on Chinese preferences for chicken and noodle dishes, McDonald’s will attempt to continue to offset that advantage by emphasizing quality and service. However, in the long run, McDonald’s operations would fall victim to China’s developing economy.In particular, China’s unionized workers would call for additional pay increases and inflationary pressures would cause material costs to rise. As a result, McDonald’s would be forced to increase its prices, as it had done in the past. In all likelihood, the price point for the quality of food offered would fail to live up to public and governmental standards. With competitors progressing in tandem with China’s economy, offering more luxurious casual dining environments and healthier menu options, McDonald’s would fall behind in the market. 2.Option 1: Efficiency, Convenience, and Environmental Responsibility. In this case, McDonald’s would augment its strategies to re main competitive with Western fast-food counterparts like KFC, Burger King and Subway, and Asian competitors like Cafe de Coral, Dicos Fried Chicken and Ajisen Ramen. McDonald’s would capitalize on the public’s demand for quick, convenient service at low prices and continue using its tier pricing model. The company would further exploit the wealth distribution in China by widening its target focus to include the increasing purchasing power of the lower-tier consumer in rural egions of the country. Chinese rural households account for over 60% of the total population. These households spend a larger proportion of income on food, compared to urban households, but as incomes rise, the proportion spent on food does not increase (see Exhibit 1). Thus, McDonald’s would focus on selling more products to more customers at lower prices. McDonald’s would incorporate healthier options in its menu, so to compete with Subway, a chain focused on fresh, healthy food, an d to address growing governmental concerns with an obesity epidemic.McDonald’s would also secure and sustain its locally-based supply chain and joint ventures, to maintain value and its business model, keeping competitors at a disadvantage. (page 8 lihua) (ultra modern cost efficiency) Despite the lack of formal legislation on environmental issues in China, McDonald’s would further emphasize its dedication to decreasing its environmental impact by repositioning itself as a market leader in environmentally friendly packaging, going beyond the established â€Å"no straw days†instituted in Hong Kong.This will highlight McDonald’s willingness to partner with its customers to decrease the use of plastic as well as reducing packaging costs. McDonald’s long-term goal would be to dominate the fast-food market as a dependable, responsible and valued brand. 3. Option 2 – Sophisticated Dining Experiences This option targets the higher-income segment o f the population. McDonald’s would recognize that individuals in this market have rising standards on the type of food and service they receive.Additionally, the amount of money these individuals spend on food, in proportion to growing incomes, is not increasing (see Exhibit 1). In order to retain these higher-income customers, McDonald’s will offer more luxurious ambiences and more amenities at its restaurants. McDonald’s would renovate current locations and build new locations in two ways, with both types offering the typical Western McDonald’s menu and options catered to Chinese tastes. One line of restaurants would encompass sit-down dining-rooms with waiter-service, which would mainly compete with Pizza Hut and Rainforest Cafe.The other line of restaurants, McCafes, would include sit-down dining spaces without waiter-service and offer wireless internet, calm music, and comfortable seating. The McCafes would compete directly with Starbucks. Delivery s ervice and car-side pickup options would expand throughout the country in both types of settings, to maintain sales volume. In addition, coupon partnerships with Internet companies like Taobao. com will continue to provide incentives for customers to dine at McDonald’s.The main risk in this scenario is that McDonald’s is completely revamping its identity as a true-fast food company. Consequently, the company may lose its second-place position to KFC, to justify itself as a luxury brand. 4. Option 3 – Fast Food Efficiency and McCafe Combination In this situation, McDonald’s would implement strategies from options 1 and 2. Tier pricing would continue, services and products would be tailored to the characteristics of the various provinces in the nation, and convenience, health, the environment, and luxury would be emphasized.As in option 1, McDonald’s would expand its operations in the more rural, Western provinces and renovate current locations in ur ban areas, to include the environmentally friendly and health-conscious menus and processes. In addition, a percentage of the urban locations would be transformed into McCafes, as mentioned in option 2. Drive-thrus, delivery service, and car side pickup would expand to all areas. Furthermore, McDonald’s would secure its local supply-chain, proceed with its joint venture structure, and continue coupon programs with Internet companies.IV. Critical Issues The following issues are significant considerations for McDonald’s, in order to make its decision: 1. Brand Perception: McDonald’s needs to convince its Chinese consumers that it offers a product worthy of the price it costs, that the products are special and luxurious, and that the company cares about its workers, the environment, suppliers and the health of consumers. McDonald’s must also address governmental concerns on safety and health, demonstrating that its products will not propose any detriment to China’s developing economy. 