Sunday, September 29, 2019
Wgirl Wboy
CASE STUDY ON WBOY AND WGIRL CALENDARS Case study refers to the collection and presentation of detailed information about a particularparticipant or small group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves. A formof qualitative descriptive research, the case study looks intensely at an individual or smallparticipant pool, drawing conclusions only about that participant or group and only in thatspecific context. Researchers do not focus on the discovery of a universal,generalizable truth,nor do they typically look for cause-effect relationships; instead, emphasis is placed onexploration and description. CASE ANALYSIS INVOLVES THE FOLLOWING STRATEGIES: ? Situation Analysis ? External Environment-Opportunities and Threats ? Internal Environment- Strengths and Weakness ? Key Marketing Issues ? Statement of Objectives ? Generation and Evaluation of Alternatives ? Recommendations ? Implementation Plan Situation Analysis: Luke Atkins, from Richard Ivey school of Business at The University of Western Ontario-a personinterested in raising fund for charity purpose, planned to launch Wgirl and Wboy calendars whichwould feature both male and female students of Western Ontario. Atkins previously had experiencein using calendars for fund raising purpose. He used pictures of his rugby team for it. Now he isconcentrating for charities like Breast Cancer Society (women) and Jesse ’ s Journey Foundation (men)for patients with neuromuscular disease. The university also provides free calendars for studentswho can use them throughout their academic career. Other than that there are potential buyers forLondon Fire fighters who also provide free copies which student use them for exam notifications,assignment reminders. Luke Atkins targets local business-primary focus on the students on campus. He has potential threatsfrom the competitors as well as the cost they provide for sale of each calendar, So Atkins mustprovide a calendar of such quality and price that would satisfy the needs of students on campus. Forthis he has to analyse the environment for marketing as well as the cost for production of eachcalendars, promotion through ads and Internet, 12 models for each calendar type, their salary basedon sales, and all other cost for post production works etc. Atkins has two formats in mind forpublishing this calendar. 6 page model and 28 page model both of varying cost, the latter one he isnot sure of producing it. He is short of time to accomplish this project; he has to approach thecharity first and had to frame a marketing strategic plan for generating funds to achieve his goal. External Environment: [pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic][pic]Opportunities: The experience that Luke Atkins has in the field of Calendar Marketing will be of high value forpromoting his new business plan. So he can get his previous customers and also he can generatenew set of potential customers with his experience. The fund raising activity is meant for charity well being, so there will be a huge set of customers whoare light hearted and willing to help the needy. This can bring enormous scope and opportunity forhis new product. By concentrating on students community Atkins can generate customers who were in link with thosestudents too (like relatives and friends) and the marketing circle widens and create moreopportunity. Atkins should find his workforces who were interested to serve the charity and get the maximumamount of work from them. This will be highly useful since there is no need for huge investment foremployer ’ selection. The profits can be shared as commission which will be very low whilecomparing salary or incentives. Advertisement on calendars regarding the charity and other useful information ’ s will attract thecustomers. Threats: Very short amount of time is only remaining to complete this new project plan. So each and everydecision must be accurate and quick to meet the requirements. The manpower that Atkins has is not sufficient. To perceive the complete benefit he should reactquickly and improve the workforce limit to a high number. Atkins faces a serious threat from the Western University free publication of calendars to students,and also from its competitors London Fire fighters and others who were issuing different varieties of calendars in an attractive price. Sexy and attractive models should be utilized only for charity and their pictures should emphasizethat. If it is a little vulgar to what expected then the whole project is in threat. Internal Environment: Strengths: Atkins experience in calendar marketing will be a great strength for him in facing difficult situationduring the process of his new calendar. The reason for fund raising is for charity purpose. So he can market his product more efficiently thanany other since there is a soft corner for everyone to help the needy. Since he is targeting the students, he get expose to huge customer group which will be useful tolaunch his new calendar effectively. [pic] [pic][pic]Selling his product $3 less than his competitor will be a great strength to meet his all requirements. Marketing through Student sales representative and advertising through student union and radiostation and internet will be of great importance and strengths for his products. Since students themselves turn out to be a model, there will be a direct customer relationship development which will influence the students and anticipate them to buy his product. A separate photographer to enhance the quality of te product will be an additional strength. Advertisement on calendars can be helpful to increase profit as well as customers. Weakness: Lack of time to accomplish Atkins project efficiently. Cost of production will vary according to different format which may influence in reduction of profit. Compensation for models will increase the cost of production. Return on investment is still not clear before product promotion. Feasibility of the project and different strategy for marketing are yet to be finalized. The profit generated should be more in order to help the charity as well as to compensate theproduction and wages expenses. The location of marketing is very competitive since there are many competitors who are wellestablished. Work force is not ready yet, and Atkins has to find them quickly. Production cost for promoting the product through student union and internet seem to be costly. Photographer charge and the time he takes for preparing designs turns out to be a serious matter of concern. Confusion in designing two different formats of calendars and their cost is also a major problem. The start up cost is also not very clear. Key Marketing Issues: The selection of models and start up production cost should be finalized for initializing the newbusiness plan. Potential customers should be identified for targeting the market. Cost of eachcalendar and its quantity in production must be beneficiary to the management. Since the cost of single calendar is rated for $12, and 1000 copies of 16 page format calendar rated $2500, the cost of production matters that Atkins should produce each calendar with high quality ( both for black andwhite or colour) in order meet the expectation and goodwill. The promotional events planned forlaunching this new calendar must be effective and there must be no compromise of cost allocatingfor that. Photographer should be hired more in numbers in order to get positive benefits in qualityas well as variety in the model selection for the calendar to be attractive. The manufacturer ’ s [pic]
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