2.Impact on Market Share: Since KFC, its biggest competitor, entered the China market earlier than it did, McDonald’s must consider whether its new strategies will be able to surpass KFC in the fast-food market. McDonald’s must consider that as China develops, many new competitors will enter the fast-food market. McDonald’s strategies must be able to attract and maintain its targeted customer bases, and attract the consumers in competitors’ markets. 3. Long Term Sustainability: McDonald’s must consider whether its plan would have its desired affect to gain market share, maximize gross margin and cut its expenses.The company wants to ensure that it will maintain pricing power (charging more for fewer high-end product sales and charging less for more low-end product sales), improve consumer confidence in a rapidly changing economic environment, and continue to profit in the future. 4. Costs to Implement: McDonaldâ⠂¬â„¢s must consider the expenses associated with developing new programs and funding expansions. The company must be confident that future profits will cover implementation costs. V. Rubric and Methodology Score Key: 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Superior, 5 = ExcellentBrand PerceptionImpact to market share LT SustainabilityCost to ImplementTotal Score Weight0. 40. 30. 20. 11. 00 Base**21141. 7 Option 144413. 7 Option 232222. 4 Option 354414. 1 **Base refers to current method. The ratings are based on a 1 through 5 scale with a score of 1 being poor and a score 5 being excellent. Weights for each criterion were assigned on an arbitrary evaluation of their importance. Brand Perception was considered most important (0. 4 weight) because most of McDonald’s problems regarding competition in China stem from a changing consumer perception of the McDonald’s brand.Impact to Market Share was considered to have the strongest secondary importance (0. 3 weight) because McDona ld’s main motivation for changing marketing strategies is to gain market share from its major competitor KFC as well as share from the increasing number of domestic fast food suppliers. Long-Term sustainability was considered to be less important (0. 2 weight) as in such a highly competitive market, McDonald’s may be forced to continuously alter the focus of its marketing strategy due the dynamic nature of the Chinese market. Finally, Cost to Implement was considered to be the least important (0. weight) as McDonald’s growth has been extremely robust and, regardless of the competition it faces, McDonald’s should be able to finance significant capital expenditures for the purpose of securing future growth. The option with the highest score should be implemented immediately. Base is included for comparison only. VI. Analysis of Alternatives Base Method: †¢Brand Perception – FAIR – Increasing awareness of the health risks of McDonaldâ€⠄¢s food, unfair treatment of workers, inconsistent environmental policy, and global perception of McDonald’s has reduced Chinese perception of the McDonald’s brand.The brand will continue eroding without action. †¢Impact to Market Share – POOR – McDonald’s will lose market share to KFC and an increasing number of domestic and foreign competitors offering diverse fast food and casual dining options. †¢Long-Term Sustainability – POOR – The dynamic changes in the purchasing power of Chinese consumers and the eroding brand perception will inspire them to purchase alternative products to those offered by McDonald’s. †¢Cost to Implement – SUPERIOR – McDonald’s will incur no additional costs than it is already incurring in the China market.Option 1: McDonald’s Concentrates on Efficiency, Convenience, and Environmental Responsibility. †¢Brand Perception – SUPERIOR – Increas ing supply chain efficiency, healthy food alternatives, clean/green/modern restaurant environment will make Chinese consumers perceive McDonald’s to be a vital, healthy, and responsible fast food alternative. †¢Impact to Market Share – SUPERIOR – McDonald’s will gain market share from KFC and other domestic and foreign competitors because its modern, energy efficient, and cost effective supply chain approach will allow McDonald’s to offer a superior product at a competitive price. Long-Term Sustainability – SUPERIOR – The efficiency of this new style of McDonald’s will enable it to keep profit margins higher during times of increased inflation and raw materials costs. This advantage will increase the sustainability of McDonald’s. †¢Cost to Implement – POOR – McDonald’s will incur significant capital expenditures costs to refurbish current restaurants, develop a more efficient supply chain p rocess, research healthier fast food alternatives that will prove successful in the Chinese market while maintaining McDonald’s brand identity as an American hamburger company.Additionally, McDonald’s will incur significant advertising expenditures as it campaigns to sell the new, green, and modern McDonald’s. Option 2: McDonald’s Concentrates on Sophisticated Dining Experiences †¢Brand Perception – GOOD – McDonald’s will increase the Chinese market’s perception of the McDonald’s brand by offering a more sophisticated dining experience worthy of higher prices and a continued characterization as a luxury brand. Impact to Market Share – FAIR – McDonald’s will enter a smaller and more specialized market with increased risks. While offering a more sophisticated and specialized food alternative will allow McDonald’s to charge a premium, there is a significant probability that this alternative will not catch on due to the increasing purchasing power of Chinese and ability to choose among casual dining competitors such as Pizza Hut and Rainforest Cafe.Long-Term Sustainability – FAIR – It is highly possible that the radical change in business plan suggested by option 2 will increase profits in the short-term as the new McDonald’s will be considered a novelty however, over the long-term, this novelty may wear off and significantly reduce the amount of returning customers. Cost to Implement – FAIR – McDonald’s will incur significant capital expenditures costs to refurbish current locations into more sophisticated casual dining atmospheres and significant advertising costs as the company campaigns to change the Chinese perception of McDonald’s from being a cheap and low class dining option to a sophisticated high-end establishment. Option 3: Fast Food Efficiency and McCafe Combination Brand Perception – EXCELLENT – McDonald’s brand perception will be maximized as it will offer a clean and green environment with fresh, fast, inexpensive, and healthy food in its flagship stores and a sophisticated and cool bistro cafe experience with interesting regional food options in its McCafe stores. †¢Impact to Market Share – SUPERIOR – McDonald’s will gain market share from KFC and other domestic and foreign fast food chains as it will offer a superior product at a lower price with an increasing corporate responsibility to have a low environmental impact.Further McDonald’s will steal market share from casual dining and coffee shop entrants as it works to make McCafe a market leader. †¢Long-Term Sustainability – SUPERIOR – Option 3 will foster superior sustainability through a strong brand perception of McDonald’s as a market leader in efficient and healthy fast food and cafe service. McDonald’s efforts to use its economies of scale to produce a very low environmental impact will keep its operating costs low and allow McDonald’s to price out the competition in the long-run while keeping margins high. Cost to Implement – POOR – McDonald’s will incur significant capital expenditures as it retools its supply chain and refurbishes its stores to operate more energy efficiently and with minimal environmental impact as well as advertising costs to convince Chinese consumers that it has corrected its prior missteps and has reinvented itself as a market leader in a new fast food space. VII. Recommendations Options 1 and 2 are not the best route for McDonald’s to pursue.In option 1 McDonald’s will seek to compete in only one market, the cheap fast food market. The more healthy, modern, and energy efficient approach will increase its brand perception, but at the opportunity cost of not exploring more casual dining marketing opportunities. By pursuing only option 2, McDonaldâ€℠¢s will compete only in the casual dining market but at the opportunity cost of the cheap fast food market that McDonald’s has been a world leader in.While option 2 will result in increased brand perception, the long-term sustainability of this option is unclear and may not justify the significant capital expenditures required to refurbish the company’s locations. While option 1 and 2 will both significantly increase McDonald’s brand perception, the increased costs of implementation and increased opportunity costs of foregoing other markets for a single market approach warrant that these options not be recommended.We recommend that McDonald’s pursue option 3 because it is a multi-segmented approach that utilizes McDonald’s current position as a market leader and focuses on expanding McDonald’s marketing footprint in the casual but sophisticated bistro/cafe space. Option 3, more than the other options, will increase McDonald’s brand pe rception and counter the growing sentiment in the China market that McDonald’s does not treat its workers fairly, does not offer healthy food choices, and does not strive to positively impact the environment.Following option 3 will reposition McDonald’s as a healthy and environmentally responsible fast food alternative. While this option will incur significant capital costs in the short-run, this option will allow McDonald’s to grow market share, price more competitively, and run a more streamlined operations that, in the long-run, will reduce operating expenses and lead to higher margins. As it will impact the problems McDonald’s faces in the case most effectively, we highly recommend that McDonald’s implement option 3 immediately. From HBS case, McDonald's Is China Loving it?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Comparing Of mice and men to the hunger games
It's a bit like the Hunger Games as they need ACH other as allies to survive. They would help each other and because Curlers wife knelt down beside him it's like she sees him as one of her own, like they are on the same level power wise. Will return to this image later on in my essay. We have been introduced to Curlers wife as the libertine featherbrain by the males on the ranch â€Å"Jesus what a tramp [George to Leonie]†the boys don't personally know her yet they are all prejudging her of her looks and the way she acts. This shows that the only way she has the power over the men is sexually.Not even Curler takes her seriously. She mess lonely and only wants to talk to the men so that she can relate to them and find a friend. The reason why the men would judge her so much is due to sexual frustration that is caused by her. This could also link back to the sass's as women we meant to just look pretty and pleasure their men. Not only that, they were seen to have no rights to th emselves. They couldn't vote, couldn't go off on their own, they had to marry the first man that asks and do his dirty washing for the rest of their lives.In Of Mice and Men, Curlers wife was viewed as †jail bait†this basically means that she's a trap that's being fished onto all of the men and trying to catch one unlucky sap to say he forced himself upon her. This could lead to being fired or being lynched. In the sass's all you needed to do was touch a women's dress and she could say you penetrated her and get you lynched in front of the whole town. This shows that the male characters were scared and threatened by Curlers wife due to her power of getting them killed or tortured.You've got to remember that these men were in an all-male society and this one woman comes in and to all these men she comes across like she's purposely sexually frustrating them. This could link back to power as it shows that the men on the ranch are weak when it comes to sexual tension. It c ould show how little they think of themselves. Another way that we know they are sexually closed up or more like insecure. All the males go to a ‘Where house†at the end of each month. The fact that they go to women who do it for a living and are paid to pleasure the males no matter what they look or are like on the inside.This shows that the males could be shy and insecure about intercourse. It doesn't show much emotion and the girls don't need to personally feel a connection between homeless and the clients. Just think of it like the end of the first hunger games; Jennifer Lawrence established a fake romance with Josh Hucksters to survive. Metaphorically, the prostitutes are Jennifer Lawrence as they are doing whatever they can to survive and it's just so happened that they could only get work in the ‘Hover house†.The males are josh Hucksters as they are weak and are supported in some way by the prostitutes. They are supporting the guys on the ranch by lett ing them release all of the sexual anger that builds up due to Curler's wife. The more you hear about it the more it comes clear that the men on the ranch are assumed to been seen as the lowest of normal society's power show. Although most characters have no recognized social power because of their low social class; they all try to absorb the little power each other has.For example; Crooks' nasty strike on Leonie is the best example upon this statement. â€Å"Expose George don't come back no more [Crooks to Leonie)†. Crooks was taking his knowledge and Lien's vulnerability and tried to seem more powerful. They are both outcasts drawn by people who tell them what to do; â€Å"yes ma'am†Crooks eying this to Curlers wife as it shows that she is the boss over him. Ma'am is used formally as the other guys on the ranch refer to her as â€Å"Curlers wife†. This show that Crook is powerless compared to her. She is holding the reins and Crooks is the horse.A horse is se emed to be a free beautiful creature but they are controlled by others showing that they aren't quite the same power as the rider but when they are by themselves they are the most powerful creatures around. This could represent crooks amazing as he is extremely powerful its only the color of his skin that hold him back. Like most colored people in the 1 ass's. Going back to the statement that previously wrote; while Leonie breaks the segregation rule of the sass's Crooks is feeling like it's his right to be the most powerful person in the room.Although he is colored it is also his â€Å"shed house†. It was the one place where he could be himself without having the pressure of society on his shoulders. Although you could argue that that Crooks having his own separate â€Å"shed house†is automatically reminding people of the society in the 1 ass's, but it is the one place you could see him happy. Compared to all the men living in the bunk souse he is living in a palace! His living conditions are so much better than the bunk house. He gets personal possessions. No one in the bunk house seems to have meaningful possessions but crooks does.Crooks has a whole room all to himself. It gives him some entitlement and a hope for some power. It gives off the power as he is the only person in the â€Å"shed house†it will only be disrupted when white people walk into his house. Like Leonie did. He was only fighting for his power like any person would if they felt intimidated in their own home. During the sass's if there was one slight thing rung with you; you would be viewed as an outcast. If you were mentally or physically disabled they would chain you up in a mental institution.If you were colored but mainly black they would lynch you for the color of your skin. You would be looked down on for the special qualities that made you. What IM trying to say is that everyone desperately wanted to fit in to society and be what was observed to be normal. The re are many ways this is translated in the book. Id personally have to say that the best way to show this in the book is the conversation Crooks and Leonie shared when Leonie kook away Crook's privacy when he entered his home; ‘ ‘They II take hay to the booby hatch †¦Tie you up with a collar like a dog' this shows that Steinbeck wanted everyone to know what would happen to the people who were unfortunate enough to be pushed to the bottom of the barrel. Booby hatch refers to a mental institution. Full of people who were looked upon as America's sins. It isn't a very pleasant thing to say but it was honest and that would've been quite lucky for Leonie and even Crooks! If Crooks stepped one foot out of line he would've been lynched for a fact! It goes on about saying hat they will tie him up with a collar like a dog; this gives us the impression of Leonie being pinned down like he has done something wrong.When in fact he hasn't done anything wrong. Once again this also links back to power when you see that dogs are pets, pets are meant to obey their owners. The owners being the powerful one in the situation. Leonie being the metaphoric dog shows that he has no power, he has to be the one to bow down. He is presumed to be the mute of the society on the ranch. In conclusion; people in Of Mice and Men were treated with abuse and prejudice. Most people were/ loud react differently depending on how they were treated; but they had to take it.
Learning from Mistake, Agree or Disagree
I don't like to make mistake. Everything to me has to be perfect because I felt that if one person made a mistake the first time, how they would be able to do anything. That is why learning from mistake is impossible to me. When you make mistake and try to learn something from your mistake, you will waste lots of things, ruin the way that people look about you. In addition, learning from mistakes will make you regret much. First of all, learning from our mistakes will waste you lots of things. You will waste your time because you have to do again everything that you did in the wrong way.It seems too hard to start something again which is done one time already. By doing again, you will feel bored and tired. Not only doing it over, but also, you have to find where you did it wrong and give yourself a lesson in order to prevent from making that mistake once more. Studying in this school is an example. If you failed, you had to spend 16 weeks in fall or spring semester and 8 weeks in sum mer semester. You have to study again. In addition, learning from your mistake will waste your money. Failing in this school is an instance.You have to spend lots of money on the subject that you failed to study again. Spending 75 US dollar for each subject in ELS program and 150 US dollar for each subject in AAS program is the result. In learning, you always have many chances to fix your mistake but how about in working, will you have any opportunity? In reality, the real world, you will not have second chance. Especially, in the business world, where everything is a competition, you do not have the time to learn from mistakes. So, you are forced to do everything completely.Even though you can learn from your mistakes, you do not have chance to fix them. It means that you will be going to end up your career. That is the reason why I don't like to learn from my mistakes. Secondly, in daily life, learning from mistakes will ruin the way that your friends and family look or feel about you. Everyone will look at you with a strange way if you learn from your mistakes. In addition, they will laugh at you as a silly person. Even though you learn from mistakes, they will make you feel uncomfortable. My cousin is as an illustration.She failed high school exam. She said to me that her old friends looked at her with their curious eyes; her neighbor and her relative always annoyed her with their questions. She seemly lost her hope though she had a lesson from her mistakes and knew how to overcome this hard situation. In life, learning from your mistakes will affect your job and your ability to success. When you work in a company and you always say that I have lots of experience from my mistakes. Then, you continue making mistakes. What will your boss and you co-worker think about your ability?Of course, they will suspect your capability. In addition, does the company want to hire employees that always make mistake and say that they learn a lot from their mistakes? In my point of view, people do not care about if you learn from your mistakes or not. They just look at your mistake because caring about your learning from mistakes dose not bring any benefits to them. In a company, the boss just wants to have perfect employees- hard working and aâ‚ ¬? no-mistakeaâ‚ ¬? employees. More over, your boss may think that if he allows employees to make mistakes, how will they ever learn?They will just keep on making even more mistakes. Further more, when you learn from your mistakes, people who do not like you will know where you are weak. It will be easy for them to let you down. They can seize your status in your company. Everything that you have will not belong to you any more. It belongs to people who want to harm you. So, learning from your mistakes will deteriorate yourself and bring disadvantages to your life. Thirdly, learning from mistakes will make you regret much. You may think that you do not willing to do any things that you face.You have not enough experience to overcome your challenges. Further more, you will be diffident when you face some hard situations. So, you do not concern much about what you are doing. Students who learn from their mistakes will be discouraged because they used to not to pay more attention to their study. They do not prepare any things for their future. In addition, felling ashamed and giving up their goal is the affect of learning from mistakes. The more complicated mistakes they learn, the more shameful they feel. To me, if I do something, you I will do it for a reason and I will not regret.I find that regretting is a bad way. If you know results that will not good for you, why donaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t you try to prevent that? To me, I before doing something will always attempt to think about what Iaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢m going to do first. In addition, I usually consider about the result of doing something. I ask myself that if doing some things will bring benefit to me or not. So, I may choose the way that will not make me regret. Right now, we are living in an achievement and success oriented world. So, a popular rule is whenever you do anything, try to do it right.That is why, to me, learning from mistakes is something unacceptable. In conclusion, I do not like learning from mistakes. Everybody can reduce as much mistake as possible. By preparing yourself and hard working, I believe that you can overcome everything in your life. In addition, do not think about learning from your mistakes because it just brings disadvantages to your life. It not only makes you spend lots of things, but also lays down the way that your relative look at you and makes you regret much. Hopefully, you will be strong and confident to overcome every hard situation.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Blackrock Essay
The Portfolio Analytics Group or (PAG) within Blackrock Solutions utilises Blackrock’s proprietary analytics tools and models, such as the Green Package reporting suite, to measure risk on both a security and portfolio level. This area immediately attracts me as this is exactly the roles and responsibilities that i am looking for with regards to an internship Summer Internship with yourselves. The PAG Analyst role is central in supporting Blackrock’s investment process, producing reports and analytics utilised by all areas of the firm, giving rise to a unique opportunity to see how all functional areas operate and link together. The role is also central in supporting BlackRock Solutions external clients across their investment process and risk management oversight. Therefore this does not only fulfil and provide insight into all the areas that i am so very interested and intrigued by, but also gives a much broader perspective to the wider functions of BlackRock. BlackRock is widely recognized for its disciplined investment process and rigorous risk management. Since its inception, we have focused on the assessment of security and portfolio-level risks for investment decision making as well as for efficient transaction execution. As a result, BlackRock developed an integrated suite of investment management tools that provide solutions to these many varied facets of the business model. All these points help to culminate together in understanding what attracts me personally to an internship with an industry leader such as yourselves. The way you operate as a firm, your corporate culture and identity, plus your track record and that fact that you are so highly regarded within your respective industry fields, all help to see why exactly i am attracted to an internship opportunity at BlackRock, a firm that truly encapsulates everything i am looking for with regards to my future and further professional learning, development, and career prospects.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sampling Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sampling Methods - Assignment Example For a health based proposal such as the one the researcher is currently working on, the population shall be made up of respondents from a hospital setting where the researcher shall have access to both care givers and service users. In this case, the care givers shall be nurses whiles the service users shall be the patients who receive care from the selected hospital. For a hospital as a research population site, there are certainly going to be a very large number of respondents that the researcher cannot interact with straight away. For this reason, a sampling method shall be instituted to select a hand-full of respondents. The sampling technique to be used shall be a purposive sampling technique. Generally, a purposive sampling technique is suitable for qualitative research as it offers the researcher the opportunity to select only a specified group of people whose description meet the variables set (Wolcott, 1994). Using a purposive sampling technique would ensure that the researc her does not interact with people whose presence may not be very meaningful to the research. The purposive sampling method shall be use by using the hospital folder of patients in an identified ward to select the best group of patients who meet the variables that will be outlined for the study. Commonly, purposive sampling is criticized for not guaranteeing internal validity because the researcher shall have some levels of manipulation of the respondents and could adjust the selection process to suit the hypothesis set (Trochim, 2006). This shall however be addressed by ensuring that an empirical data analysis technique is used. Ethical issues may also arise when respondents are forced to be part of the sample size once they are selected by researcher. This shall be addressed by ensuring that it is only respondents who express willingness to be part of the study shall be included.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Compare and Contrast three separate and distinct linux vendors of Essay
Compare and Contrast three separate and distinct linux vendors of workstation and server - Essay Example The cost of availability and after-sales support of the three vendors will also be analyzed. Most importantly, any hidden charges or licensing fees as required for subscription of Microsoft applications will also be reviewed. Finally, a recommendation in choosing Linux and the reasons behind preferring Linux over Microsoft will also be provided. Moreover, the feasibility in using Linux workstation and servers will be analyzed which will provide the key benefits that can be experienced by the enterprises. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 3 Introduction 4 Thesis Statement 5 Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 5 Red Hat Enterprise Server 9 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation 11 SUSE Enterprise Server 15 Oracle Linux Workstation/Server 18 Conclusion 21 References 22 25 Introduction Organizations around the world are looking for better alternatives to Microsoft due to the introduction of one of the most controversial licensing agreements in May, 2001. The licensing progr am was introduced to promote the rights and to ensure maintenance of software which was named Software Assurance (SA). The experience Microsoft had after the development of this licensing program made them stall the releases of other licensing programs subsequently. The variance nature of modern day industries did not accept the new program thereby, making the company to modify the program (BetaNews Inc, 2012). Business organizations typically are different from consumers which brought software without signing any contract. However, organizations required to enter into a multi-year volume licensing contracts. Prior to the release of this agreement, existing customers were provided a discount while upgrading their software based on their contract. However, new customers had to pay full price for the software intended to buy. With the introduction of SA, the customers had to pay Microsoft 29% of the full license price each year for upgrading desktop software and 25% for server softwar e. Furthermore, customers were required to buy the upgrade rights at the same time while purchasing the new software, before they actually needed it (BetaNews Inc, 2012). Thus, business organizations were facing lots of hardships with the new licensing agreement and therefore, started looking for better alternatives. In this regards, Linux is one of the most preferred options due to certain advantages possessed over Microsoft. For instance, Linux is an open source and free software which provided customers the opportunity to develop the visualization mechanisms to enhance the performances. Furthermore, Microsoft consumers who did not posses volume licensing agreement were not allowed to install software in virtual machines running on the same organizations. However, with Linux, users can deploy purchased software to multiple machines with no additional cost (Gabriel Consulting Group Inc, 2009). Thesis Statement The study will provide a contrasting analysis of Linux vendors, namely, Red Hat, SUSE and Oracle software on the basis of reliability, performance, application, support and training, availability and cost of ownership. Moreover, the study will define the best distribution of workstation and server of Linux among its vendors. Red Hat Enterprise Workstation Reliability Red Hat Enterprise assures users to provide the best in class applications
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Anne Boykin and Savina O. Schoenhofer's Nursing as Caring Theory Assignment
Anne Boykin and Savina O. Schoenhofer's Nursing as Caring Theory - Assignment Example The authors specifically state that nursing is not only a profession but also a discipline. Boykin and Schoenhofer (2010) claim that the Nursing as Caring Theory is a better framework to improve an individual’s understanding of caring as it particularly emphasizes the need of nursing knowledge to increase the care quality and patient safety (p.371). Since this knowledge comes from situations, the Anne Boykin and Savina O. Schoenhofer consider nursing situation as a key concept of the theory. In actual practice, this theory makes significant contributions to nursing practice, nursing administration, nursing education, and nursing research and development. The Nursing as Caring theory enhances nurses’ knowledge about caring their clients in creative and individualized ways in a situation-specific environment. In addition, as Purnell (2013) purports, this framework assists nursing administrators to develop and implement policies within the organization in order to improve operational efficiency and thereby to achieve higher degree of patient safety (p.371). Evid ently, a clear understanding of personhood contributes notably to nursing knowledge and education. This theoretical framework can be better used by researchers to explore the patterns of caring personality and improve the quality of the care delivered. Since Nursing as Caring is a grand theory, it can be applied to real life situations in collaboration with other nursing theories like Watsons theory of nursing or Orems theory of nursing. Today the growing number of clinical errors becomes a great threat to the medical field, and in most cases the issue is caused by the negligence of caring staff. Here the theory of Nursing as Caring can be applied to improve the situation because this theory greatly emphasizes the virtue of humanness in a caring environment. When humanness is valued greatly and considerable importance is given to care
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Case Study Example hat is also critical to note that management structure of the firm is largely de-centralized with Regional control exercised through regional hierarchy of management and structure is largely decentralized with strong delegation at the local level. Shell has extremely decentralized organizational environment wherein most of its subsidiaries work independently under the Regional control. As such the corporate governance issues that are faced by local subsidiaries of the firm. At the international scene, Shell therefore faced mostly the local corporate governance regulations and modeled itself according to the local regulations rather than forming a centralized corporate governance mechanism. It is however, also important to note that Shell has been criticized for the higher compensation of its executives and it was because of this reason that shareholders in 2009 rejected the executive compensation plan.(Lublin & Chazan,2009). Shell works in petroleum industry in which the overall cost of doing business is really high because of high cost of capital involved. Apart from this, the output in the industry is mostly dominated by the States wherein the direct control of oil resources is in the hands of the State. OPEC is the largest cartel in the world which controls the output of oil to be produced and as such industry is largely concentrated in nature. Shell Plc is the largest organization in the world in this industry however; major competitors included British Petroleum, Exxon Mobil as well as Total. (Hoovers, 2010). It is however, also important to note that competition is largely concentrated and firms are mostly price takers with little influence over the output as well as prices. Oil and Petroleum products are not manufactured rather they are minerals which are extracted from the soil. As such their presence depends upon the availability of reserves in any particular market therefore Shell has to operate at the international level in order to take advantage of
Monday, September 9, 2019
Three Original Combinations in Retail Markets Essay
Three Original Combinations in Retail Markets - Essay Example Murthi and Sarkar (2003. pp1344-1345) presented personalization framework for customers that comprises of learning matching and evaluation as per customer preferences. The combinations in retail stores should be planned carefully in such a way that they can be combined to present packages through personalization process that delight the customers given that the overall outcome fits a bigger picture in customer's mind. In the next section, three original ideas of combinations are presented. Verhoef (2003. pp32-33) proved the hypotheses that affective commitment positively affects customer retention. Personalization process effectively results in customers feeling connected to the firm and hence guarantees their long term loyalty. Combination 1: Consumer electronics, computers and furniture: This combination appears to be completely irrelevant with each other because all the three have different purposes and requires different sales skills. However, when viewed from personalization perspective now-a-days many consumers combine the computers & laptops with electronics items like televisions, cameras, handicams, surround sound systems, etc. and normally struggle with their integration aspects. If they are displayed with different integration combinations consumers can be delighted to get ready solution in one shop. Also, many consumers are concerned about the aesthetic combination of their computers, television sets and furniture - like type & look of chairs to sit & view digital cinema in flat screen TVs plugged into a laptop and surround speakers deployed around the chairs. Such aesthetics can be demonstrated by the sales people by building on the spot combinations. Combination 2: Sanitary items, Wall Paints, Furniture & Cupboards: This might appear to be irrelevant combination as well but can give lot of new ideas to consumers that are designing the interiors of their homes. A computer graphics operator can show various colour combinations of furniture, cupboards, wall & roof colors and flooring patterns. Customers can decide on the best combination quickly such that the appropriate package can be designed by selecting the right furniture/cupboard looks, wood (or metal polish), wall paints, roof paints, surface graphics, floor tiles etc. What might take weeks for customers to decide can happen in just a few hours. Such stores can also offer packaged services whereby all the items selected can be deployed at customer's home by single team of professionals having the view of the bigger picture. Combination 3: Wall paints, Art Paintings, Antiques, Carpets, and Wall Mountable clocks: Traditional customers are very particular about giving an artistic look to their homes with various tastes of matching among Wall Colors, Art Paintings, Carpets, Antiques and Wall Clocks. In this combination, the author imagines about a store where world class
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